The Lubavitcher Rebbe Shacharit at 770 - Rare Film - First time on web

The Lubavitcher Rebbe Shacharit at 770 - Rare Film - First time on web

Rabbiner Mendel Schtroks

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@angerycamel2 - 24.09.2017 18:34

So many anti-semites in the comments, if you met rebbe or his followers, and sat down and talked with them, they would only show you love and compassion, may h-shem take away your hatred. As for you whom claim to be christians, you know the torah, it is in your bible, you know all is already written! Why if your messiah is so great do you not listen to him and love thy neighbor? Why do you think harassing us, and calling us names like "scum" makes us more open to your christ? Your lack of faith is showing.

@dallasmartin6352 - 14.11.2017 02:13

How many devils ,in one place ,omg this is mold of the univesum

@mariekatherine5238 - 29.11.2017 07:06

I've got one of these Sunday dollars from a research paper I did in 1988. As a Traditional Catholic, I was well-received by nearly everyone I encountered in Crown Heights, except for a car full of Caribbean kids who yelled anti-Semitic slurs and tossed a McDonald's milkshake at me. Although we couldn't be further apart with religious beliefs, I found much in common with moral standards. My thanks to the two families who allowed me to spend Shabbos with them.

@nomiz5529 - 02.12.2017 00:00

I'm a Jew and I'm proud

@conniehiggins5860 - 26.12.2017 21:41

I am a real Christian and I would like to make a mention of G-d who never breaks covenant. "I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse; and by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves." (or/' in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed') Genesis 12:3 G-d's everlasting covenant to Abraham and his descendents through Isaac.

@simberou - 22.02.2018 08:36

ah que nous sommes triste le rabbi MM a quitte ce monde en 94 et nous sommes toujours inconsolables......

@davidsimmons5685 - 27.03.2018 04:10

I used hid on my mountain in my mind so thee would check see if i was there

@davidsimmons5685 - 27.03.2018 04:13

Rebbe would say thee better not be on that mountain id laughing because i was on my west coast

@docashley8472 - 04.05.2018 06:11

the young kid is pouring vodka in glass for all the it wud be violation.

@almightyyt2101 - 03.06.2018 03:00

People, read your bible-its amazing that its still around with all the warnings against the Jews in it-loud,proud and in the open for those that have free minds to read and think but sadly or perhaps wisely the Jews keep their Talmud and all its ostentatious rambling out of the limelight. The closest to brainwashing&telling ppl how to think as possible-perfect for the self appointed hypocritical bigots-likely to put an ant on trial for taking a crumb from picnic baskets the audacity of these people to claim to speak for God, any god-but especially the tsh talk about Christ-at least Christians forgive and try to empathize w others instead of trying to convince the world they are Gods equals above others. Talking about striking bargains w God- total BS to any thinking person. Maybe Satan deals w them. Anyone still calling themselves tribe and not living in a village of 50 in the forest-cut out the crap. It is part of why ppl have a hard time trusting you. You really need to join the human race and get off the self righteous high horse-the word of God is about unity not disunity love God, love your neighbor-act right, treat others well-thats about all the old,new testament, Torah, Talmud need to say- all that extra stuff is unnecessary complications and looks like your being sneaky putting ideas from the enemy into yr heads.1 second ago•

@almightyyt2101 - 03.06.2018 15:20

I fervently pray that in the future, starting now more people will accept themselves and others as humans equal in spirit and stop belittling each other over make believe religious nonsense-the only ironclad proof of any god is that were here-all the other manifestations are in peoples heads, that's OK, as long as you don't argue w anyone about it or try to convince me I'm going to h e double hockey sticks for not believing exactly as you. Act right, treat ppl well and I'm almost certain Abraham,Jesus,Mohammed, Buddha, Thor, King Arthur etc. would respect you. The worst kind of person brings others down to feel better about themselves.

@josephklausner9139 - 05.08.2018 01:13

איפה רותם בן ה49 היוןם? הלוואי בארץ.
המערבי במניין של האדמור ברב מרדכי
מכליס.תחגןג את יובבל ה50 בירושלים, אם לא בבית המקדש ע ד י י ן, א ז בכותל

@josephklausner9139 - 05.08.2018 01:15

הרב מ מ כ ל י ס שמניינו בשבת ב כ ו ת ל עי המחיצה.
הוא מחכמי ישראל ומצדיקי הדור
כ ו ל ם ישבעו ממנו ת מ י ד, טעמו וראו...

@josephklausner9139 - 05.08.2018 01:19

אני הרב דר יוסי י ד י ד י ה ו מאםרת שעי עיקות ירושלים בירתנו לנצח.
מה מעשיך כיום?
נחתור כ ו ל נ ו להשך התגשמות גאולתנו ה ש ל י מ ה.

@josephklausner9139 - 05.08.2018 01:20

ל ה מ ש ך

@fiddlerontheroof4099 - 03.09.2018 23:44

What's the song that the Rebbe walks out on called?

@silverkitty2503 - 08.09.2018 02:46

lubavitcher rebbe is very modest

@kristine6996 - 30.09.2018 01:31


@kenhealy7006 - 18.11.2018 12:49

If the people who are prison had studied the torah and followed it they would not be there.

@yvettemoore1228 - 26.11.2018 17:58

I always liked that the Rebbe didn't have a big fancy atarah on his tallis and didn't wear a colourful, even fancier robe like most of the other Chassidic rebbeim. He truly was the nasi hador

@TheAlien101 - 31.12.2018 21:12

Unfreaking real ....

Christians go to the videos of Jews and bash Jews by calling them names, seed of satan, synagogue of devil etc etc

Christians go to the Muslim videos and bash Muslim calling them seed of satan, synagogue of devil, false religion etc etc

Christians bitch how supposedly they are persecuted yet no other religion has killed more people then Christianity and no other religion has forced people to convert as much as Christianity.

They claim to follow the G-d of Abraham yet break his 1st commandment which is also the most unforgivable sin.

They claim to follow Christ yet their blood sacrifices are countless for millennia wherever Christians go they left a destruction behind.

Christians think nothing of going as "missionaries" around the world and preach their henotheistic religion but god forbid a Jew or Muslim preached their faith in Christian turf ....

Edit - Hypocrisy has no horns this is exactly how it looks. Christian motto Do as I say not as I do

@lunarmodule9915 - 08.01.2019 23:48

LMAO! Not even a minute in and the head mobster is handing out money.

@breakevenbernie8543 - 02.02.2019 21:50

Jewish.Rabbis first to
Use Go Pro's that's cool !

@tapasyatyaga4041 - 21.02.2019 11:39

This focuses more on that guy in his kid than the rebbe. What is this supposed to show that that guy is a special holy guy or something.

@TheTHEkillerOMAR - 25.02.2019 23:15

Sa beni à coup se dollar 😂😂 ah les juif et l'argent

@salemhassen9271 - 17.03.2019 09:46

Why not translate the video. cc ) Rabbiner Mendel Schtroks

@malka7708 - 24.03.2019 02:03

En réponse à «  ça bénit à coup de dollars.... » voilà une interprétation navrante qui montre une ignorance de ce sujet! Le Rabbi bénit la personne( quelle que soit son appartenance religieuse , ou autre....)puis lui donne un Dollar à donner à la charité car il encourage à aider les pauvres et à aimer son prochain. Les actes de bonté et de charité rapprochant l’avenue du Machia’h( Messie). Voilà l’explication ....

@argonwheatbelly637 - 09.04.2019 16:30

I met him once. Very kind, very nice, very intelligent, and very wise. He was like a grandfather to me, and I miss him. Our conversation was not the typical orthopractic questions. We talked about engineering, chemistry, and religion. The sycophants and panagyrists made an icon of him, rather than remembering him as simply a man for change, peace, and study.

@TheTorahChannel - 17.06.2019 08:55

What song are they signing when the Rebbe walks in?

@robertpol5679 - 21.07.2019 18:48

Mayby not 2800 slaves but students mayby

@robertpol5679 - 21.07.2019 18:49

Like i heard before increase Tora studing

@carlosquirogag6633 - 05.08.2019 23:38


@faouzihasnaoui9083 - 28.10.2019 18:27

very bad faouzi from tunisia

@danielabassano8565 - 19.11.2019 14:19

I am always very happy to see more videos and informations about the Rebbe and chabad lubawich in general. I started my interest many years ago through Chaim Potok's books.

@pelliccioli4459 - 13.03.2020 02:44

Grande tsadik.

@cristianguerrero2234 - 02.04.2020 21:55

Am ysrael chai. Amén

@fernandabiscaya2871 - 05.04.2020 12:15

Grande alegria para este é outros meninos, dia inesquecível, mazal tov para sempre, Shalom desde Portugal

@leivieliel4694 - 07.05.2020 04:04

Ma amaimer?

@kiakia4975 - 11.07.2020 10:48

so scary

@nachshonavrahum631 - 10.04.2021 21:09

A enjoying services that never ends

@avalerie4467 - 18.05.2021 01:30

I never should have read the comments.. . Ok for all of you who did not click on this to watch it with humility awe and joy:
This young man is celebrating his Bar Mitzvah.
The Rebbe was not worshipped.
Read up on him - you will be amazed !
The dollars handed out was to give to charity.
Chabad is not a cult

Now, all my thanks to whoever approved this at 770. I felt a little bit like an intruder, davening is so personal, but I needed to lift my spirits and was thinking of the Baal Chem Tov actually, and was trying to find a story and I found your post.
Young man, you must have grown up to be a fine young man. 30 years late but Mazel Tov ! You have a very beautiful loving family.

@mira6395 - 31.12.2022 16:17

Disgusting Avoda Zara movement. Orthodox jews : DO NOT DEAL with the RASHAÏM from the cult CHABAD LUBAVITCH

@user-ny9np7mh1e - 28.07.2023 04:04

واین پول رو بگیر ولی به گسی نده جزو خودم واین را بدون زمینی که غصب. باشه عبادیت درش نیست ولی چون ما برای جناب شیطان لعنت الله علیه هستیم مشگلی نیست وهر که هر کاری مخواهد بکند بکند و فوقش در روز قیامت بایستی جواب بدیم که ما هم این دنبا را قبول داریم نه ان دنیا را چون بریمان صرف نمی کنه

@user-ny9np7mh1e - 28.07.2023 04:25

اخه خاخام دورغو زمینی که مال دیکرانه چطور درش نماز وعبادت می کنی وهی الکی موسی وعیسا میکنی وحتما می خواهی بکی بهما گفتن شما فومه برتری وهمه چیز مال شماست حالا این مدارگ وسند کجاست بماند ودر روز رستاخیز مسلمن مسخص خواهد شد نگاه کن چه الکی داره نم ا ز می خونه واگر شما حق طلب بودین بایستی به امر خدا اسلم بیاورید ومسلمن بوده باشی تو بگو عه ما بیایم مسلمون بشیم وامولی که با هزار بدبختی وپیچارکی بدست اوریم با مسلمونها تقیسیم کنیم بگو خوده مسلمونها این کار رو می کنن که ما بخواهیم بکنیم
تازه خوده مسلمونها حق یک دیکرا ادا نمی کنن ما چطور بیایم با مسلمونهابرادری وبرابر بخواهیم باشیم انو قت کی می خواهد حق ما رو ادا کند وهمان که بهتر موسی به گیش خود وعیسی به گیش خود. وولی اما جناب خاخام این رو بدون هزاران سال است که در کتابهای مختلف خدای بزرگ کفته شده زمینی که غصب باشه نمار نداره خود دانی خر بازی رو بذار کنارتجاوز به حقوق دیکران خاخام حرام است

@splunka51 - 15.08.2023 10:42

What is the name of the song (and lyrics) they are singing when the Rebbe walks in?

@michaljakistam136 - 14.12.2023 13:27

Hi. What's the music that starts in 1.40? I like it.

@Junior-rm3bw - 12.05.2024 17:39

Voces. Tao. Orando. Pra uma. Pessoa. O. Esa. Oração e pra agradecer. a Deus. Enxistem uma oração pra uma pessoa
