The Doomer And The Decline of Society

The Doomer And The Decline of Society

Tantris Humble

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@max4furious - 18.11.2024 05:37

A lot happened to me during the pandemic that defined my struggle throughout the 2020s and I want to get that off my chest right now. I don't want to rant a lot in this comment, but things were looking great and that they could be better. But then the disease came and, not to cuss my heart out, screwed it all up. Generally speaking, verything I worked towards and had for years socially and in terms of health and so much that all meant so much to me was stripped away from me. I was only a junior in high school but Fall 2020 as a senior was when things got bleaker, worse, and led to me looking too much into things like this world and its landscape including myself within. I tried to fitting in and making things in life work time and time again, but every time it all collapses and falls apart. I am not mature enough to accept things quickly, but have gotten better at that. However, I cannot help but feel I am getting more and more disconnected from a large majority of people who see things the way I do as time goes on. The reality of the situation and world around us is possibly getting worse, or at least the way I see it. feel a small few can understand me which is fine, but it sucks. The good times won't always last as I am reminded in days or times like this one, and it's good to know that I am not exactly alone. Yet, I am. I hope to find myself back in a routine where existence doesn't feel so bleak, but living where I am in the United States, the time I find myself in college studies that I am currently taking the time of recovery and focus on certifications from, and people going their separate ways as well as not caring enough about me. Turns out they were artificial friends in the long run who happened to be in the same convenient location as me, fake like the content and environment the status quo and establishment have created. I am sick of it and need to eventually put my feelings towards something more meaningful. I want to be a part of a community that understands my frustration and where I come from, but at the same time I do not want to fall into the rabbit hole or echo chamber again that confirms my absolute negativity or cynicism when I could pretend to just be some guy like anyone else blissfully getting by and probably pull it off for a while. It's such a conflict, I feel a number of people see me as washed and wasted potential too, but I have at least tried to be some company. It's not often that people wonder how I'm doing unless it's family I'm personally, logically, and ideologically disconnected from because we're all different people, but it is nice that someone wants to check up on me. I would end that there, but if someone ever asked me what wojak I was, years ago when life was it it's worst I would've said doomer (I'm literally in the comment section of a video about that rn), but really it's been broken bloomer for quite some time. fml, hope things get better all around, circumstances for you too reading this especially. take care.

@ZenBen_the_Elder - 26.09.2024 10:20

The text of this essay is good, but it needs another technical edit to crop duplicate frames.

@matthewdolan5831 - 14.09.2024 10:07

Where is his female counterpart?

@ethanmcfarland8240 - 19.08.2024 18:28

Do not seek happiness

Seek satisfaction

@C12_Graphite - 13.08.2024 12:58

Doomers are just afflicted with the flame of frenzy

@TheOmnipresent - 12.08.2024 06:37

Well presented!

@Robb-y4t - 05.08.2024 20:04

Great video. Historically, only oracles and philosophers had the freedom to learn and ponder the nature of existence. Everyone else toiled just to stay alive.

With modernity now have the LUXURY of downtime or an existential crisis. Most people aren't equipped to be so philosophical because it can be really uncomfortable to consider topics like nihilism. Hence the birth of doomers.

Things aren't so bad, and even if they are. You're alive NOW so just have fun with it.

@Tulenoslav - 04.08.2024 13:16

I am a serious history nerd and when I say to people, that we work more than humans ever did in history and yet we get the least share of the wealth (except slaves of course) that’s being generated, they can’t accept it.
A simple fact. My theory is, that they can’t accept it, because their brain links it to the happy brain juice and says: ‘HE WANTS TO TAKE AWAY OUR IPHONE, OUR PRECIOUS’

@GrootGuitar - 01.08.2024 17:53

Loving your content, man. Stay awesome! 🤘🦖

@Lampshade2008 - 31.07.2024 13:40

As a doomer I find it sad when we lose fellow doomers it’s truely a sad philosophical out look on the world and I’m glad most ppl are starting to learn about doomer from a philosophical perspective

@seamusdoherty - 18.07.2024 14:13

Those Wojak videos are uncomfortably realistic 😢

@danityvanityinsanity - 14.07.2024 11:35

Life isn’t difficult. It’s our conditioning that’s made it so. We’re like the baby elephant that was chained to a tree by a thick heavy chain, but as the elephant grew older, the chain became a piece of rope and then a string. But the now adult elephant still doesn’t escapre from the tree because it thinks it’s still bound with that thick heavy chain!

@bleath2111 - 06.07.2024 11:18

This sounds stupid but I'll never be happy unless i can make enough money to retire my family i havent planned for any type of future other than money asap

@TheKingWhoWins - 05.07.2024 02:04

Appreciate it kind freindo

@thunderwolf2576 - 04.07.2024 16:57

Just listen to The Wall.

@Kakalanch - 04.07.2024 13:46

Nie ma za co, kolego (you're welcome ,bro)

@mackenzie305 - 03.07.2024 22:30

Am I the only woman who feels this way?

@FutureUnit - 03.07.2024 20:40

I like how this feels so similar to egoraptor sequelitis.

@montyturner6511 - 03.07.2024 03:40

Honestly,it really is a slowburn here.

While I try to be optimistic for my own sake,I do find moments where I'm asking myself questions.

What do I want to do with my life? Am I happy with the current life I live? How will you make friends when you don't know how to outside of the internet?

I'm tired of feeling the slowburn of days feeling like the same. And yet,theirs very few things to do about it.

@walterlippmann4361 - 03.07.2024 02:07

why does that one guy drink so much Monster ?

@GriefTourist - 01.07.2024 23:03

If I was attractive everything wouldn't seem so much nicer....probably

@AddictiveSin - 01.07.2024 04:21

You being on fire does not make me happy to get caught in a bear trap. Great video!

@aliwright1016 - 01.07.2024 03:01

A skull on the desk may not always indicate, 'doomer'!

There is much written, (by Castaneda, for1..), on the subject of viewing the figure of our death as a friend, an advisor, ie, you don't wanna meet him too soon so .."live well", basically ..
Also that death walks by your side all your life, advising you but never desiring to take you too soon...

@daviddavidson7851 - 01.07.2024 02:07

Wojack didn't come from a polish imageboard wojack is an edit of The troll face which is an edit itself of the EFG (Epic fail guy meme)

@5poopy - 01.07.2024 01:13

I've always hated the term "it is what it is". Complacency makes me mad. Like, why doesn't anyone want shit to be better? Why not try to make it happen?

@marsoblivi0n945 - 30.06.2024 22:29

The scream has always made me feel relaxed and relieved.

@darkskinwhite - 30.06.2024 22:19

I'm not a nerd, I've never had a problem with women, & I don't relate to most people my age, but i must say I definitely relate to the feeling like I'm supposed to be somebody or something & somehow I ended up feeling trapped like a ghost watching the world go on without me.

@bendaniels1235 - 30.06.2024 21:49

"As a philosophy, pessimism hardly needs a defense. If anything needs a defense, it is life itself. And there is no shortage of defenders; it is enough to take a walk around any bookstore to see that there are entire sections dedicated to positivism and self-help. Thousands of books and millions of words that seek to convince us that happiness is possible, that success and well-being are in our hands. That we have power. That we can achieve what we want. That we can succeed and we can win at life, because life is good and worth living. Look closely at what they tell us: life can be won. It seems to me that, without realizing it, these optimists do nothing more than confirm what every pessimist already knows: that life requires effort and that it is a constant struggle and sacrifice; that it is a contest, a confrontation, something that must be 'won', whatever that might mean. On this point, Schopenhauer's sentence is overwhelming: if life was designed for our happiness, then it was poorly designed, because everything in life seems to shout loudly: death, pain, illness, sacrifice and endless struggle."

- Ignacio Moya Arriagada

@Hiighmeow - 30.06.2024 17:44

Incelmax video

@KickcomLILWHOOPINSBOY - 30.06.2024 15:53

Polish pickles go hard

@Hoshionifumo - 30.06.2024 15:26

passion must be rediscovered. money must be taken out the equation. america was founded on ideas of you did not need money to live. courage must be rediscovered.

@Faus4us_Official - 30.06.2024 09:35

"I wish we lived in a world where people did what they loved. I'd love to see you grow and prosper. What are we doing as individuals? As a species? I get the feelings of despair, hopelessness, and insignificance. We are humans in a vast universe. We naturally feel isolated the further we explore, the deeper we dig. This has led us to neglect insight, ourselves. We become entangled in the web of modern society. Strip away everything about yourself. Every idea, notion, characteristic, deed, aspiration, etc. Free yourself from the web psychologically. What is left? What do you plan to do with that? What separates you from that?

When you utilize the inherent ability of transmutation that lies within you, you will be able to turn mountains into flat plains. You will see waves rise and fall yet the ocean remains. You will speak, read, and write the language of Symbolism again. I believe we all once did as children. It was our first language. Furthermore, the human being itself is a symbol. A human being is a symbol of the universe, not a product of it but an integral part of it. We are reality in human form to my understanding.

There is also nothing abnormal in all of the universe to my knowledge. Everything is completely natural. The ingredients or circumstances required to make any abnormality happen are due to natural processes. There is nothing unnatural in the universe. There has been no accident. The entire universe was, is and always will be. The only constant seems to be change.

It is an organism of sorts, this universe. It is alive. It is not an artificial machine. We are akin to the cells of its body and the unconscious agents of its psyche. We are it and it is us, forever. Modern science as well as ancient esoteric traditions point to this. I have found it in various forms within nearly every religion I have studied. It is found across the entire planet and across time. Several things are clear to me. I'll list a few.

1. Humanity doesn't see Mankind through the humans.

2. Humanity doesn't hear the cosmic song through the silence.

3. Humanity doesn't see the space between all things as the bridge that connects all things.

4. Humanity has never been civilized.

5. Humanity has been engaged in a civil war for millennia if not longer.

6. Humanity is a race of many flavors, colors, ways, views, etc. We are a planetary people.

7. Humanity is connected in a way it never has been. We do not recognize the potential of the Internet to be a means of achieving international solidarity. We can bypass a liason.

8. Humanity has no common goal beyond appealing to immediate needs and desires.

9. Humanity is being held back by itself. It would seem this is either due to willful ignorance or blatant divisionary action. Both of which result in division, tribalism, and unnecessary violence.

10. You all deserve honesty.

As I said before, I'd love to see you grow and prosper. Someone will understand what has been said. Others will view it as nonsense. We aren't transmuting the adaptations we have attained into unified efforts towards a common goal. Well, save for slaughtering, enslaving, and maiming each other for power.

There is only one way this game ends. One person will stand atop the mountains of corpses that were once their brothers and sisters. This person will claim to have won. They will shout "victory" for the entire world to hear. There won't be anyone else left to listen. This is madness. Surely, this is worth opposing? It's what I live for. I haven't always been this way either. I flew out of the Abyss. Now, I'm sharing what I've found woth others when given the opportunity. The people in this video, the Doomers, have a purpose. They've already questioned the systems. Now, you just need to act.

All of you deserve honesty. We're doomed if we sit by. We at least have a chance should you choose to stand together as fellow humans. Our nature is to be. Let's be well together or die trying. This is not the best Mankind can do. Don't let anyone fool you into believing that we are the best Humanity has ever been. This slides us into negligent comfort and a false sense of superiority. The best we have to offer is yet to come. It will only arrive if we stand together as a race, a people, and a planet. A race united in spirit by a common cause. It happens right here, right now. Waiting for it will only keep you in limbo until you die never having tasted it once. Liberate Mankind from their golden shackles."

- a human

@jonyngvesyland5461 - 30.06.2024 05:14

gonna be good to see more gen alpha arrive at some point. weird family dynamics on the horizon.

@haydenbrewer4128 - 30.06.2024 04:40

Pleasantly surprised with the video. I thought this was going to be another bashing on single, lonely, and depressed dudes, but no. It was actually very sympathetic and understanding.

@AquaBlueTea - 30.06.2024 02:40

Your little character dude looks like how egoraptor used to draw himself for his sequelitis videos. Seems like a lot of your style of jokes come from those videos too. Cool

@MasonMorgen - 29.06.2024 20:28

That Edward Norton narration got me.

@Potter5757 - 29.06.2024 19:03

I have a wonderful girlfriend and and a job I somewhat enjoy. Yet, the doom surrounds me like the smoke from this cigarette

@VINTAGE1959 - 29.06.2024 19:00

For those who are Doomers, get off of social media, stop listening to mueic that will negatively effect your mind, eat healthy, live healthy, find hobbies and purpose. If you try these things out for a long duration of time, i promise you, your life will be much better.
I woulr know, because i was like that myself and i got out.

Be careful of the media you watch. Youd be surprised how much it really can effect you. Stop watching 'literally me' type of movies, and watch content, movies show and other media that is wholesome and family friendly. Watch The Andy Griffith show or classic disney movies. Idk. Whatever uplifts your spirit and gets you in a better mood.
Do the same with music. Do not listen to junk like Nirvana, linkin park, most rap and hip hop, or anything like them.

@trydowave - 29.06.2024 18:30

Yes.... yes it is

@poelogan - 29.06.2024 14:41

How you’re not at 100k yet baffles me.

@50-50_Grind - 29.06.2024 12:47

Memes are dumb.

@robmusorpheus5640 - 29.06.2024 04:35

Well done.

@througtonsheirs_doctorwhol5914 - 29.06.2024 01:54

O.K. was an early MEME in the 1800s, All Correct, was said Owl Korrect, becoming OK.
Now it is innocuous to our day to day likfe, no day goes by without an "OK".
Owl Korrect XD

@througtonsheirs_doctorwhol5914 - 29.06.2024 01:52

The Doomers... a product of the 1970s decline, Sex Pistols movie avbout Sid Vicious shows a lot of it in the 70s' arhetype. In the 1980s it was peak , because kids couldn't connect with same-minded people on the internet. It has became easier in modern time with the internet, doomers can talk with others. In the 1980s they were isolated. You got it better now ;)

@jollygrapefruit786 - 29.06.2024 01:06

This reminds me of an old Egoraptor video. Nice stuff kid.

@enzoarayamorales7220 - 29.06.2024 00:31

The more I look at people of my generation online the more I realize I’m pretty lucky compared to most other people yet still this sense of pessimism catches onto you the more time you spend online so I think maybe I should stop.

@Superstumpgrinder64 - 29.06.2024 00:30

Blog dude's life is a case-in-point for mindset making a difference.

He has lots of stuff going for him, but actively chooses to be miserable because he thinks actually taking joy in anything is for the stupid.

This shit is all cope from someone who thinks hes way smarter than he actually is, and feels entitled to a different life due to his inflated ego and chooses resentment instead of risking the narcissistic injury of admitting hes kind of just a regular guy.

Also... >be me

@killy374 - 29.06.2024 00:05

doomer was cool in 2018-2021 , you're late to the fucking party
