Guess China's newest stealth jet to make its maiden flight: H-20

Guess China's newest stealth jet to make its maiden flight: H-20

Military Coverage

2 года назад

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China is reportedly going to carry out the inaugural flight of its jet which is still a secret.

The public immediately guessed that the plane in question was the H-20, a stealth bomber that looks like a B-2 Spirit bomber from the United States.

Although the Xian H-20 (Hōng-20) has never been officially introduced to the public, leaks of its design have been circulating on social media for several years.

The development of the H-20 itself began to be revealed in 2016.

It is a candidate for a subsonic stealth bomber for the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF).

The presence of the H-20 will be the closest competitor to the Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider bomber from the United States which is getting ready to carry out its maiden flight as well.

The H-20 also adopted a flying wing with the shape of a bat wing. The position of the air intake ( air intake ) is also on the side on the side of the cockpit.

As a kitchen runway, it is suspected that the H-20 uses four WS-10A non-afterburner turbofans.

It is estimated that this subsonic bomber has a combat radius of between 8,000-12,000 km.

The aircraft carries a payload of bombs or cruise missiles with either conventional or nuclear warheads with a weight range of 10-20 tons.

With its range and payload, the H-20 bomber is expected to be able to target US bases from Guam to Hawaii. The H-20 can also penetrate the northern coast of mainland Australia.

With the presence of the H-20 bomber, China is among the top three stealth bomber manufacturing countries.

As is known, the US is currently preparing the B-21 Raider bomber to replace the B-2 Spirit . Meanwhile, Russia's Tupolev is building the PAK-DA.

Many analysts say the US should be wary of the emergence of China's stealth strategic bombers.

It is not known exactly when the H-20 will undergo its maiden flight test.

However, it is said that the aircraft is targeted to serve in the PLAAF in 2025.

It seems that it is true, China is trying to uncover the appearance of the H-20 slowly until this aircraft is airborne later.


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