Amazing New York in 1910 in color! [A.I. enhanced & colorized]

Amazing New York in 1910 in color! [A.I. enhanced & colorized]


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@CoreyChambersLA - 09.12.2023 15:19

A lot of pollution

@Cornbread-gi6kt - 11.12.2023 19:44

Amazing, all living things and the those people at that time are all gone today 2023. And many of those buildings still stand.

@014bhap - 19.12.2023 19:20

Retired from Circle Line Sightseeing Yatchs after 25 years of taking people on tours of NYC. the Met Life and Flatiron Buildings are still there. It was a nice City when Ruci Giuliani was mayor. Afte he left It all went back to the hell it was in the 1970s. Do Not Go Now!

@greenpulseeducation5002 - 01.01.2024 18:22

Today's architect is match box like or amorphous twisted genitalia.

@greengardengreen6666 - 07.01.2024 09:31

Hardly any obese people and all dressed elegantly.

@fardadsayyarpour3581 - 07.01.2024 14:35

Another amazing video, thank you for sharing these scenes. Regards

@LuisSaira-wp5zh - 08.01.2024 02:41

The sad thing is that all those people are no longer here today

@fredyjoya4076 - 12.01.2024 07:46

Simplificando e abreviando. Exaltação a arquitetura antiga, a elegância do povo e tudo mais em New York 1910 FredJoyaSociety

@A.B.C.D.E.R - 14.01.2024 03:56

Eles estão todos bem vestidos, e com chapéu, e havia o bom contato entre si e hoje estamos quase sem roupas e todos com um celular ,,,,,só falo português obrigado

@akankshadash7129 - 18.01.2024 11:04

An era where people always dressed more formally and smoked like chimneys.

@JoseVelasquez-gz3kg - 25.01.2024 04:43

Estas inocentes personas felices no sospechaban que pocos años después vendrían guerra aterradoras y crueldades humanas inimaginables

@anthonynavarro5762 - 30.01.2024 05:19

Great video 👍👍👍

@ReynardTheFox-dm8py - 17.02.2024 07:14

Thanks for this, my father was born on Manhatten, in Harlem in 1909............nice to see what it looked like then...

@nelly42442 - 20.02.2024 04:52

Thank you ❤💯❤

@riverwildcat1 - 01.03.2024 20:18

Astonishing. Beautiful world.

@donovan3021 - 03.03.2024 04:08

Que seres humanos hicieron estos hermosas arquitecturas, que bellos edificios, cómo lo diseñaron ?

@garypavlick5825 - 04.03.2024 15:34

The videography is incredible. Better than these days pretty much. How bout that shot of the FlatIron building. Where Broadway splits. I watch there's when I sick to my stomach at the thought of how far we didn't get. but, as history shows again and again. Democracy only lasts between on average 250 to 300 years. There's been plenty of democracies through out mankinds existence. Germany was a democracy before world war 1 and between world war 2. Which collapse. Democracy creates the most dangerous and damaging thing. INFLATION. There's no way around it with that system. It's the yin and yang of that concept. The capitalistic fundamentals of democracy fails every single time. It's a historically known fact. Now, did we need it when the world was large and distant from one side to the other. Yes! It created innovation. Freedom of expression. And, major advancement. Now that the world is incredibly small. And, we covered every single corner of this planet. This concept of capitalism and democracy is useless. After thousands of years. It'll take about 50 to a 100 years for the lasting residual concept to fade away. And, that'll be that. There's more to the story. But, it would take to long to explain it. Right now. But, yes you can start to kiss democracy and capitalism good bye.

@garypavlick5825 - 04.03.2024 15:50

I also like to watch these to see if I have a flash back to when I lived before. Im from NY. And, no doubt that's where I died. Then born again in 1965. In Queens. I seem to know a lot about NYC. For some reason. Without researching it. For example. I never get lost. I always know which direction im going in. I mostly grew up in Allentown Pa. This time around. But, have resided in NYC on and off through out my 58 years. Each every time I go to live there for a bunch of years at a time it was like being at home. That's pretty cool. For some reason i always knew where everything was.

@yuki21209 - 16.03.2024 04:36




@dogewood5499 - 15.04.2024 03:21

What the Hell happened to New York?

I always ask myself this: New York had been terminal since April 6, 1917, and officially died the morning of September 11, 2001.

Whatever remains of it is just a reminder of what has been forever lost…

@Samiak136 - 19.04.2024 22:50

The world just looked better that time. The people, the buildings…….

@larrydemonte2218 - 21.05.2024 13:47

Boy, I wish I was around back then I would’ve invented the yellow line in the middle of the street. I would’ve been a millionaire.

@teahilton - 20.06.2024 22:38

People walking in the streets alongside horse drawn carriages and trolleys. Cars have not yet taken over.

@sethother8012 - 22.06.2024 11:12

So cool to watch this. Nobody dresses like this anymore. This kids all wearing Angus Young outfits, and i don’t think’ there was a person in this video not wearing a hat.

@sethother8012 - 22.06.2024 12:09

World War 1 hadn’t even happened yet. Nobody knew what a great/world war was. Germany was the most advanced civilization in the world. No one had heard of the titanic. No one had TVs. Radios were something people had heard of, and maybe heard a broadcast in a public area, but hardly anyone had a radio of their own. Only the wealthiest ten percent had a telephone. The video portrays far more cars than there actually were, probably in an attempt to portray New York as an advanced city, but only about 0.5 percent of Americans had cars, and everyone else was on horseback. There were no airports and no one had even seen an airplane before except possibly on cigarette cards. The forerunner of the modern sportscard, every cigarette package had a trading card, and card collecting was very popular, as with no TVs color printing being the main form of media . This is the year that the T37 Turkey Red automobile cards came out, with pictures of automobiles on them which seem like go carts to us, but were the latest technology revolution to them. Smoking itself was somewhat of a novelty, and only a small percentage of the population smoked. Albert Einstein was a young celebrity having written his groundbreaking theory of special relativity 5 years earlier and was still five years away from publishing general relativity. Modern science was in its infancy. All films were silent, and merely accompanied with music. And here i am witnessing this entire era on my ipad.

@LifeEchoes-i3x - 28.06.2024 16:32

Those who want to return to live in this era, please raise your arms high. As for me, I find it so peaceful 🕊

@manassesnascimento4483 - 11.07.2024 00:05

Iron Man was alive

@JaronPope - 03.08.2024 13:34

After seeing this beautiful video, who would have imagined how bad Democrats ruined this beautiful city. So sad.

@germanico4401 - 04.08.2024 20:13

LA VIDA ES DE UN MINUTO NADA MAS.............QUE DIRAN DE NOSOTROS CUANDO PASEN 120 AÑOS MAS.........2024......EL 2144..............

@favic635 - 10.08.2024 01:52

If only we can stop time… all these people most likely have passed away. 2024 we are watching them when they were alive.. and we didn’t exist. The world now is so ugly.

@emilys3458 - 19.08.2024 06:16

Simply wonderful! I wonder who the two main characters were?… Actors of the day?

@mirekdaniel692 - 09.09.2024 16:51

Inny świat...

@brendadrew834 - 09.09.2024 22:05

My late father was born in 1910 and worked around Wall Street post WW2 and I used to live, work and go to a university and fashion art school in the late 1960s and 70s in Manhattan. This brought back many memories of seeing some of these iconic buildings! The former Metropolitian Life building looked really sky high for 1910! Have always loved those straw boater hats the men wore back then , so much classier than backwards baseball hats says this former retired NYC fashion illustrator, imho! Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane!💗💗💗💗

@zhouzhou-dc6oq - 20.09.2024 11:34

Everyone in the video is no longer alive, which is very sad.

@1aikane - 20.09.2024 12:28

All the buildings are so beautiful! Everything looks so well kept and clean.

@undertheyarrowbear - 29.09.2024 08:37

I am in love with these old staged influencer/setting the narrative for the new world films!! The ridiculous notion that those small silly people "built" those structures or made the statues; it is unbelievable that we couldn't see it right in front of us!

@billsmafia_ - 01.10.2024 02:58

It's like a man wouldn't dare been seen in public without a hat on. I would love to have a time machine. These videos are endlessly fascinating.

@billsmafia_ - 01.10.2024 03:24

At the time this video was taken, the Metropolitan Life Tower was the tallest building in the world. It held that distinction until 1913 when it was surpassed by the Woolworth Building.

@Ronald-o9x - 16.10.2024 20:19

Makes you wonder about time travel! Einstein said it couldn't exist but when you experience these pictures,you are ,in effect, travelling back in time! Astonishing. Same way, what if these people could have looked ahead, and see us!!!!!! I think they would have decided to stay in Thier own time period! What could happen in times to come??? Star Trek indeed?

@adrianamancuso4917 - 05.11.2024 20:41

If only we could travel back in time. I would be there in a heart beat. ❤ I would like to live in either the 1810s or the 1890s, but I would never want the industrial revolution to occur. Steam and fire, horse power only. Simplicity forever.

@blockmasterscott - 19.11.2024 12:48

Just think, at this time the Wild West was still wild. Bandits, no electricity yet in a lot of places, still using horses and stagecoaches.

Two totally different worlds in the same country.

@jaminova_1969 - 02.12.2024 08:46

My grandfather was born in 1909 and told me stories about living in NYC!

@debbyscott1 - 26.12.2024 04:30

My Grandma was born on 1883. She would has been 27. Grandpa was born 1875. He would have been 35.

@williamgallucci9913 - 10.01.2025 10:08

Life is incredibly fleeting

@stephenbannister920 - 05.02.2025 12:08

So glad they didn't know what was coming in the future.
