Bronies TRAUMATIZED a Generation

Bronies TRAUMATIZED a Generation

Raymundo 2112

1 год назад

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Devin Taylor
Devin Taylor - 06.10.2023 23:48

keep your children off of the internet.

xXEmoMinionXx - 06.10.2023 21:06

Nah but me and my bsf at the time (5 years old) were given her sisters iPad and all we wanted to do was watch cute mlp videos and we were completely traumatised at seeing our favourite characters being killed and ate

Johnnie Busch
Johnnie Busch - 06.10.2023 20:35

Honestly feel like derpy getting pranked was the least mentley scarring

alix Bur
alix Bur - 06.10.2023 16:33

Im 19 and a woman and love my little pony, i dont watch it often and ive gotten the kids into it for an excuse to watch it lmao. Its just nostalgic havent watched the video yet but im hoping it doesn't ruin it for me since its not that same way some bronnies feel about mlp

Edit: I'm a little in and I agree that some really disturbing stuff is being posted. I just last week found a video for adults about mlp and it was on yt kids. I went to my fiance and told him we have to watch what they're watching because that was found off a regular mlp video.

SakuraAimi - 06.10.2023 13:29

omg the smile video traumatized me i had to stop it right away

Cherry_Swirl - 06.10.2023 08:14

Looked up fluffy ponies because I was curious and it was the one thing in this video I never came across. Wow I wish I fucking hadn’t! And that’s coming from somebody who read Sweet Apple Massacre as a kid, yuck

ILoveCats6000 - 06.10.2023 03:21

Oh god, not Kphoria…

Guy that dose things sometimes
Guy that dose things sometimes - 06.10.2023 02:54

I remember watching these as a little kid.
Though Instead of becoming traumatized I gained a great appreciation for over the top cartoon violence and edgy humor.

I remember watching smile as a kid and while i was slightly distured i was more so hyped cause it looked like dragon ball and punching and laser beams were super cool.

Maybe in some respect being entirely desensitized to these things by 11 is worse than being traumatized by them...
Oh well!

Mimic The Menace
Mimic The Menace - 06.10.2023 02:01

I think what always bothered me about these types of content growing up wasn’t really the gore, it was just how malicious they were. Fan made content is usually a way to get to know someone, based on the things they create. But a lot of these videos and stories are so graphic and in depth on their pain that it’s genuinely unnerving. Like- why did people even want to see these ponies in all these horrible situations, especially children? Especially when they are extremely out of character; I mean Pinkie is one of my favourite ponies because of how much she loved to make people smile. Heck that whole song in SMILE HD was based on the real song about Pinkie Pie loving her townspeople so much and doing her best to make them happy. Yet to others she’s the type to mercilessly beat and murder her friends?

Seriously who hurt these bronies??

AcidBunny Gaming
AcidBunny Gaming - 05.10.2023 23:33

also, i'm surprised Mittsies didn't show up in this video...

AcidBunny Gaming
AcidBunny Gaming - 05.10.2023 23:27

the mlp fandom is the reason i have a disturbing sense of humor.

toothlessblue - 05.10.2023 21:11

The horror MLP videos are tasteless and don't age well, but that is all. Traumatizing? I find that very hard to believe.

The solution is not "get rid of these videos", it's "keep an eye on your fucking kids"

Kuroha ne
Kuroha ne - 05.10.2023 19:34

Even before Mlp, there were videos that seem innocent and then it turned out to be jumpscare. I stumbled upon so many of those as a kid.

Free Croissant
Free Croissant - 05.10.2023 19:13

as someone who watched Smile HD for the first time at the ripe age of 8 it was definitely something, not to mention the other animations and fanart

Rylin Williams
Rylin Williams - 05.10.2023 09:54

My story:
I became a brony not until 9th grade. Initially I watched the show on a dare with a friend, as we wanted in 8th grade to see who could get to the most episodes. He had watched a number of them, it was 5 and he said, "It wasn't that bad, just not interesting to watch more." I took that as a challenge and then liked the show for surprisingly good story. I guess when my expectations were barbie movie levels it only had up to go. So I ended up watched all three seasons and then not thinking anything of it other than, "That was fun, I liked it."
Note, I didn't google anything, my past with technology was entirely sparse and I could barely type on a computer thanks to special education classes which I was placed into for bad grades in the 1st grade. The special ed classes for reading were at the same time as my computer labs so I was in high school with less than 10 hours total on a computer. My home situation was the only working computer was in my dad's room and he was very secretive about his own usage. So, I'm there in 9th grade with no email or anything. Never had a single online experience other than the occasional game of roblox.
I made a friend and thought it would be funny to challenge him in 9th grade to do the same thing that me and my other friend did. But he ended up googling and loving the show a ton. I introduced him to the show, and he introduced me to the community after really getting into it. There was a good-hearted senior who was my friend. Mother laughed at how he had a full beard. And a slightly more influential "Anime & videogame" Club which was basically for all the D&D nerds at my school. I then ended up finally experiencing the online aspects of the culture when my senior friend told me about ibrony.
I didn't have a facebook, I didn't have any social media. The first social media account was an ibrony account. I was already 14 so I'd understood everything above my age, especially with older brothers who left breadcrumbs of things, and my middle school friend in 7th grade telling me to watch "Girls Bravo" on Netflix, which is practically a softcore porn. So, I wasn't surprised. However, I was surprised when my friend sent me adult images of the ponies, and confessed to "clopping" I laughed it off, and kept interacting. I even got a girlfriend on ibrony but since it was long distance it was short lived.
The biggest mistake I made was forming a crush on a girl, and then making custom brony art of us both as ponies and then asking her out with the picture. I literally went to the bathroom and puked out my guts from the depression and stress of her rejecting me, as my completely nonexistent social skills drove me to exist wholly on ibrony where I was safer to be weird. I was also struggling with severe life threatening depression as it was, so I was in no good mental health. I found similar friends, and even the girlfriend I made after that fiasco at school was depressed in a similar way. She was even mentally instituted and our relationship ended prematurely when her parents had to intern her again because of health problems.
The epic climax is getting out of being a brony by going to a convention, I was so awkward on the first day, I barely talked to anyone, my friend on the second day didn't help much either. But on the third day I went alone, I didn't care about being awkward anymore, I wanted to be social. I just gave up my social anxieties at the door, and blossomed into a social butterfly from that convention. After that, I just felt like I didn't need the fandom anymore so it stopped being a big part of my life. Once it was my sole identity, but I then put that away and just felt comfortable defining myself independently. Overall it was alright, but I'd never do that again.

Poison Apple
Poison Apple - 05.10.2023 01:26

As a kid I watched almost all of this stuff minus little miss rarity. I saw cupcakes, smile, and rainbow factory. I loved the rainbow factory song as a kid and thought shed mov was weird but it didn't really mess with me... however, I ran into the "fluffy ponies".... Genuinely awful to be exposed to at the ripe age of like 8-10.

NovaColonel - 05.10.2023 00:48

There's some really great content (FOE, DWK) but I do get what you want to say. I was introduced to the series at age 37 and I think this is appropriate.

mourning girl
mourning girl - 04.10.2023 21:07

When this show came out a way older guy at my work was super into mlp. I thought he was a creep and so did the police. He would talk to little kids but it turns out he had a brain injury and the way kids communicate where it's just a flow of information unconnected to what the last person said is how he spoke. So he was proven to not be a creep. I watched a couple mlp episodes with my neice and it was actually hillarious so I understand why adults would like it, it's like adventure time that way. But it's weird when adults get obsessed with it

PonNado - 04.10.2023 20:47

someone remembers
mascots and Bad Dragon

Nvkolai - 04.10.2023 18:49

I grew up with My Little Pony and Five Nights at Freddy and I were 10 years old back then (I am 19 rn) and still now I LOVE My Little Pony aswell. I used to watch those gore videos and more… But tbh I didn’t feel anything, I liked all creepypastas of it! And the “Ponies.MOV” was one of my fav animations aswell, this is cause I knew it was all fake and all of the videos were fake… I loved and still do love how much artistic they are. My fav creepypasta were Rainbow Factory and Miss Rarity, I loved the style of that Miss Rarity animation. I am now aware that many children grew up with these animations, me aswell, surely many of the children (now all adults like I am) now have traumas… I genuinely hope they recover someday. I love this fandom regardless all the bad things it have: P*rn, G*re and more, they are just 1 little part of the iceberg. Let’s just don’t explore any further in the iceberg.

Ijaria - 04.10.2023 16:50

When I was a kid, I watched these and I actually found them more funny than scary

Karrie Norton
Karrie Norton - 04.10.2023 16:19

Blame the parents more for not guiding their kids online.

Vinicius Macário
Vinicius Macário - 04.10.2023 15:54

yk what as much as people try to dance around this shit, like it’s funny and quirky it’s actually disturbing how a bunch of adults are so creepy up to the point of doing this. Like? what’s your problem

security_loser - 04.10.2023 15:41

yea i remember seeing all of the videos it sure did Traumatized

PzycRat - 04.10.2023 10:25

doin gods work

ImCurrentlyNaked - 04.10.2023 07:18

Personally I think it's a bit much to say these things were traumatising, or that bronies as a group were acting irresponsibly. I think it's just another unfortunate example of how tricky it is to watch over your kids while they're on the internet. The internet is a wild west, with rule 34, and crazy fetishes, and so on - if it wasn't adult content of mlp, it'd have been adult content of Steven Universe.

I do think there is a discussion to be had with artists who make adult content of characters from children's shows, as there is some responsibility in how children can find this stuff, even if the artist themselves clearly labelled it as adult and only kept it on their adult accounts/sites; the way mlp was handled is the best/worst example of this coming to a head.

Pixel Cat
Pixel Cat - 04.10.2023 06:57

Still is a bit weird that the same person who make the original ponies sliding into boxes videos now makes furry NSFW artwork and weird furry videos.

HairyGumballDog - 04.10.2023 06:55

I'm a lucky person who never saw this sort of stuff, but I wish that it never existed so no one would have seen this. If you have trauma or PTSD due to this stuff, please tell me about it. I hope to help you all through it.😢

Skeetskrrt - 04.10.2023 06:02

the true fight or flight reaction I had to the rainbow factory theme played is unreal, I like genuinely paused for a second lol

émoji blue
émoji blue - 04.10.2023 05:59

I remember my sister seeing a video of my little poney made by a guy that just kills the poneys in a gore way my sister was only 6 years old and she was crying her soul out

cloudy - 04.10.2023 02:22

yall were tramatiatized I was desensitized

Rose Garden Gate
Rose Garden Gate - 04.10.2023 02:00

I was 12-14 during the brony craze, I think, so I think I was a little too old for the show; I tried getting into it since I was a young artist on deviantart but it just didn't stick with me at the time. I did really like MLP creepypasta and grimdark stuff though since i liked creepypasta in general. Back then it never occurred to me that there were eight-year-olds using the internet who might stumble on the story or video for Cupcakes; it never even really occurred to me that perhaps my already mentally ill 13 yr old ass wasn't grown up enough to be reading Cheerilee's Garden. It's not that I think fanmade horror content should never, ever be made for something originally intended for kids, but that ish should have been restricted better. I really hope things are better now in that regard, and that people understand if they're going to write,,, idk paw patrol gorefics they need to age restrict it and do everything they can to keep it away from unsuspecting children

Patricia Gutierrez-Salazar
Patricia Gutierrez-Salazar - 03.10.2023 23:45

Even as a collage kid, I was traumatized by some of the edgy stuff you see in the fandom.

Amy - 03.10.2023 22:11

I remember watching these when I was like 7/8 😭

Jeremiah - 03.10.2023 21:27

We need a vid on creepypastas😊

Dandelion Ass
Dandelion Ass - 03.10.2023 20:15

I can proudly say that I distanced myself from the negative sides of fandom early on. With your own children in "pony age", you respect that it is basically meant for children. With a healthy attitude, anyone can actually love little colorful ponies, the conventions and all the nice and fun that it brings.

Karla Kornfeld
Karla Kornfeld - 03.10.2023 16:29

"sweet and nice individuals"? Adults going after kids stuff? Dude. Pedos. All of them. "People who are heavily attracted to the MLP characters"-- child ponies, who behave like childen, in a childrens show- Pedos. All of them. And you defend them, haah lol. And the authors of that bullshit show kept feeding into it. They are all responsible. Pedos themselves, probably.

Samuel Jean
Samuel Jean - 03.10.2023 15:53

Hey a question non-related to your video. Do you have bird because i dont know but i can hear them in the background (:

Skagkiller1230 - 03.10.2023 10:00

To be fair, we traumatized ourselves to begin with.

Berry Tears
Berry Tears - 03.10.2023 08:00

I'm a girl, and I was a fresh young adult at the height of Brony fandom and I don't really think it's fair to blame Bronies for traumatizing children.
What was Hasbro supposed to do? Turn away customers? Say, "it's not for you"? Ask the western comic book industry how well it turned out for them to berate customers.
If a spontaneous and unexpected fanbase for a piece of media pops up on the internet that's just how it is. Sometimese thse things happen.
So this isn't coming from some big fat neckbeard incel but the internet is NOT responsible for children.
I am not a parent. I do not want children. I am not responsible for anyone else's children or what they come across on the internet.
Your PARENTS allowed you to get traumatized by not monitoring your internet access.
Children should not be given screens with internet, period.
Because I guarantee you that any child who liked MLP and didn't ever go onto the internet unsupervised did not get traumatized.
I am sorry for anyone who feels traumatized by bronies but you should take it up with your parents not people on the internet who have likely moved on with their lives.
People have a right to make what they want on the internet.

sushi - 03.10.2023 06:43

having remembered lots of this I would say it desensitized me to that type of content as i got older. mlp will always have a little place in my heart as my first show obsession. I see myself going back to redrawing characters or even ocs i had. the fandom was very very nice but the dark parts showed out too much

Lucretia Killingsworth
Lucretia Killingsworth - 03.10.2023 04:58

The fuck you MEAN 'Were'

imnotgoingcrazy263 - 03.10.2023 04:29

I watched these videos as a kid

Magolor - 03.10.2023 04:06

Fluttershy saying "Whattid I tell yall about coming in my shed" Is something I always remembered, even if never thinking about it again after I saw it.

Adamka-1 - 03.10.2023 03:37

Like if you stumbled upon twilight raping the fluffy pony while watching dr octogonapus videos

Squ1dk1d 🐰🐾
Squ1dk1d 🐰🐾 - 03.10.2023 02:21

I remembered watchinv smile hd and cupcakes and being obsessed with it. Now im 13 and i still like the horror stuff but not the actual show. I like stuff like splatoon and omori now. At first when i watched smile hd. It kinda scared me. But i realised it was kinda funny. I was never really scared of anything when i was little lmao.
I actually had a deviantart account when i was 6 (still do and will keep that deviantart account.) My accounts name is actually pinkiemani. (Obviously the pinkie pie from cupcakes). I stil have that username because i cant change it
Ive never seen derpy gets pranked.
To be honest. Im glad im out of the mlp fandom. I now realize that the fandom was full of pedos and toxic people. I thank the fandom for giving me trauma :)
Im a furry though. But before i wss a furry i didint know that furries existed lmao.
All im gonna say is that the mlp fandom had a big impact on my childhood
