The Three Phases of Culture

The Three Phases of Culture

J.J. McCullough

1 год назад

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US Route 20
US Route 20 - 17.10.2023 04:48

Authors- like real life
Furniture- form follows function
Architecture- maximize usable space
Visual art- Jackson Pollack.
How did that happen?

Keskeyy - 15.10.2023 06:59

I think culture evolves in an infinite number of stages as it progresses

Jay Kong
Jay Kong - 21.09.2023 23:21

So the big take away here is JJ is a rootless bugman who if were apart of a higher class would qualify as some davos cosmopolitan.


Steve Keates
Steve Keates - 19.09.2023 21:28

Is he sat on a bouncy ball?

Keyboard Lizard
Keyboard Lizard - 13.09.2023 20:08

Lobotomy tier takes

PigsXing - 13.09.2023 06:00

Fantastic video

Allen Moses
Allen Moses - 09.09.2023 21:18

Postmodern at its heart is a reappraisal of religion after the rejection of religion in modernism.

Fireside Films
Fireside Films - 02.08.2023 19:13

The thing is the fourth cultural wave IS the mixing and matching that you describe, I think. Can’t have that mixing and matching without first going through and transcending through the first three stages.

Kiran Reilly
Kiran Reilly - 30.07.2023 05:14

I can only pray we see a return to pre-modern aesthetics as a general return to meaning. People with nothing meaningful to say ought be silent lest their cacophony of pointless and self-indulgent noise that they blurt out in a fruitless attempt to give themselves a sense of affirmation continue to swamp the world in a deluge of nihilistic nonsense that diminishes the human spirit.

Lou Burkette
Lou Burkette - 28.07.2023 22:04

Hoping for mixing and matching as I'm very, very tired of all these labels and distinctions. It's exhausting.

Zun-viik - 17.07.2023 19:02

The problem I've always had with this simple categorization is that it condenses 90% of humanity into one box and 5% in both the other 2 boxes.

cam - 16.07.2023 06:46

meta modernism to me is the next phase, where a growing awareness of the three outlooks become collective with a broader perspective and embrace of self expression and abstract expression of certain beliefs. To me, everything everywhere all at once is the perfect example of this, where retrospect on the three phases and their lack of acknowledgement over the idea that they can all be embraced, creating a movement of simultaneous rejection of the ideas and embracing the elements of them. together, they finalize our outlook and understanding of the influence and importance of form and presentation on our material and social reactions to them.

Bandith Thach
Bandith Thach - 13.07.2023 06:55

i had 20mins to kill while i ate and wait for my laundry to finish in the dryer. thank you.

atrus - 05.07.2023 22:03

I don't think that pre-modernism or modernism ever really went away. I think each era was more expanding and adding to what was there. It's a bit like how cars were an example of a heavily industrial technology, so they were a huge focus of attention when they were new and in an explosive phase of growth. As the information age started to take center stage, it's not like cars went away or stopped evolving, but the predominant preoccupation shifted to be with computers.

Oscar Guzman
Oscar Guzman - 02.07.2023 02:15

A boot

Nylak Otter
Nylak Otter - 30.06.2023 22:36

I prefer pre-pre-modern aesthetics. Simple cut wood, rocks, plants, leather, rough metals, pelts, bones. Organic stuff with natural accents that aren't too gaudy.

All of these are terrible. Modern design is welcome in sterile working environments, but not in a home setting.

aesthetiix - 30.06.2023 03:55

I know this is unrelated but I really love your room or office idk

Thesoulofalion - 27.06.2023 23:44

Why does he have Joe Bidens picture on the desk lol?

Carnegie Josh
Carnegie Josh - 27.06.2023 22:42

This is ok...

Claudius Augustus
Claudius Augustus - 25.06.2023 16:23

also known as the decline and fall of a civilization

dean julian
dean julian - 23.06.2023 23:51

Its still just the BIG THREE.

You Bute
You Bute - 23.06.2023 06:50

thank you for the nice explanation
hav e heard these terms on and off but never actually knew what they really meant
I didn‘t think I'd be able to watch till the end, not that it was boring, but due to my shortened attention span in our current era of YT shorts and Tiktok.
So I am proud of myself to actually watching without distractions-

Konrad Wright
Konrad Wright - 22.06.2023 11:57

I think we’ve just mix the correlation of time with 3 phases. Wrapped it up into a chronology with our language which taints the lens we use to talk about them. I’d rename it to “Aesthetics/Functionality/Bizarre”

big eddy
big eddy - 22.06.2023 06:30

I just found you, I loved this video. I have kind of a nihilist outlook, that we’re squeezing the culture out of our society, artists retreat, give up, are suppressed… to put it kindly, I’m seeing the fourth category as an artistic dry spell of quiet despair.

Mr. Simplicity And The Simplicity Lifestyle
Mr. Simplicity And The Simplicity Lifestyle - 21.06.2023 03:52

You make learning fun, thank you! You’re a rockstar?

AirForceChmtrails - 18.06.2023 00:23


Moorbilt - 15.06.2023 07:25

Poor guy

littleferrhis - 11.06.2023 23:33

Jreg reading 4.48 psychosis just feels perfectly fitting.

Call me Uriah.
Call me Uriah. - 11.06.2023 20:02

Notice how the three phases "reflect a sort of natural limit of how cultural works can be conceptualized" yet cultural analysis is "pseudoscience". I wonder how that could be?
I also found the way that you use examples extremely dubious. So a play that cannot be acted out is an example of the values of postmodernism. So is Manfred postmodern? Is Lord Byron not essential to the way we understand pre-modernism, but rather an exemplar of postmodern ways of thought? Surely not. Discomforting and the seemingly nonsensical are qualities of the postmodern. So is Finnegan's Wake postmodern? Is James Joyce not the hight of modernism but rather postmodern? Surely not.
This whole "dismissal of the humanities as a valid stream of academia" coupled with lackluster explanation of the terminology is frankly just obnoxious. I suspect that you did research to make this video. I wish you would have put your sources in the description. If you are actually interested in understanding the role that the humanities has to play in the understanding of our world post enlightenment (which I am sure you are not), I would highly recommend that you give the preface of *Phenomenology of Spirit*, "On Scientific Cognition", and the first section of *Dialectic of Enlightenment*, "The Concept of Enlightenment", a read.
But hey, I'm sure the humanities is just trying to destroy the values of enlightenment, and thus western civilization, with our pseudoscience and continental philosophy. Great job with the unbiased reporting.

biggus - 11.06.2023 14:39

I’m new here. You’re sitting on a yoga ball, surely

Tactical Gaming Fool
Tactical Gaming Fool - 09.06.2023 06:28

The new style is putting computer chips and cameras in evrything

simon yin
simon yin - 08.06.2023 12:55

i think there is a point to be made about the hyper referential nature of meme culture constituting some new form of artistic expression. Of course art has alway had referential elements but it has been driven ad absurdum lately where in order to understand a joke you need to follow a backlog of obscure references 7 levels deep. I sometimes really struggle to explain a meme to a person outside of memeculture simply because there is so much knowledge necessary to understand whats happening. I think this difficulty explaining the point to somebody not familiar with the artform is a hint that it is its own larger category.

Emily Martin
Emily Martin - 06.06.2023 21:55

Especially the modernist authors you mentioned can be understood as the spiritual successors of Romantic literature - capturing subjective experience. The unreliable narrators of Romantic novels laid the groundwork for the non-linear vignettes of modernist novels.

Basil Diana
Basil Diana - 06.06.2023 20:33

I definitely think we're entering a fourth phase, but I also think we're going to see closer to 6 phases. I think the differences are going to be much more minute than in the past, but I think we're leaning more toward traditionalist, but minimalist design now. Then in the future, I think we'll see the more ornate, and "alternative" again, before settling somewhere where we integrate the natural world's inherent design structure into our lives and products in a way that we haven't yet fully developed. Like a pendulum swing slowing down before settling in the middle. We're gonna play around with the ratios before we decide on a happy medium.

snow - 05.06.2023 17:05

Isn’t this determined by the specific moment in time which the observer is currently living ? Cus for us the 20s seem like pre-modern entering into the modern, but to them what would be considered pre-modern?

Wiilliam Pinar
Wiilliam Pinar - 05.06.2023 07:45

Brilliant, J.J.

gunsfree - 04.06.2023 09:49

The air and space gallery is not exactly functional on the inside. I worked there when it was still open

The Gent
The Gent - 01.06.2023 23:48

Post Modern artists are just Trolls

William James Lehy
William James Lehy - 01.06.2023 16:43

I like how you deliberately turn the Canadian accent up to 11.

Frankie Cedeno
Frankie Cedeno - 28.05.2023 21:07

Maybe the fourth age IS mixing and mashing eras and a “fifth” era would be the first of a new cycle where the mixing and mashing has created a whole new idea of culture. I think the real question is if this cycle could be reasonably applied to the history. Can we define pre-ancient, ancient, post-ancient cultures followed by a mixing of eras that creates something new?

Idk, I’m not an anthropologist.

Hello Pooter
Hello Pooter - 28.05.2023 16:38

i have a theory that we're heading into a synthetic era where we incorporate AI into creating art through experimentation and collaboration and then it will quickly be followed by a post-synthetic era where AI will grow to emulate and even surpass our creativity to express the human experience without our involvement in a very ironically geninune way

Kyle Spevak
Kyle Spevak - 27.05.2023 17:54

Would hyper pop be considered postmodern or modern?

Kyle Spevak
Kyle Spevak - 27.05.2023 17:45

Pre-modern: starting to form an idea
Modern: The idea is fully realized
Postmodern: The idea has existed for some time now and people are starting to make variations of it

Jiles Korey
Jiles Korey - 25.05.2023 09:49

"Meta-modern" hit the nail on the head JJ. I also see a trend of trad-modern where people use modern/post-modern aesthetics to revive pre-modern attitudes (Sam Hyde comes to mind lol)

TheBrazilRules - 25.05.2023 00:52

Ok. So Post Modernism is synonymous with pretentiousness, just like Zoomer humor that is so preocupied with being ironic that it ends not being funny at all.

nyaKona - 21.05.2023 23:53

4.48 sounds so scary
