Fred Wilson: 10 Ways to Be Your Own Boss

Fred Wilson: 10 Ways to Be Your Own Boss


12 лет назад

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@damianrork97 - 04.03.2014 20:20


@KenHarshbarger - 10.03.2014 01:47

Nice presentation, Fred.  It's good to see some small, unique, interesting and inspirational examples of the entrepreneurial spirit.  

@VtRD - 04.09.2014 15:02

Sharing this video with my network. The business climate is just so toxic in so many companies, people need to take control and use their talents, and work for No One except the final customer.

@Ronnylim4878 - 25.12.2014 12:58

Great presentation

@jonathanfleming7981 - 11.04.2015 03:26

You don't have to be the next Bill Gates nor Mark Zuckerberg, but it's cool if you do become incredible in your own way. Building a great company is about your passion and genius not what the gurus or society thinks you ought to be in life. Live and surrender to your passion! Life is short live inspired

@SharlenesJourney - 12.11.2017 19:38

Its hard to walk away from it but I want to do it sooo badly I think the first step for me is to start by saving my money and then investing it back

@TheToadChild - 18.02.2018 15:23

I love that he brings up Twitter. Let your employees breathe and create their own thing. Do not be afraid of change!

@noelleashleyweinberger8451 - 03.07.2018 23:36

It really is up to YOU, like your belief in yourself. The bottom line is, there is no two of you. YOU have value. Good stuff.
I was just going to mention marriage. My husband and I have beautifully combined our skill sets to have several businesses. For us, its been magic.

@noelleashleyweinberger8451 - 03.07.2018 23:47

I'm so the project entrepreneur! I love Foursquare's story....
