BOLBR: Army Armament 1911 GBB gel blaster review

BOLBR: Army Armament 1911 GBB gel blaster review

Low Guido's Chop Shop

11 дней назад

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@calnky - 01.03.2025 02:47

Army Armament reminds me of old English motorcycles - the “first service” always required a full rebuild.

@drewmurray6480 - 01.03.2025 05:43

Was that clear thing that came in the box a included speed loader and i picked up a double bell g18 c and the safety bar is stuck in the fire position and won't move even with a flat head to assist any ideas

@drinkordie8349 - 01.03.2025 06:56

I think the manufacturer make the nozzle like that because their try to circumvent the law. I mean if the toy gun have color or 1:1 scale compare to the real one, it must not able to shoot anything, even gelball

@JettHinde - 01.03.2025 22:21

Mad respect for leeaving the true content in. So many gbb are like this, terrible qc straight out of the box they require so much tinkering just to get it to work. and unless your fairly experienced and financially comfortable youll onlt frustrate yourself buying wrong parts or breaking things you didn't mean to break. To be fair rifles are similar but with the new MOSFET aps geadboxes and the xyl mosfet ones now days not really, spend 4 to 5 hundred and your happy as lary but then grab a gas blow back and pay the same for a paper weight.
Ive bought most gas blow back pistols as they were released from aps to well to double bell and posidon and THE only pistols that have been reliable and worth its value is the we tech glocks.

@juicebox-wp6mi - 02.03.2025 06:35

will you be going over the aztech gels when they come out?
