Sweden in the Eurovision Song Contest The 00's

Sweden in the Eurovision Song Contest The 00's


15 лет назад

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@mimisthesc - 08.08.2009 00:12

2001 was the best for me!if you noticed,in 2004 and 2006,Sweden placed 5th with 170 points both\!

@aric2007 - 08.08.2009 11:18

2000: I have the Swedish version! 2001: It's not bad. 2002: No comment! Fellow Swede Anna Sahlene was good that year, too! 2003: Very good! 2004: Same applies here! 2005: Umm... 2006: Third's time's a charm for Carola! 2007: No comment! 2008: Good song! 2009: My parents love it!

@GreeceCyprus12points - 12.06.2010 15:23

2000:good,ok song 2001:awesome one of the best 2002:good song 9th for me 2003:again a very good song 3rd for me 2004:also very good 6th place 4 me 2005:see 2000 2006:the BEST!!!1st place that year the best of Sweden this decade 2007:ok song but the worst from Sweden in this decade 2008:17th 4 me 2009:3rd for me So 4 me: 1.2006 2. 2001 3. 2009 4. 2003 5. 2004 6. 2002 7. 2008 8. 2000 9. 2005 10. 2007 but this is my opinion but at least 9 of 10 have something that I like

@ignacy017 - 03.03.2013 22:11

2000 6/6 2001 6/6 2002 6/6 2003 6/6 2004 6/6 2005 5+/6 2006 7/6 2007 5+/6 2008 6+/6 2009 6+/6 thank you very much .

@TheDrnik - 22.03.2015 20:27

very overrated country...i bet if those songs would be sung by Malta or Slovenia they would all end up in semifinals.
