064 | Meeting of the Minds P29: Satans RaMaDan? | Benjamin Bilal

064 | Meeting of the Minds P29: Satans RaMaDan? | Benjamin Bilal

Dr. Omar Zaid

1 год назад

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@nikhassan6148 - 28.03.2023 19:29

Salaam 'alaikum dear brothers...

Me concurr with you that we muslims today.are so much indulged in ritualistic activities thus we failed to listen somebody with reasons anymore....subhanallah

@angelo8516 - 29.03.2023 01:51

Alhamdulillah!☝ When the student is ready the teacher will appear!🎓📖🖋📚 Thanks for shedding some long awaited light💡🦉on some of the ambiguous activities going on in Islam since the passing of the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)! As Salamualaikum!✌Ameen!🕊

@mustafasom1426 - 30.03.2023 18:02

Benjamin Bilal looks similar to Teddy Long.

@RockyRumbles - 31.03.2023 04:20

DR Omar Zaid Jummah Is Mentioned In the Quran Surah JUMAH 62: 9 and Allah says "O believers! When the call to prayer is made on Friday, then proceed ˹diligently˺ to the remembrance of Allah and leave off ˹your˺ business. That is best for you, if only you knew." So clearly without hadith it is critical we go to jummah Weekley. Then the hadith confirms this by saying paraphrasing if you miss 3 consecutive jummah's Allah places a seal on your heart ❤ so this makes it evidently clear that Jummah is of the highest importance whether the khutbah is in your language or not as the main khutbah must always be in arabic anyway!

@IsaMuhummad93 - 10.04.2023 06:09

But doesn't Allah tell us to count the years with the moon? And ain't ramadan the name of 1 of the 12 months ?

@journeytoIslambeingWoman - 15.04.2023 22:13

Where is the 5 daily prayers written in Quran? You will only find it in Hadeeth! Ramadan is not pagan ritual, the Prophet PBUH and the companions performed Ramadan (fasted) while they were in the battlefield.
Also, all the muslim people you notuce filling up their bellies, do you think they don't have shaitan give them whispering (waswasa)? They are humans and can be wrong but they have faith and just like Allah guide you to Islam, inshAllah Allah may guide them to the correct teachings too. And for those living in North pole etc that may only have 2 hours of daylight, well Allah has made it easy for them. And if they have difficulty seeing the moon and live by the teachings of Allah, Allah says in Quran to migrate (Hijrah) to a place where they are able to follow the teachings of Islam. You have a veryyy long way to go to learn Islam. Only because you came to the understanding of One Creator, Allah taala, it doesnt mean that you have all the wisdom to interpret every aspect of Islam that has been repeatedly performed for 1400 years ago accoring to the perfect Sunnah of beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH!!! Islam is not an ancient religion, only 1400 years ago and everything is intact, no one has been able to change it. Today we are living in the times of major Fitnah and very close to the end times. Dr Zaid, since you are familiar with free masonry, you should be very familiar with dajjal/anti christ/jewish moshiach. So u know wht the world has been prepared for by the satanists, therefore kindly do not interpret ur own meaning of Ramadan or Islam just by observing Muslims behaviors from few places you have visited!!!!!

@NFTeve - 16.04.2023 06:52

I think you have interesting points but are over-confident in them. Like you both think you are right about your interpretations. There are so many wasy to see things, who knows who is correct? I certtainly don't

@usamuslimvt - 01.05.2023 22:59

One thing more true of Islam than any other faith is that during prayer EVERYONE is humble, quiet, and respectful. Nobody is paying attention to what anyone else is doing...nobody is paying attention to what anyone else is wearing...everyone is focused on God. And that brings my eyes to tears just thinking of how beautiful that is. Now...after prayer...then the herd mentality takes over as it does any time large groups of people gather together. But at least for a brief time...all hearts and souls are in synch. You just don't see that anywhere else. JazakAllah khayran to all who strive for the sake of Islam!
