Tribute to Areeb Jamal

Tribute to Areeb Jamal


3 года назад

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@20nismit - 28.04.2021 21:07


@shreyanshsrivastava2204 - 28.04.2021 21:13

Rest in Peace Areeb sir, we lost a gem. He had a great knowledge, which is almost a dream for any developer to have at such young age. He will continue to inspire us for working hard and building a strong helpful community. Please god keep Areeb with you with lots of love and care. Lots of respect and love to Areeb sit🙏❣

@alfkh - 28.04.2021 21:18

thank u mario for taking the time to recognize areebs contribution. i fully & wholeheartedly stand by your observation of Areeb. All of us in Foss asia will sorely miss him.

@FahadMasood - 28.04.2021 21:31

RIP Areeb Bhai 💔

@educationalvideos3429 - 28.04.2021 22:11

Areeb bhai was a great help especially to his juniors. May Allah grant him jannath

@yashavkumar5721 - 28.04.2021 22:12

RIP sir

@mohd.amanzaidansari2625 - 28.04.2021 22:34

He was very helpful to his collage juniors. I was one of them, his loss is painstakingly heart breaking.

@omarraghib905 - 28.04.2021 22:54

May his soul rest in peace!

@demystifiedworld9189 - 28.04.2021 23:09

May Allah Pak make his journey easier, and give his family peace! Aameen Unfortunately couldn't attend his workshop this time.

@bladesnyne - 28.04.2021 23:13

Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi rajioon

@PadmalBlogger1992 - 28.04.2021 23:34

Rest in peace Areeb...

@minhajabidin - 28.04.2021 23:35

May Allah swt forgive him and engulf him in his never ending mercy. May we meet again in best of the places and with best of the company. Ameen.

@saeemansari5922 - 28.04.2021 23:44

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiuun....
Minha khalaqnaakum wa feeha nuidukum wa minha nukhrijukum taratann ukhra

@aamiralam5201 - 29.04.2021 01:25

Allah maghfirat ata farmaye, Ek bhut hi behtareen dil ka saaf dost. Miss you friend 😢.

@laxmanjonchhen6593 - 29.04.2021 05:38

Rip Areeb

@varshneyshubham - 29.04.2021 06:54

I met Areeb about 13 years ago... and we became friends. As a friend, I saw his struggles and trust me when I say that he never yielded. Yes he was a fighter and I was utterly shocked to hear the news. I remember his humour, intelligence, generosity. There was no one better than him in what he did. We studied together during school and I could see how much he loved coding and developing apps. He was so passionate that even I was inspired and started to make some apps... That's the kind of impact he had on those around him. I just hope he is in a better place now. A single comment with a few lines will never be enough, as he was more than met the eyes. There will always be a void and little or more, I'll definitely miss him. This is a huge loss.

@polyglotdevcalebyang - 29.04.2021 09:11

Rest In Peace Areeb! Hope his life of open sharing and honesty to impact technology carries on.

@iamfarazahmad1 - 29.04.2021 18:30

Areeb will always be remembered. His contribution to the world shall live throughout!

@askustv - 30.04.2021 20:01

Rest in peace Areeb Jamal. You were truly genius in your studies since school days.
