Why It's Better to be Single | 4 Reasons

Why It's Better to be Single | 4 Reasons


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Shaddy raddy - World Music Afrique Channel
Shaddy raddy - World Music Afrique Channel - 16.09.2023 21:21

The greatest love of all is self love

Dennis Paulson
Dennis Paulson - 16.09.2023 09:54

Came across this video my curiosity led me to watch it. Ive been married for 55 years end of October this year. Being with a good partner, having three great children is the greatest thing that a man could ever ask for ! Saying this I also must say, day to day live is not easy it takes lots of give and take ! The first five years is a test of HELL ??? Yes hell as you have to get to know your partner blend your wants with your partners wants, getting a budget to gether so the basic cost of living Home or rent, groceries that both of you like or don't like, automobile and the expense to operate it. That is a must to get from one month to the nest. As a couple you spend as much time as possible with each other. The hardest thing is to have friends that are also married or are dating a person that may be looking for a long time relationship. Newlywed's and single friends either sex is a bad idea unless you take your partner with you. Marriage takes a huge amount of work, you have to give up a lot of your personal likes so you and your love one can build a live together. The rewards are a live time of memories, children, and grand childern.

Damien Sisco
Damien Sisco - 16.09.2023 00:32

“In the 20th and early 21st Century…”
Bruh, we are still living in the early 21st Century. The mid 21st Century won’t begin until the next decade.

I Hate Everyone Now.
I Hate Everyone Now. - 16.09.2023 00:11

No, I don't like being lonely.
Yes, I do like being free.

Margaro - 15.09.2023 18:36

It's better to be single if you are the type whether you are male or female and you fall in love easily. This is more common in women than in men but men can fall in love very easily as well. I know because right now I'm fighting my emotions. As a man it's unusual but it happens. There are women that see this as a weakness and will take advantage. Sex of course is a women's number 1 weapon mainly because sex is a man's top weakness. All of this is from my own experience.

Mistress of the Winter Constellations
Mistress of the Winter Constellations - 15.09.2023 17:55

I wish i had neverade that choice to stay single. Looking back, i missed out and now it's too late for me.

Ricky Bobby
Ricky Bobby - 15.09.2023 16:35

Marriage is a scam. I was married once, never again.

Pia Love
Pia Love - 15.09.2023 05:41

Im single by choice. Will only consider marriage if and when I feel like it- no one needs to be trying to make this happen for me.

Willie Brooks
Willie Brooks - 14.09.2023 18:43

You learn me something! Many Thanks! Other ways of living! The Universe has no care! Thanks Sir🎈🎈

yoooyoyooo - 14.09.2023 09:31

Once you stop pumping up the married life or relationships in general they stop being attractive. They feed of FOMO and deluded thinking imagening that it's some sort of great thing. In reality most romantic relationships are simply a trap that you are afraid of leaving.

Erik Vissers
Erik Vissers - 13.09.2023 22:59

Hell is other people.

188DSO - 13.09.2023 13:03

jesus was single and alone. he died a virgin. but jesus is with you, so youre never alone

July - 13.09.2023 00:34

Marriage isn't for everyone... been there 2x. Being single is the only road to happiness! ❤🎉

TT DAN - 12.09.2023 22:28

U wanna be single when you can earn and selfish.

BemBem - 12.09.2023 21:42

Thank you all for removing yourself from the gene pool, i guess 😂

Claudio - 12.09.2023 20:46

In fact adopting kids is a thing in the 21 century no need for a woman onky for companionship and that is all

Claudio - 12.09.2023 20:45

All your money belong to you and not another

Bob Builder
Bob Builder - 11.09.2023 22:51

Sounds like this is driven by the devil

Erik - 10.09.2023 13:52

Hello video confirming my bias.

Jeff H
Jeff H - 10.09.2023 12:40

Nope. If you marry the right person.. one you just dont settle for, quality of life EXPLODES.

Alexander Hopkins
Alexander Hopkins - 10.09.2023 07:00

Who needs a relationship when you can be aromatic 💚🤍🖤🥲

Geo - 09.09.2023 20:59

Marriage is for needy people

ONUR AYDOGDU - 09.09.2023 20:52

I am a bachelor for life. I have never been into any relationship up until now (I'm 26). If it were until a few years ago, I'd suffer from this very thing but it is complete opposite of it for ~2-3 years, considering the situation of "modern" relationshits now. Thanks but no thanks. I am not going to buy into the narrative that we need someone else to feel contended in this life. I sometimes, though not that much, go outside and observe people since it is my favorite activity, and all I can see is that people just want to be alone, let alone relationships. No one wants any kind of companionship whatsoever (I know that American people are too individualistic but now it is the same here in Turkey as well). Well, I wouldn't change my peace of mind to anyone and/or anything. People changes partners within 5 minutes period of time as though they are changing a pair of sock, so why bother?

Mahanidhi Banakar
Mahanidhi Banakar - 09.09.2023 12:03

The biggest weakness given to men from birth is addiction of girls. If u overcome this, everything is possible

Mahanidhi Banakar
Mahanidhi Banakar - 09.09.2023 11:57

It's so sad to see that Friendship is fed as slave to relationship these days 😢. It's even hard to find true friends who are far from girls

Mahanidhi Banakar
Mahanidhi Banakar - 09.09.2023 11:56

Think before u go in relationship. Once you're completely infected in that, it's hard to recover from that. It's a poison which burns out peace in ur personal life. Don't wven take relationship seriously even though your family or relatives force u in that.

Mahanidhi Banakar
Mahanidhi Banakar - 09.09.2023 11:53

Being single brings u value especially for male. Just keep moving how a life has shaped path for u. Over expectation on what u wish may kill you

Mark Killey
Mark Killey - 09.09.2023 11:04

Only four?

It'sMe***** - 09.09.2023 08:36

Today i feel lonely.

Sekoz Lee
Sekoz Lee - 09.09.2023 01:12

Married is nice all until one cheat n destroy everything you two build together and it hurt.

Vipe - 08.09.2023 12:30

I've always been an introvert, already in my mid 30s and still not interested in settling down. Since I was a kid I always do things my way, I never let society dictates me. Many have tried to reach out to me, you know, to make friends and such but it's just not my thing, I tend to shoo them away and make excuses when it comes to socializing. Thing is, I've been happy with where I am, I have a job, a house, a car and investments, but I never felt that I need something else. I've been in a lot of relationships but they never lasted because at the end of the day I always find it boring and exhausting having company. I have a lot of hobbies and interests that I don't have time for other people. I'm aware that my social skills are getting worse and worse over the years...but it is what it is, I just feel so contented with where I am in my life, and unfortunately no one in my circle gets it, even my family questions my choices in life...

Im just an outcast
Im just an outcast - 08.09.2023 07:27

I experience and create romance through art, not with a partner

Im just an outcast
Im just an outcast - 08.09.2023 07:21

1. Developing your authentic self in solitude (reflection)
2. More time for family and friends
3. More freedom to do what you want
4. More extra resources to share to others

Im just an outcast
Im just an outcast - 08.09.2023 06:34

I stay single because I am able to live the lifestyle I want.

Shaolin Soldier
Shaolin Soldier - 08.09.2023 03:49

Thanks Lord for your salvation
Thanks Lord for your peace
Thanks Lord for healing my broken heart

Antonio KTMS
Antonio KTMS - 07.09.2023 13:21

that is the problem. people act like it's the end of the journey when they get married. so stupid. my belief is that marriage is the beggining you get to enjoy everything in life with another human beeing, stop acting like you need to settle down

Filmmaker777 - 07.09.2023 08:28

"Leave me alone, i hate you" - in the end of Love😢

unknown - 06.09.2023 23:58

I've been single my old 24 years old live and I'm growing tired of it, because my left-hand is running out of strength to keep the demand of my bazooka

BrokenEgg - 06.09.2023 18:55

Being single allows you to dig your nose like the guy at the end of the video.

Mee Henry
Mee Henry - 05.09.2023 22:13

My parent told me that dont ever to get married if you not rich. Well that true, i still single , but one thing that cross in my mind, why they married if they cant afford for my continued study, its really depress me for whole year. After that i keep it in my mind that i promise to myself will be single forever if i still cant afford to all the future mess.

Johnathan Maturino
Johnathan Maturino - 04.09.2023 23:13

It's better to be in a healthy relationship than single but it's better to be single than be with someone who makes you feel alone.

Anthony Caretti
Anthony Caretti - 04.09.2023 06:43

What if your wife blows up to 300 pounds?????????

Anthony Caretti
Anthony Caretti - 04.09.2023 06:42

The only thing a woman thinks she needs to bring to a relationship is her vagina.....true story

Anthony Caretti
Anthony Caretti - 04.09.2023 06:41

Alimony is a Latin word for All of the Money

tom - 03.09.2023 20:05


santosnaosantos - 01.09.2023 21:46

Speak for your country, because here in Brazil everyone is married, it is super difficult to find someone single, and as Gerbert Johnson talks about his videos, most are single man, women continue to live married normally.

taru gardiner
taru gardiner - 31.08.2023 22:14

Human beings are part of the Animal kingdom , Animals reproduce , the Animals , every single one of them in the Kingdom including plants and insects , main purpose is to reproduce , or am I wrong ? Life is not about your own happyness , but a duty , The circle of life , The dominant gene , Those fathers that have children to multiple women and many children , which in our society call useless are actually the winners in this world , These spin doctors that tell you not to reproduce and live for your desires probably have nurmerous children and are happily married , sexual urges are not sinful , but the natural process of life it self , don't be confused , your main fundamental purpose is to fuck and reproduce , Spread your gene , don't pretend something your not for self satisfaction , you will regret it later in life , a deep understanding and knowing will overcome you and it will be too late , your culture and ethnicity will die out , because of your own stupidity and lack of awareness and basic understanding of life in general , while you are satisfying the ego and the self , other cultures are breeding like rabbits , and eventually will dominant the Kingdom .

Sonny - 30.08.2023 19:28

As a theory or way of argument, this is insightful. Having said that, I exist because of my parents who were married, and my wife and kids are the sole reason I still do exist. Sure, there were problems on the way, but those were trivial matters at the end of the day. I therefore believe that this is very much an individual issue.

Johnpaul - 30.08.2023 18:41

All love ends in pain. Death, divorce, growing apart etc. What's important is to cherish the moments of happiness, understanding that it's meant a nothing more than an experience

j L
j L - 30.08.2023 11:46

Stop watching tv and your life turns into a movie
