This is so gross and he ought to be ashamed to talk about any woman like this I hope tammy runs far away from him.
Ответитьcommenting for the algorithm ❤
Ответитьno matter how anyone feels about tammy she don't deserve this crap. I wish she knew her worth so sad
ОтветитьAmy just had a baby ppl need to get over themselves. 🙄
Ответитьisn't that the one that she got a restraining warrant against
ОтветитьI will never understand tammy she is going to lose weight and he likes his women to be un healthy I don't understand what she is thinking
Ответитьsomeone like this to me is a preditor he preys on there disability and I do beleive he inables this behavior it is a Grose injustice to each women that tries to better themselves
Ответитьit's him making himself feel better for being such a bad human tammy downgraded not him
ОтветитьSmh Tammy is a mess, her family must be upset, yeah Tammy thinks low of herself, she has a low mentality, zebras don't change their stripes without good therapy to change
ОтветитьI hope Amy looses weight, eats healthy , set healthy example for her boys
ОтветитьActually, I pity this man. He's so insecure and seems to be chasing his 15 minutes... All women deserve MUCH better than to settle for this behavior.
ОтветитьReplay crew, watching this now😊🦋
ОтветитьI'm already pissed off and I'm only 6mins in!🤬🤬🤬
ОтветитьSorry …replay crew here…. It’s been a day…
ОтветитьWhen I got pregnant with my first baby I weighed about 110 and I gained 40 pounds with him and it took me about 6 months to get the weight off. I got married when I was 17 and 4 months later found out I was expecting so I figured it was easier for me because I was so young But 9 years later I had my second baby and I weighed 125 and with her I gained 50 pounds and it was so much harder getting that weight off. It took me about a year but not all of it I was left with about 15 pounds. I am the big 63 now and I weigh 113 to 115 it changes from day to day. I just know it takes a while to get that baby weight off. I just love Amy and Tammy and I want the best for them.
Tammy deserves better and I don't like how he was making her look bad . I did see on the last text where she said bye , I don't want to be with you anymore I believe it was tammy's text. He should not do what he is doing. I just want her to be healthy and happy.❤
He’s a sad sack of a man. Tammy deserves better 👍✌️🙏❤️✨
ОтветитьHis behaviour always makes me feel icky🤮
ОтветитьI do agree that this isn't love, this feels like someone seeking attention to me.
ОтветитьI feel he's just praying on her and using her and her family. It's really sad from outside seeing clips on in
ОтветитьSadly there are men that will prey on a women's disability and/or past trauma. He's probably made her feel like he's the only one that will love maybe that's why she stays? I do feel like he's looking for a "celebrity " lifestyle, no matter the cost.🤷♀️ stay safe thru the rest of the storms today! ❤
ОтветитьFor Susan, yeah if she’s happy leave her alone, but is she really happy? Have we ever seen her actually happy? I don’t think so. This guy is never going to make her happy, he’s only going to bring more pain. He obviously doesn’t care about her to say those things, and to want her to get heavier too.
ОтветитьTammy is a grown woman. She lets herself get played. Grow up
ОтветитьTammy is desperate
ОтветитьThis guy is a damn joke. Such a joke of a boy not even a man. Yes I know things personally so I know what I’m saying is true.