Thomas James - Investing

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@kcflyfishing902 - 11.02.2022 07:42

We own the float don’t sell them any we will control the price

@jerrymoore7995 - 11.02.2022 07:42

In my opinion I think if you have enough shares everybody should hold one share for every $10,000 increments up to 100,000 or more starting at 1000 and then 10000 and then 20,000 and then thirty thousand and so on

@fidelguerrero7140 - 11.02.2022 07:46

Most likely SEC will not let this get out of hand SEC will stop it for 10 days everyone will FoMo in at open after 10days close the stock again for 10 days but even by then more people will be waiting to buy in when it opens up Feds will have to bail hedge funds out 🤷‍♂️ but One Fact I Know is Apes Will get their Tenddies you see how strong Apes are they can't break us 🦍🦾📈🚀💯k 🤑To The MooN 💎🙌

@i-yell-a-lot4906 - 11.02.2022 08:02


@TCB690 - 11.02.2022 08:09

No paper handed bitches!! 1 TRILLION A SHARE 🤤🤤🤤

@animated000 - 11.02.2022 08:30

I have 4 stages

New Hope Luke: $500. Just enough to get me out of danger

ESB Luke: $1000. Enough skill to change battles, command troops and move forward with confidence

ROTJ Luke: $2000. Evolved. Top tear level. More than capable

Mandalorian Luke: $10k. yeah, I'm retired

@karlos1974 - 11.02.2022 09:52

I reckon it'll be a mix of c and d.

@Paulakanyutu - 11.02.2022 09:58

AMC growth is absolutely the craziest i've ever witnessed! I have always hoped to invest in AMC stocks one day but the thought of doing so without enough knowledge of the stocks market makes the whole thing less attractive to me. One cannot afford to lose any money in this

@o0SayNoMore0o - 11.02.2022 10:42

At the moment I have 400 AMC shares at an average share price of $21.39.

I'm looking push my average share price down to $19s, I'll be happy at $19s.
AMC will drop to low $17s today (11/02/2022).

@todpatn9782 - 11.02.2022 11:24

300 a share won’t bankrupt them

@Pierremontquaker03 - 11.02.2022 11:58

Tipie top - love it :)

@walterbruce9141 - 11.02.2022 12:20

People will be kicking themselves in few weeks if they miss the opportunity to buy and invest in Bitcoin as it's retracing,

@normanmckellar3307 - 11.02.2022 14:30

Again,if Gensler will get off his ass and force hedgies to follow the law,the hedgies won't be able to use dark pool and synthetic shares and every illegal tactic they have in their bag.When the squeeze happens they will be over run and will not ba able to drive the price down

@williammora88 - 11.02.2022 15:07

You going to create a ton of bag holders if this doesn't go passed $500 lol

@charliekirksloosebutthole4104 - 11.02.2022 15:47

How bout we get and hold $20 first my guy!!!

@itz_Philipp - 11.02.2022 15:51

I think teh Fibbonacci levels come into play for me? I moght try to day trade this so I would short it it on the way down and buy it when its going up all based on fibb levels and teh very similar pattern all the other short squeezed had in the past.

@208gk - 11.02.2022 15:59

Let’s just get back into the mid $20/$30 and make a video like this lol.

@brucey2166 - 11.02.2022 16:12

Scenario E - Its going to look like a roller coaster. Sharp initial squeeze, by FOMO buyers and small short covering, large dips from paperhand sellers, further margin calls for mid hedge funds followed by more selling, giant candles from more liquidations and bigger sells. Its gonna look like an ekg machine not a nice up and down.

@alanbaker8659 - 11.02.2022 16:22

You should talk about what happens when vanguard and black rock both sell at once

@alanbaker8659 - 11.02.2022 16:23

Can you discuss market vs limit orders during this squeeze please?

@Plantedbetta - 11.02.2022 16:31

I’m only saving 100 shares for the moon 🌝

@therealJohnSmith - 11.02.2022 16:36

The squeeze isnt going to last longer than a week. Ive seen some people saying that it could last a few weeks or months and I dont think that will happen because the SEC and all involved will not want the coming volatility and spikes to prevail for a long period of time. They will look to settle all matters as quickly as possible. There will be a rush to close short positions once we start to run. No new shorts will enter as no one will be lending out shares as the volatility would be insane. Imagine opening a short position at $500 and a few hours later the price is at $750. I think (and I could be wrong) the squeeze will last 3 or 5 days possibly even sooner. The longer the squeeze goes on for, the more likely it is to get out of control. The SEC, FINRA, DTCC etc cannot afford for this to get out of control. The longer you leave a fire, the bigger it gets (provided it has fuel).

The managed squeeze scenario proposed by Lou makes sense. I think the powers that be press the big red button to launch armageddon. Armageddon then goes on for a few days and is then over. I think scenario C in the video is most likely.

NB. The counter to the afore-mentioned managed squeeze scenario would be that this wont be a managed event and the price will go where ever it goes and for how ever long. This could also be the case.

@macdaddy9340 - 11.02.2022 16:39

I'll be happy to see it pass $30

@Enzo-sv3oi - 11.02.2022 16:40

If I was running a small fund, I would start to cover ASAP, before getting margin call... Then I would go LONG on $AMC ASAP, even if it should be on margin... 🤣 🤣 🤣

@Ibidem4 - 11.02.2022 16:41

TKLF 🚀🚀🚀 comeback of the year? Ipo dropped over 90% in the first 5 days.. look it up

@hannahgreyhound1371 - 11.02.2022 17:39

My portfolio has good companies, however was red all through last year. My first year of investing and have been down 35% in the March/April sell off, and now down 17% in the last sell off. I work hard for my money, so investing is making me a nervous sad reck. I don't know if l should sell everything and just sit and wait.

@pilotrobroy - 11.02.2022 17:48

Pardon any errors in the message, I’m using dictation while I drive. I think one of the aspects of the squeeze that is being overlooked is the impact on all the other companies that are heavily shorted. This is not AMC is the only stock that has the chance to squeeze, but it is the best stock and ass a chance to squeeze. It’s movement is going to take numerous other companies with us as the hedge funds lose complete control. Look at the relationship between AMC and GameStop. What we need to consider with the brackets and the total money to available to pay is all of these companies are going to be seeing increases and share price due to the aggressive over shorting and synthetic shares of the hedge funds across the market. What are the top 10 most heavily shorted stocks? And would it be possible for one of those other shorted stocks to be the igniter that launch is this?

@pilotrobroy - 11.02.2022 17:52

I agree with most of your assumptions about how this is going to happen. I like the sawtooth pattern step up push down step up push down however I suspect that that segment of the initial push will still have some upward slope to it as each small little peak is at a subsequent high relative to the previous one. And then when you hit that tipping point and you lunch it’ll be from a higher position. I also think that the subsequent return to earth most likely be down to the price range that we’re in currently if not lower. And that would be respective of the fundamentals. If I make bank on this, when it drops again you can Count on me buying AMC out of a sense of gratitude and loyalty to Adam and Erin and the company that would be overwhelming on my part and probably shared by many apps

@darrellsparks9275 - 11.02.2022 18:32

Let's go baby 💪✊

@impossibledoc6873 - 11.02.2022 18:32

This shit is straight up scary and dangerous. But at the same time its interesting. Im not selling low though. I wonder whats gme peak will be its less diluted and already in the hundreds. Lord im seeing over 100k for sure with them

@Mora41 - 11.02.2022 18:41

Loves the words 'Tippy Top'' @:)

@impossibledoc6873 - 11.02.2022 18:42

I think they are going to eventually lock the buy button to the average people and keep it open in the dark pools for them the buy back. we don't have access to the dark pool but they do. If that do happen and people talking about day trading or buying at dips after selling and try to buy back in instead of holding to high numbers and then sell you will be in for a treat especially when everyone is saying there is no real shares going out there at the moment- it will cancel out fakes and it still wont be nothing to buy- you will def screw yourself if you thinking like that towards the squeeze.

@mperrymond - 11.02.2022 18:42

Keep in mind the hedge funds can’t cover at 300 unless apes are selling real shares for that price

@jameslassiter1004 - 11.02.2022 20:38

What about a Government Controlled MOASS? Lots of controlled Stops....

@TheArgosReed - 11.02.2022 21:17

I’ll hold my shares till we’ll past $10,000 per. share.

@ElectricIguana - 11.02.2022 22:47

I'll never get used to a grown man unironically saying the words, "tippy-top"

@owenbrandy7248 - 12.02.2022 01:06

After a successful investment you have nothing to worry about, whether the rise and fall of economy or anything won't affect you, make your future brighter, by making good investment! Wondering if viewer's here are familiar with Julia's trading strategy?

@kyliephillip43 - 12.02.2022 01:24

I'm no longer waiting for the stimulus check
because I earn $22,000 every 14-16 day's🚀

@stoplying2267 - 12.02.2022 08:38

All those shares big companies have bought to help the Hedges, it will look like C!

@angelchicago007 - 12.02.2022 20:24

This is sooo exciting..!! I just took the fear out and am patiently waiting and planning how to move the winning afterwards

@MLEPOS1 - 13.02.2022 03:43

No way on A. C is more likely!

@tonymontana6368 - 13.02.2022 05:16

50k the floor

@richardhartlejr - 14.02.2022 07:08

B - controlled squeeze

@gilbertfong - 15.02.2022 04:47

So when will the squeeze run? Tomorrow next day next week next month summer winter next year?

@barbaraty8921 - 23.05.2022 18:44

Mrs Maureen is legit and her method works like magic I keep earning every single week with her new strategy

@GxGNoir - 28.05.2022 08:49

Scenario C makes sense it’s basically what has been happening the whole time
