Funniest Drunk-Stories With Friends That You Can Never Tell When They Are Around

Funniest Drunk-Stories With Friends That You Can Never Tell When They Are Around

On Tap Studios

3 года назад

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Bettina Lose
Bettina Lose - 30.07.2023 17:16

Best story was the one with the mother and aunt in Germany 😂
I'm German myself and I saw it right before my eyes : old woman with a broom yells and chases partial dressed, drunken people away who tried to piss into flowerpots,😂😂😂
Many greetings from Germany ✌🏻😜

john steadman
john steadman - 09.05.2023 06:05

I my best both M24 we have known each other since 6th grade we were 16 at the time we got drunk he gave the I love you speech to me admit he cared about me

JakeyPoo - 06.03.2023 06:17

I once drank a whole bottle of Stumbletown 44% Vodka. Most people would say, “that’s not so bad!”

I was (and still am) 16, less than 140 pounds, and skinny as hell. I ended up sprinting a mile down the road in my underwear just to piss in the bushes at the convenience store.

Not my proudest moment, but it’s only just begun.

Ilaria H
Ilaria H - 01.03.2023 06:20

This has inspired me to never drink

Indrid Cold
Indrid Cold - 03.02.2023 16:49

I have no friends.

Can't Make Up My Mind
Can't Make Up My Mind - 01.02.2023 17:05

This was my drunk story that my best friend had to deal with but I refuse to let her tell people. I was in her passenger seat, she was driving (she was sober that night) I had to puke so she pulled over on the side of the road. Our favorite cop who we both kind of had a crush on at the time pulled up to check on us.
She was outside the car just chatting with him and when I realized who he was, I tried to get out of the car and fell into my own puke. I got up and walked around to where they were to say hey, puked again on my friends license plate, then fell. When my best friend picked me up off the ground to get me back in the car, I said I was going to puke so she just let go, dropped me, and stepped back. The cop still thinks it's funny. That was 8 years ago.

fredlegs73 - 19.10.2022 20:06

How on earth do you think "oh I'll just pull out my tampon and chew on the thing?? ""

Fucking revolting! Yuck yuck yuck uuugghhhh 🥴😖😫🤢🤢🤮🤢🤮🤮

Wesley Thomas
Wesley Thomas - 02.08.2022 22:11

Oh no!!! Pizza Emergency!

John Adams
John Adams - 01.08.2022 15:46

High School. Rural area. Party in a field. Friend one takes a girl a short distance from the party for sex. He passes out on top of her. She slips out from under him and rejoins the party. Friend two finds friend one lying face-down in the dirt and shakes him awake. Friend one opens his eyes and shouts "Oh my God! I fucked her into the Earth!"

ItsKaileyBitch - 23.06.2022 08:03

That last one was hilarious lol

Jacki Demchak
Jacki Demchak - 27.03.2022 08:04

How in the hell do you shit all over a fridge, inside and out?!

Jacki Demchak
Jacki Demchak - 27.03.2022 07:46

The drunk dancing McDonald's girl is my spirit animal.

pogo6794 - 11.02.2022 02:14

I got to drunk, couldn't move head even if I tried. My friend was asleep on my chest, I puked in her hair with pig tails. She looked at me and asked if I puked in her hair and I said sorry. She told me it was OK because only people she loves can puke in her hair and she loves me. Called her the next day tomsay sorry, she asked me to never bring it up again. It's been 15 years and I said nothing until now

Gurken Stein
Gurken Stein - 08.02.2022 07:13

That guy who massaged the other guys balls completely killed me💀💀💀

nova vargas
nova vargas - 28.01.2022 01:59

Man if some one got drunk and vomitted,peed or crapped outside of the toilet Im MAKING them clean it

Sean Clarke
Sean Clarke - 15.01.2022 00:54

that is funny you know someone is drunk when they are running naked in the city 🤣 😂 😆 I laughed so hard at that you have no idea how funny and unexpected that was

Dustan Johnson
Dustan Johnson - 06.08.2021 02:27

My ex wife got all bent up about me taking a few days away from her crap to go riding overnight on our motorcycles in the Texas Hill Country (Three Twisted Sisters ride). Got home, she chugged two bottles of wine as she screeched about some nonsense and then passed out drunk in the empty bathtub and crapped all over herself, still talking that smack even after she was totally blacked out and unconscious. All because I took some time off from putting up with her. Yeah, that marriage was over right after it started.
