TV Boost HD Antenna Scam - Do Not Buy

TV Boost HD Antenna Scam - Do Not Buy

Antenna Man

1 год назад

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William Garcia
William Garcia - 20.09.2023 13:05

Came here because of YT TV Boost ad.

toneroable - 18.09.2023 11:15

I have read all the reviews TVBoost shows. They all sound pretty FAKE. For that reason I wouldn't buy it. Also I have an antenna exactly w/me.....I got only 10 chnls. It's all I can get. I paid around $ 17.- TVBoost says they sold 1.5 million units. Hard to believe this offer.
It's a fact I am tired of using only 10 chnls. Makes me sick... plus the Cable Co. in my town do anything to get your $$. Like 1 day...the TV was bad...called these people...they sent me the technician.....& the problem was the Modem.....which is their issue....the guy went out to his truck, got me a new Modem...& fixed my TV. 2 months later I received an $85.- bill. I had to pay....otherwise..they will go against my Credit. The ambition of this Cable Co.
...went to far. I remember 50 yrs ago the TV in B & W & only 10 Cellphs & internet...however we survived....& happy. The problem is.....when U visit a relative...your kids watch sports chnls, great movies, TV News updates & good weather chnl.
Sorry...but I stay w/my 10 free chnls.
No mo' paying this Cable Co. Go to he'll
Ever since I turned in the Cable Co. boxes....they send me letters to come back. "No way Josey"

Richie Rich
Richie Rich - 17.09.2023 16:16

It would be great to get your opinion about where I live. I'm tired of paying $250 a month for spectrum I start at 160 and whenever they want they raise the price. Please help let me know how I can get started with one of your better antennas or something else

esther jones
esther jones - 17.09.2023 06:25

Thanks Tyler won't waste my time or money, I have wifi and just go to buy an out side antenna

gregory fockler
gregory fockler - 17.09.2023 01:47

i think this guy is a paid shill for cable and satelite companies to slam the antenna companies. don't know, but i am willing to bet on it

Bob Curren
Bob Curren - 16.09.2023 23:18

They still advertise heavily right here on Y tube

YZMOTO #80 - 16.09.2023 23:12

Ah yes, small flat tv antennas, and false claims of amazing reception through b.s. infomercials !
I like to think of it as trying to catch a broadcast signal butterfly with a business card, inside the house !
You will have much better success with a fairly good sized fishing net, on a pole !!!
Great video Sir !

Trashy Audiophile
Trashy Audiophile - 16.09.2023 03:50

I have the TopNotch antenna which made me have to remove my antenna amplifier. I get like 55 solid channels and gain another 26 when the sun goes down.

pmagtn - 16.09.2023 03:31

Wish I had seen this video BEFORE I ordered. I can't watch my college (TN) football games, which was the main purpose. Installation isn't quite like they say either

kettanistar - 16.09.2023 00:42

The internet ad for this product brought me here....thanks for making this video!

David - 15.09.2023 19:11

This is useless junk

christabell2002 - 15.09.2023 18:13

Is this not just a Leaf Antenna?

Mark Goff
Mark Goff - 15.09.2023 17:46

Glad someone is honest! This guy has nothing to gain.

Jared Maddox
Jared Maddox - 15.09.2023 15:06

I've been recently getting ads from what seems to be this company, and they're claiming that it decodes satellite tv. Seriously, the ads are claiming that.

Investor Gen Y
Investor Gen Y - 14.09.2023 22:25

Thank you for saving me the time from wasting any money on this TVBoost Antenna. 💤

Mark Wigdor
Mark Wigdor - 14.09.2023 08:51

Based on this being false. What would you suggest I buy for the 33155 and the 33437 zip code areas of Florida USA. Thank you and I hope I will receive a favorable and positive reply back.

Michael Scolamiero
Michael Scolamiero - 13.09.2023 14:42

thanx tyler for the info !!
now, a question of my own. my place has a couple older direct tv type antennas on the roof, with the co-ax still running into house. Are they useful for anything??

Angel RomanoGlass
Angel RomanoGlass - 13.09.2023 07:07

You saved me from purchasing two,thank you.

Pawtrix Cove
Pawtrix Cove - 12.09.2023 05:34

Wish I had seen this before ordering it. 😢 And I didn't know they were from China till I couldn't reach them. No reply to any email sent and still have no clue if it will ever show up. But at least you are on here warning people. Thank you.

Charli Reed
Charli Reed - 12.09.2023 03:54


Tim Martin
Tim Martin - 12.09.2023 02:13

The adverts are complete nonsense. Ehometech

Alan T. Duncan
Alan T. Duncan - 11.09.2023 20:52

do you know run exodus on your smart Tv

vacuum nut
vacuum nut - 09.09.2023 23:41

I went on Amazon and these type of antennas receive a good rating.

ParanormalPat - 09.09.2023 15:34

I cut the cord many years ago and haven't looked back. I switched to a rooftop antenna and I get enough channels to choke a horse. Pay TV is and always will be a bigass ripoff.

Brenda Francis
Brenda Francis - 08.09.2023 23:48

100% accurate... SCAM. Regrettably, I spent $149..
should have done my homework!😢

Myles Smith
Myles Smith - 08.09.2023 08:06

You donks are against anything that's free its time to tell all the cable and satellite subscribers to get stuffed.

Wayne Joseph
Wayne Joseph - 07.09.2023 16:40

I saw this on Instagram. I thought Yeah! Right! Who's gonna buy that? Another scam item for sale. Sod that!!!!

David Rogan
David Rogan - 06.09.2023 15:01

Thank you for this information. I was thinking of buying it but now I'm not

FUGETABOUTIT - 05.09.2023 02:26

Why are they not getting sued for lying?

Chuck Vogel
Chuck Vogel - 04.09.2023 17:00

Yes, all these antennas are total rip offs. Too good to be true-IT IS!!

Roy Patten
Roy Patten - 03.09.2023 19:34

In my bedroom I get 271 channels. In the living room and other bedroom, I get no channels.

marcus813 - 03.09.2023 13:55

I'm better off sticking to a slightly longer antenna I already have. I'm glad I saw this video before seriously considering buying that junk.

Andrea🌺 - 03.09.2023 13:34

Its about $3.50 off AliExpress 😂😅😂😅😂

Cheryl Nance-Ali
Cheryl Nance-Ali - 03.09.2023 02:44

Thank you, thank you. I was going to order one after the holiday.

Lady-Carmakazi - 02.09.2023 15:16

I suspected it was hyped up, that's what brought me to your channel, researching, thinking I was about to be sold a cheap crappy unit. Thanks for real honest info.

Louise Aguilera
Louise Aguilera - 02.09.2023 13:16

Thank you so much, Mr Tyler. I am so happy I asked. GOD BLESS you sir.

Sandra Johnson Brown
Sandra Johnson Brown - 01.09.2023 21:11

I bought one which does not work so how do I return it back to thus company as there are no details ?

Ahcene Chikhi
Ahcene Chikhi - 01.09.2023 01:35

Thanks mate

kev michael
kev michael - 31.08.2023 07:43

TV Boost. is lies ....U don't get any cable TV...U need a Satellite TV Dish....or a good Internet app.....(Not the Garbage on Smart TVs).....I watched everyone of those....all don't have live tv like NBC and is all Tayer Made Garbage 🗑️...I will stick with the one on my notebook!!!!

CalzoneManiac's Video Corner
CalzoneManiac's Video Corner - 30.08.2023 02:10

Do people actually think you can pick up Food Network, Nickelodeon, TBS, etc. with an antenna?

Travis Maxwell
Travis Maxwell - 29.08.2023 21:09

I appreciate this content. I was able to follow this channel’s recommendations and built my own antenna that picks up all towers within 30 miles and I live in the mountains. It consisted of a $5 directional antenna purchased from an Amazon return store which was piggy backed with a simple diy dipole. In my area, VHF and UHF signals are used and this setup beat everything. VHF antennas are not even sold in my area, yet half the channels still use that frequency which are not picked up with a “digital” UHF antenna.

Sunshine B
Sunshine B - 29.08.2023 20:01

I just came across this ad for TV Boost. It seemed to good to be true. I didn't even trust the testimonials I read. Went to You Tube for some info and I came straight to you. Tyler thank you for your wisdom.

Maureen Pangrazio
Maureen Pangrazio - 28.08.2023 16:40

What type of antenna would you recommend for campers on top of their RV

Kevin Chan
Kevin Chan - 28.08.2023 02:26

I knew this (tvboost) product sounded way too good to be true

Cheryl Devor
Cheryl Devor - 27.08.2023 17:46

How do we not know that you’re getting paid for saying that and how do we not know that you’re not getting paid from a cable office so no one would buy the antenna so once again we don’t know if you’re getting paid from someone so don’t run something down because we can’t trust you either no one can be trusted on this earth God bless you and have a wonderful day I’m not trying to be mean I’m just stating a true fact

Pattern Betting: Logic Beats Pie-in-the-Sky
Pattern Betting: Logic Beats Pie-in-the-Sky - 27.08.2023 16:59

Thanks! I almost bought three of these for me and my friends. Guess I'm not quite stoopid enough!
