I Spectated A CHEATER Who Updated His HACKS Mid-Game in Overwatch 2

I Spectated A CHEATER Who Updated His HACKS Mid-Game in Overwatch 2


1 год назад

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@gavinngo86 - 03.02.2024 06:43

Why is the mei wall going up twice ?

@ladislavkaras1760 - 24.01.2024 14:59

That's not even bronze 5 that's like tinfoil 8

@devilchomps3295 - 22.01.2024 04:35

I love how he walks back and forth in a straight line when he shoots, like that will totally throw off an enemy's aim

@Jihadbearzwithgunz - 25.12.2023 05:50

Love to see it when the cheater keeps just getting rolled..

@zhuzh3l1c4 - 29.11.2023 11:41

why do cheaters always choose soldier and not sojourn, there are powerful projectile cheats, and her rail gun can just bombastic orbital strike from another planet, and the ult is actually useful to aimbotters

@mylan4742 - 24.11.2023 19:15

I really don’t get he whole “why visor?” thing. Why not visor? It will still lock on, make him less suspicious - granted probably not in this case - and it will give him a quicker reload… it’s not like turning on the visors aimbot turns off the normal aimbot, they can and do co-exist if you pop it. There is literally no reason not to - except maybe the fact that it makes you a bigger target, but c’mon, this is silver.

@georgejohny4800 - 07.10.2023 03:14

I am a low tier player (I recently started playing overwatch 2 and I got my tank rank as S2 this season). I have played fps games before and there is big difference in overwatch and other fps games. The team composition matters a lot in Overwatch 2. For example in Valorant if there is a cheater with hacks, that person is going to be dominating the entire lobby. we are talking about 60+ kills or something. Valorant does need gamesense but if your aim is cracked then... you probably don't need gamesense. Which is why Valorant is so rewarding for hackers.

In case of games like Overwatch 2, the team composition and gamesense matters a lot. That's the reason why if the hacker has got shit gamesense and just has cheats, they won't survive in overwatch 2. This is what I think

@RealSnarb - 14.09.2023 17:56

Having tried playing against the aimbot bots, yes, it's very much like this

@JoyousPeas - 10.09.2023 20:26

Every ball must assemble to roll (both figuratively and literally) the enemy cheater whenever it is suspected. We also accept Doomfists and Shellbepbop Rein solo shatters. DPS-wise please pick Sombra to test their walls or aim when u go invis. Or just diff them. Just bully them.

@gaolen - 06.09.2023 19:06

i play a lot against ai to practice, and no, they stick together and play as a team and actually make decent choices.... this guy is dumber than the ai

(although once i had a junkrat ai on my team who tired the enemy spawn before the doors were even open)

@ievaday - 29.08.2023 13:54

While I don't deny that cheaters alt+tab to update their settings, I feel like calling it alt-tabbing everytime they stop moving in the game is incorrect. Maybe they're typing "lol" or sh*ttalking the other team. The person who submitted the clip said they wrote to the other team, so they had to stop sometimes to respond

@StandStillAndSeeWhatHappens - 28.08.2023 17:47

I think the reason cheaters pop visor, is because the gun will almost instantly reload. But even then, its kinda useless

@Something125_ - 28.08.2023 08:09

He’s got an OW1 event-exclusive skin. He’s either just bought an account or he’s been here for a long while.

@thespiffingsith6317 - 23.08.2023 00:29

Game sense? Is that a new aim bot software - this guy probably

@MrTrash. - 19.08.2023 18:20

I mean doesnt blizzard try to put stacks against stacks? If the submitter was in a 4 stack with friends this game, they called the cheater out and his teammates said "lol" its likely that they are in a stack with him, right?

@original_demonic - 19.08.2023 02:32

I’m a new player, ish. I’ve known OW since 2016, and I wanted to play it, but only did at the launch of OW2. I’m currently at silver 5, which isn’t very high, but I’m climbing pretty steadily now, usually with a win ratio of 5-1 or 5-2, as a Mercy/DVA/Torb (I wanna be a Jack of all trades instead of a one trick pony). That’s probably one reason my climb has been slower, because I’ve been learning several characters based on what the team needs in Open Queue, though I’m best at Mercy rn.

I have better game sense than this guy does. I know that as a mercy I need to stay moving constantly and my main goal is monitoring vitals and sticking to the group. Battle Mercy only comes out during Valkyrie while the team is good without me. Also when you’re supporting a 1V1, constheal isn’t the worst thing you can do. Stay out of the line of fire as much as possible, and focus on keeping their health up, they’ll do more damage alive. As a Torb, turret needs to be in an inconspicuous or unusual place, and you need to keep remembering to constantly overclock. Also headshots using his gun is extremely easy when on high ground, and 1V1s against any hero are possible as a Torb. Also, your ult doesn’t have to kill, it can be used as a barrier to keep people back, and creating an overtime buffer or a time buffer. As a DVA, rely on supports. Take all damage you can and when you become out of mech, that’s when you fall back and just keep shooting. Your bullets have a delay and short reload therefore you have the ability to just keep shooting next to supports. An out of Mech DVA is more valuable than a dead one. Also when ulting, save and launch. Find a spot where they won’t be able to spot mech until it’s too late or a place they can’t run. Don’t pop immediately, just wait for “the moment”.

The biggest thing, an alive player is worth more than a dead one. If you need to disengage, do it. If you don’t think you can take on what you need to, wait and group up. Don’t ever stay in the same place. Don’t expect people to save you, but expect your supports to be competent. Expect to be the worst player on the team, and hone the skills of what you want them to be. Wanna be a good defender, work on using shield or knock back. Wanna be a good damage dealer, work on aim and quick movement. Wanna be a good healer, focus on not being the hero (I know, we all wanna be), and be the guy in the chair. Be the person who gets all the assists in the POTG. That’s the sacrifice of being a healer. You wanna be a damage support, go Moira and be a nuisance. Tbh if you just wanna fuck with the other team, go Moira or Sombra or Tracer, go behind them, do some damage and wisp/tp out of there. Sometimes that’s one of the most fun things you can do. On quick play, there’s no judgement. Try new shit, if you lose you still gain experience…I was shit at illari, still got POTG on my first play due to dumb luck, which made me look like I did something.

Just have fun. That’s the whole point of games.

@myname0915 - 15.08.2023 19:30

When flats said thats as suspicious as it gets when the soldier left that makes me wanna rewatch a comp game of mine

@primordialsoupgod2850 - 11.08.2023 03:16

I hate how people cheat on my favourite dps like use cass or something don't give ma old man a bad rep

@ratking2117 - 06.08.2023 22:29

They do it cuz visor has better priority

@handsome4922 - 04.08.2023 21:22

Ball and Mei were giving this guy the business. Good on them both for making sure he was sweating the whole time

@unseenjag7789 - 21.07.2023 19:28

Average COD streamer

@engineergaming3830 - 21.07.2023 12:38

huh he has the REALLY old ov christmas skin

@Pistalent5 - 13.07.2023 03:15

Bro, I'm 5 seconds into the video and you hit me with a "must be nice" with a damn camera zoom. I folded under that no friends joke. lmao

@andrewbmore1310 - 09.07.2023 08:49

As a Bronze player i only use visor to take out the annoying Mercy and/or Pharah since I need an aimbot.

@Neon-zq5of - 08.07.2023 06:52

I have never seen a cheater update his hacks mid game before

@CrowMaiden - 04.07.2023 17:55

'how many deaths does this guy have?'
well, i didn't see anyone else say and i like noting things down so...
in the first defence round, there are 3 deaths before they leave and 8 after (11). in first attack round, there are 0 deaths before the first checkpoint, 6 after, 1 before the question of how many deaths they've got, and 2 after that (9).
in the second defence round, there's 1 death and in the second attack round, there's 1 death.

if my maths is correct, there were 22 deaths for this soldier in this game.

@krewoliskii - 02.07.2023 03:42

I wish overwatch was like siege in the way of if their was a cheater then your rank won’t change

@thesiracrius - 27.06.2023 04:14

This dude disgraces all widow mains can't even kill anyone with aimbot

@ifunny3481 - 26.06.2023 01:59

Literally telling people to do blizzards job and waste your time and expecting other team to do the same rather than just taking the W is peak corporate "we're in this together but you have to do all the work"

@allanturmaine5496 - 22.06.2023 17:54

Cheaters don't fear the Reaper, nor do the wind or the sun or the rain.

@thatsnotgonewellatall5517 - 22.06.2023 17:11

If you knowingly help a cheater win you should lose 10x as much Season ranking as you gained from the game, if you hard pocket them you should be banned

@MandrakeGuy - 22.06.2023 09:22

hackers like this one are like- the embodiment of "task successfully failed" as opposed to "task failed successfully" 💀

@kylebarrett4389 - 22.06.2023 03:16

bro didnt even try and hide and he's shit

@i420xGaming - 12.06.2023 20:28

Evan aimbot stuggles to kill mercy 😂

@stoffe2055 - 09.06.2023 22:12

people forgot about dxracer chairs make your aim 100% better

@beaphcake4617 - 09.06.2023 17:22

soildier got a software update mid game

@ciaran476 - 08.06.2023 10:45

Bro walked into the mines like candy

@wontonsoup3622 - 07.06.2023 11:09

I mean you reload faster under tac-visor so maybe that's why?

@moonblood9047 - 05.06.2023 22:50

as someone in bronze i think i found my match in pure game sense :)

@wuguxiandi9413 - 02.06.2023 11:58

The enemy team has a hack he will never have: game and map sense.

@flopzalot3699 - 31.05.2023 02:17

Visor is better than cheats IMHO

@lissbelfort7728 - 29.05.2023 19:02

that's gotta be like, a kid. right? because, like. they don't stop shooting until they have to reload. like. even with no target on screen they're just shooting at walls. you can't tell me that's a fully developed brain there

@MagicalMedic - 26.05.2023 08:56


@keikomoriko8517 - 25.05.2023 20:54

Isn’t I kinda embarrassing to get smoked so much while using chests; it’s like cheating on a math test and still getting an F, it’s peak irony for being equal to the iq of a coconut

@elijahbrown9405 - 25.05.2023 09:19

i really love the pokémon music in the background lmao

@sh4dowveil749 - 24.05.2023 17:38

Tbh I don't think the cheaters team even noticed he was cheating cause he was doing so bad

@Alexa-in6xq - 23.05.2023 00:52

Cheaters have no w3iners

@mistameff3528 - 21.05.2023 21:58

Ive seen alot. But a cheater THAT BAD? HOLY SHIT. Ive never seen a person being THAT bad even tho they know where the enemy is, and almost perfect aim. Bro how baaaad do you need to be? How can you suck THAT bad with the given tools. HOW?
