Game of the Year 2017: Best Game

Game of the Year 2017: Best Game

Giant Bomb

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@Smood47 - 19.01.2018 10:18

Abbie can you please stop crying about cuphead over and over. Its a cartoony cutesy platformer its not better than epic games like breath of the wild and odyssey. Im fine with you expressing your opinion but how many times are you going to say 'I think cuphead should be higher'.. 'I think cuphead should be higher' ... 'I think cuphead should be higher' god

@DookSilvur - 19.01.2018 17:27

This year should have been called "listen to Abby dismiss all arguments and rant about why dream daddy is the greatest game ever created and why it should win every category." I could really feel Dan's torment. Man this year made me dislike her addition.

@thelastcopier - 19.01.2018 21:52

I was with Dan throughout all of these awards. It irked me a little how RE7 kept getting so easily cut.

@SchmoopyTheSpy - 20.01.2018 06:24

it's veeeeyry good

@Mmachine88 - 23.01.2018 05:16

This was great. What I really like about giant bombs end of the year stuff is that they actually talk about every individual game on the list. No other game media outlet does this sort of thing. Not in this depth. Abby did get annoying with dream daddy though lol.

@jeffreypalmer8125 - 24.01.2018 08:53

HEY.... wtf is Dream Daddy?!?! Also are these guys always so negative? That was painful!

@SasukeJR - 24.01.2018 11:37

This is exactly what it's like to be locked in a room with people who just took mushrooms. Everybody is hating on Abby but the way Dan kind of disses that game is a bit gutless. Can we have a timer on when Jeff talks? I feel like I haven't heard his voice in forever.

@zachy7777 - 24.01.2018 13:36

The list is perfect

@habib3991 - 26.01.2018 13:25

I like listening to this while playing nier

@wryguy - 06.02.2018 23:00

Abby's been taking a beating in these comments, so I kind of feel bad even bothering to type this out, but in my opinion, this is where Abby's take toward this list is fundamentally flawed:

"I think."

Almost everything Abby says is stated as, "but I think," or "I feel like," or similar structure. This is ultimately a list of opinions, but it is meant to be a cohesive (i'm sorry) aggregate opinion of the team. Throughout the whole series of discussions, and particularly in this final one, Abby has generally been unwilling to compromise when she was the only one pushing for a particular game, while simultaneously only begrudgingly accepting that games like PUBG, which the entire rest of the team was wholeheartedly behind, should really even be considered.

She also had a tendency to make an argument for something, and then when someone presented a counter-argument, immediately crumble to "yeah" or "that's fair" or "I can see that." If you're really that passionate and convinced about it, have a little more backbone, and preferably not in the form of whiny insistence that people agree with you, but through presenting evidence against their counterargument. I understand this was probably very difficult for her, being new to the table and the only woman in the room. I can appreciate the social stress/pressure of that situation and I empathize with her. But the way that ultimately manifested made this discussion unenjoyable to watch.

Furthermore, Abby struggled to make her case through examples and evidence, instead relying almost entirely on "I think it's very good. I think it's very cohesive. I think it's very genuine." Most of the rest of the staff cite specific examples of moments of gameplay, storytelling, or artistic expression that support their case, while Abby's argument almost always felt hollow for the lack thereof. This isn't the list of "What Abby Thinks", and I hope next year she'll approach it less that way.

All of that said, I'm glad to have Abby's unique perspective, and I'm confident that with another year of experience and confidence, she'll really shine on next year's discussions. I'll definitely be listening. Thanks to the whole GB team for all the work you guys do for this content in particular. I look forward to these discussions every year.

@JakleIsMe - 07.02.2018 18:21

I'm going to get a dictionary, turn it to the page with the definition of 'cohesive' on it, then set it on fire.

@Lewis080 - 12.02.2018 01:27

God i love abby but is she mentions Dream Daddy one more time. Its like she cant move on from one game

@ammarnajeeb - 14.02.2018 18:34

I can't stand Abby. Her voice is so grating and I did not most if not all the games she was backing. Please don't bring her in next year.

@DrBockNstein - 24.02.2018 06:39

Wtf happened to this website.....dear god.

@StupidMAN-fh8ch - 24.03.2018 05:48

Im sorry but where the FUCK is persona 5

@Tranquillado - 30.03.2018 19:14

I don't watch or listen to any GBE content in which Abby appears. (It took me this long to be able to stomach Alex, ffs.)

Think of the multitude of applicants they had for that position and wonder how they hired her. I bet (hope) she jumps ship in a year or so to join her brothers-from-other-mothers at Waypoint.

@taisoni1 - 08.04.2018 22:45

What the fuck happened to Giant Bomb?!

@kael13 - 20.04.2018 12:27

How can you argue a top 10 list if you haven't all completed the games on the list? That'd be like trying to argue a top list of novels but you've only read a couple of chapters of half of them.

@flowder8 - 08.09.2018 11:41


@teamramrod27 - 23.11.2018 20:40

I’m just sitting here in November 2018 saying Nier shouldve been #1

@TheFizzjunior - 27.11.2018 02:55

I think Abby just wanted her voice and her opinions be heard and respected. And I think they were. It can be really hard if you're the only female in a situation like this, especially since it's her first game of the year. It's a boys club and that can be rough.

But as stated before you have to pick your battles. She pushed back hard a lot of times where she maybe shouldn't have and just let other people take the floor and give their opinions about the category and the games.

We want to hear everybody. Sometimes you have to sit back and listen and just consider other alternatives.

I think she'll be much better this year. Ben did a good job of voicing his opinions effectively and smartly while being considerate to others. He was the MVP of this game of the year.

@Rev408 - 13.12.2018 19:08

Cuphead should be higher.

@MacJulian88 - 10.02.2019 10:08

In retrospect, does it seem like PUBG really was better than fuckin' BOTW? I wonder if this same group of people would get together and come to the same conclusion today. Something makes me doubt it.

I remember listening to this when it came out and thinking the PUBG hype was way too much. Yes, PUBG was an innovative game, but it was broken as hell and looked and felt strangely unoriginal. I've since played it quite a bit more and can honestly say I think I gave it too much credit with that opinion. It's just not a very good game. Undoubtedly it was the most novel concept that actually went somewhere in 2017; there's no arguing against that. But what it had in great moments came from playing with friends a lot of the time, and when it wasn't that, it was the great core of the game's design shining through from under the mountain of trash it presented to the player.
Add to that PUBG was 30 € from the beginning and still tried to sell us lootboxes. Doesn't sound like GOTY material, does it? Compare and contrast to 2017's Zelda entry. Really, Giant Bomb? :P

@hello_macrel8624 - 26.06.2019 05:06

Horizon Zero Dawn was my #1...

@thegameneededme5 - 28.12.2019 02:37

Real talk, though. I know this became kinda memey, but Cuphead really should have been higher, in retrospect.

Also, damn, Hollow Knight got done dirty.

@jk222s - 28.12.2019 15:11

Man going back through Giant bomb GOTYs, definitely makes me sure I'm never going to really take their reviews all that seriously

@ManiLink - 16.01.2020 23:03

Wait how did Pubg win this? It's a mess!

@cranberry_the_xviii9458 - 16.04.2020 08:38

Im ngl the this is just a medicore character action game comment is almost as reductive to Nier as anything anyone said about Dream Daddy. The only two people who seemed enough against Nier are Abby and Dan, and a lot of Abby's vitriol towards it seems to mostly stem from the fact that hey this creator has troubling views on women. Which I understand as a valid knock on a game of the year list (presentation is everything) but of all the arguements for a game of the year in terms of what that year was for gaming, Nier's arguement was absolutely the strongest.

@lain11644 - 17.05.2020 03:40

Finishing all of the games on the list should be a requirement for the panel. 90% of the time they're arguing because someone judge the game based on face value. It's also funny how Abby said people need to finish Dream Daddy before judging it but she didn't finish Nier Automata herself.

@lanadelrey3821 - 18.05.2020 05:49

How the hell did pubg win? LOL BOTW is a certified modern classic. An INCREDIBLE game.

@AN4RCHID - 18.05.2020 05:52

I wish Abby would be not

@thehalfnerd2221 - 18.09.2020 01:12

While I agree that at times Abby is repetitive in her phrasing and could better elucidate her arguments about games, I think there is so much elitist gatekeeping happening in the comments here. What gives anyone in the comments the right to say that Abby doesn’t deserve to be in this group or should be removed because you don’t like the way she speaks? that’s so pretentious and frankly stupid.

@DKZK21 - 26.11.2020 01:48

Aaand she's gone :)

@markymark637 - 06.05.2021 19:04

Vinny totally shilling for Abby here. She was horrible

@DaveTheDopeFiend - 31.12.2022 02:23

Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Daddy

@albertwesker2283 - 16.01.2023 14:10

“Felt too much like Resident Evil.” Well it is called Resident Evil 7

@humblecanadian4206 - 22.01.2023 09:17

No Persona, No Yakuza but putting a Gay Dad Sim in and saying Wolfenstein 2 has Bad Gameplay are you serious I'm in 2022 and it has some of the best gunplay of any shooter. Who the Fuck are these people. Go watch the Easy Allies

@readysetmoses - 09.05.2023 17:04

The goty that will live in infamy

@bearimo2867 - 08.07.2023 19:39

6 years on, still the wildest Game of the Year, and really tbh put me off this whole crew, insane logic to keep denying one of the greatest games of all time for, what, PUBG? 🤦

@EXPShareStreams - 08.02.2024 14:00

Wow Hollow Knight knocked out of the top 10 5 minutes into the video lol just saved me 5 hours of watching the rest of the video

@Vub. - 25.07.2024 14:28

Enough with this Dream Daddy garbage, a gay daddy dating sim? The only reason they are even entertaining it is because they dont want to beat down Abby each time. I know Dan wants to say "this game sounds horrible" at any moment.

@Vub. - 25.07.2024 14:33

Why does abby keep saying "I dont see why it has to be one or the other" when that is litterally what they are setting out to do, to pick the games they want to stay and the ones that dont. Also, its VERY clear she wants all the indies to be top 10 and she isnt into triple AAA games as much. She is much into the life is strange, night in the woods, indie teen games.

@Vub. - 30.07.2024 18:09

Abby was insufferable with the "cuphead higher" stuff. Omg
