"Obesity Is A Symptom" | House M.D..

"Obesity Is A Symptom" | House M.D..

House M.D.

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@StrawberryNova - 09.08.2024 23:52

The stigma against being heavier is very frustrating, especially if you are actively looking to get healthier and other things aren't working.
I had a doctor resist treating me for PCOS because of my weight. Literally, I was told "if you lose weight, your symptoms will go away" despite telling her that I had ALWAYS had the same symptoms and used to be far skinnier.
Due to a separate illness well before seeing that doctor, I had been put on 3 months of fairly high dosage steroids which had made me RAPIDLY gain quite a bit of weight. Something that PCOS does? Makes it VERY hard to lose weight once it has been gained. Even with diet changes and going to the gym I have lost very little weight since then but am getting healthier - but only because I now see a different doctor and am being TREATED for the PCOS.
At that time though essentially the doctor was resisting treating one of the primary reasons I wasn't losing the weight.

@sij809 - 11.08.2024 04:32

I hated chase

@m.l.1320 - 16.08.2024 22:21

This was the first House episode i watched.

@sugar-free-2centz - 22.08.2024 06:40

People who argue that medical conditions cause obesity are deluding themselves. There is no medical condition in existence that affects the human species in such a way as to cause a person to go from a healthy weight to obese. There are plenty of conditions that will tip you over from a healthy weight to a slightly overweight state, but any weight gain beyond that is due to addictive eating behaviors. If a girl her age is that fat, it's over eating. It may be overeating + medical condition X, or overeating + genetics, but there is undoubtedly addictive behaviors involved in this.

@itsreapernecrosis2215 - 25.08.2024 13:31

"You americans can't even play basketball as well as other countries anymore."

Well that didn't age well lol

@ZeeZed153 - 26.08.2024 05:25

Mom: "She always looked fantastic."
Chase: "Nah."

@greendeane1 - 26.08.2024 19:47

If the girl wanted to be a boy ... no plot line...

@kenny.m.olsen95 - 29.08.2024 00:27

Currently diagnosed with Cushings syndrome and have a brain MRI in a week to check for pituitary tumor. Surgery scene has me scared. Also scared of an MRI.

@jeriquasomers806 - 01.09.2024 09:07

Can we all just talk about how amazing this child's mother is?

@thomasjensen6243 - 05.09.2024 16:18

Chase: "You look fantastic"....but she is still fat.

@JLA91 - 05.09.2024 20:21

It's bleeding when your skin is necrotic is a bit of an understatement.

@clachapelle - 07.09.2024 05:11

1 of the best shows ever... Reboot House...

@TheRealCeeJai - 11.09.2024 00:29

So many of the diagnoses on this show are soled by "Do an MRI", I'm genuinely wondering why they don't just start with that in this magical medical alternate reality where they can get someone into one at the drop of a hat.

@MarthaAnthony - 16.09.2024 12:56

Notice the doctor never apologised for the awful things he said.

@RoserraRae - 18.09.2024 22:14


@claudiameier666 - 19.09.2024 04:20

most people are fat because they eat too much its rare thats its a medical cause

@natesturm448 - 23.09.2024 00:11

Chase being shocked is not only a douchebag move, but also a super welcoming one. Chase is House 2.0 all the way.

@sassykitty292 - 23.09.2024 02:11

The girl's mother is considered heavy??? When the surgeon came out to tell her that surgery went well and she stood up, she didn't look heavy to me. She looked normal.

@zombiechicken7114 - 24.09.2024 16:30

He mom is not overweight. She is just tall!! Fat phobia is big here!!

@Iceykitsune - 24.09.2024 22:24

Too many doctors dismiss EVERY medical problem that an overweight person has as a case of "the fats". People have had serous complications because of it. I read one story about a woman who had breathing problem attributed to her weight for 2 years when it turned out to be lung cancer.

@jtodt23 - 27.09.2024 20:32

Turns out I'd had Cushing's Syndrome for about 10 years before it was diagnosed, despite my doctors watching me gain 20kg, severe brain fog, passing out, all of it ... without ever testing my cortisol levels. Had an adrenal gland removed when tumour found during a CT for something else. The medicos keep saying it's a rare condition but I am certain it's the diagnosis that's rare, not the disease. Ask for complete cortisol testing if you think you may have it.

@BarryDylan111 - 28.09.2024 00:55

House writers have a real boner for defending obese people

@cee-ho - 04.10.2024 04:32

“Americans can’t compete in basketball” coming from an Aussie go play some rugby buddy you can’t compete in anything else🫵🏻🤣

@emilycarter2492 - 11.10.2024 02:53

The tough part is that Chase is correct about American children and obesity. If we don’t revert back to children eating healthy (cutting processed foods & carbohydrates), exercising and having more active lifestyles, the obesity rate will continue to rise.

@cardwitch91 - 14.10.2024 17:14

That mother is considered heavy? Huh? 😅 She’s curvy but she’s hardly overweight or obese

@PirateOfTheNorth - 17.10.2024 19:06

I had a friend who had a tumour on his pituitary gland. They removed it but he needs to take medication for the rest of his life to regulate his hormones.

@hikeeguy2206 - 31.10.2024 13:12


@theravenousrabbit3671 - 31.10.2024 14:44

I really like the digging into the symptoms in this episode, it feels natural and intelligent all at once.

@cuyhater - 01.11.2024 01:49

Hey, BritBoy, I just got back from the UK, and a whole lot of the chunkbuckets I saw over there had really convincing English accents.

@Detonated66 - 02.11.2024 17:52

This mom is so amazing!!!

@BobDobbs681 - 04.11.2024 22:42

This clip has turned me into a blubbering fool.

@aeris2001 - 18.11.2024 20:31

In what universe is that woman ten years old

@JemyM - 19.11.2024 22:59

Once I stopped to see overeating as a behavioral cause for obesity, and begun to see obesity as a disease that cause overeating, I could begin to solve my problem. All my efforts to lose weight through "eating less and move more" failed. I spent 1/3 of my life trying to find how to stop the distorted appetite and hunger, and once I found out how it fixed everything. I went from 285 to 165 over 20 months with very little effort. In my case I relied on a mix of fasting, ketosis, high protein and high satiation foods. Pretty much every successful obesity therapy there ever was suppressed the appetite, while asking a patient to "simply stop eating" is like asking a patient with an injured foot to "stop limping".

@DeeDee-ye5qe - 24.11.2024 00:55

"No mastectomy? Only brain surgery? Thank god"

@CursedUglyDevil - 27.11.2024 19:24

This is exactly why fat acceptance should never be a thing. Fat shaming is a benefit to society.

@PixelPlays_ROBLOX - 30.11.2024 20:11

Holy she's only ten?! I thought she was like 20 or something....

@matthewthorpe414 - 05.12.2024 04:26

I was diagnosed with a pituitary gland tumour 16 years ago. Looking back I had all the symptoms but they were never put together until I started losing my eyesight. I do get emotional watching this episode but two things do annoy me. You don't just get better after the operation, life is still very hard with the replacement hormones. I also don't like how the obesity aspect is used. Sometimes people just eat too much and an illness shouldn't be used to hide behind. Half the battle is fought in your own head which is ironic.

@shannonpace9433 - 09.12.2024 06:11

I've had transphenoidal surgery twice.

@sarahcnzbsahm246 - 10.12.2024 16:18

I had the same tumor! Just not Cushings luckily! It was a prolactinoma. Same surgery ! Love how far we’ve come with medical prot

@Susieq26754 - 20.12.2024 08:12

Hormones control everything. Growth, Weight. My whole life, I was told that people were obese because of junk food and lack of excercise.

@Blossom-73 - 25.12.2024 00:39


When we eat, insulin makes the fat cells open up and eat too and then they secrete the hormone leptin to go to the brain. That's how the brain knows that we eat. The brain reads leptin and sends it back to the fat cells to tell them to open up to release energy. When fat cells read the order from leptin they produce Adiponectin the key hormone that makes the fat cells to open up and release energy.

But if the brain doesn't read leptin (probably genetics), the fat cells don't open so when they eat again, they will open again to fill up again, swell, become inflamed and then the body retain fluids to extinguish the inflammation. The water mixes with the fat and it is also becomes fat. So you gain weight by drinking water too.

So the brain doesn't know that you eat. Then the brain thinks that you are starving so your body gets on starvation mode meaning that the brain make you storage everything you eat, zero metabolism and gets your ghrelin hormone higher to make you feel hungry to eat more.

Leptin is responsible for the creation of the bones since birth. If you are born with a brain unable to read leptin (genetics) then your fat cells secretes leptin all the time in a desperate attempt to notify the brain that they are full and that will elevate the levels on leptin in your blood. Then too much leptin will make you have a heavy bone structure to endure the future high obesity weight. Ghrelin on the other side has a very strange side effect. High levels of Ghrellin create a very strong muscle mass from the early age affecting and lowering insulin levels.

So the best way to lose weight is to bypass the process where the brain doesn't read leptin and this is done with an adiponectin pill so the fat cells can release energy without creating more inflammation in the fat cell, no more fluid retention no more extra fat inside the fat cell. BUT the World Health Organization refuses to license a pill of adiponectin and leaves the obese people to suffer.

@shakirahgraham39 - 05.01.2025 20:15

I love how Dr. House always try harder than the rest of the doctors he comes up with other options and never gives up on his patients. That's how a real doctor supposed to be. You see how he starred in the window at the 10-year-old girl before her chest surgery he didn't want to have to cut off her chest and he tried to find out another way to help her. I love this!

@alliezimmerman1287 - 19.01.2025 03:39

This is why I'm on a weight loss journey.

@VergelAtioan0214 - 20.01.2025 00:00

I love this episode😊

@marcwolf60 - 03.02.2025 00:18

As much as I love House.. We never see the medical bills where the patient screams "How Much" and collapses with cardiac arrest with a Do Not Resusitate order.

We see the heroic team ordering MRI's, blood tests, biosies in an enviroment where ever tissue has to be paid and accounted for.

However if this was set in the UK - the costs would never be a problem.

@sonijam - 26.02.2025 07:01

That mom was not fat.

@kelsdelrey - 27.02.2025 01:04

I need a team like this on my case. They found a small adenoma on my pituitary gland but neurosurgeon said it was too small to cause any problems, even though my head hurts all day long and I’m hungry 24/7
