Your heart is not a pump or is it - new research of the Chestahedron

Your heart is not a pump or is it - new research of the Chestahedron


2 года назад

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@Sirach-pv5xv - 10.02.2022 10:22

Hey, that means the Heart is VORTEXING blood, right???

@0rionskate - 10.02.2022 13:45

nov 2022 ? this is from the future

@bluecafe509 - 10.02.2022 16:11

Amazing stuff.

@sumarexl - 10.02.2022 22:18

Hi Mr. Chester. Im a fan from Brasil. Your labor is amazing. Thanks for share. 🙏

@Horaczkocom - 13.02.2022 01:57

You are right . It is Revolutionary..

@naborcabrera - 13.02.2022 02:24

Thank you Frank, you are amazing!

@barrycampling - 13.02.2022 22:17

So inspiring! Inspired enough to have cast a number of chestahedons in clear and colored glass in the last few years. I just love looking at them.

@paulhogsten2613 - 24.02.2022 00:04

Frank, Do you have any idea how the muscles of the heart can work non-stop 24/7 for sometimes over 100 years without becoming fatigued?

@Scotty432 - 07.03.2022 14:32

Brilliant presentation Frank, thank you. I’ve been following you since 2011 and came to see you in 2016.
Its truly incredible how you keep coming up with new developments from the Chestahedron

@ZKorvin - 16.03.2022 18:44

I feel like I’m having a glimpse of my future self.

@EdwinRiveraTheOneThatGotAway - 24.03.2022 17:00

Thanks for the video(*_*)
Btw Scott McQuate is the Truth.

@kevmoonhare - 27.03.2022 00:44

Just superb, Thank you so so much.

@jdwild1698 - 06.06.2022 23:17

Very interesting Frank...So in your opinion is it a pump or not ? Could you please elaborate ? Thank You :>)

@anamorales1214 - 15.08.2022 17:34

Thanks Chester. You are a genius! Very clear all that you exposed.

@flowwesterly6136 - 10.09.2022 16:40


@ciudadanoespanol7531 - 03.10.2022 21:04

Thank you very much indeed for your study and tenacity. I did not know anything about you but I am impressed.

@ianwelch6393 - 05.01.2023 19:40

Thank you so much for your input to help humanity grow and learn the truth about the heart.

@iamwholewithmysoul547 - 06.01.2023 16:34

We are just like Mother Earth it is level it is not a ball flying through Infinite Space.

@netto682 - 10.01.2023 23:31

👏👏👏🇧🇷excelente trabalho

@netto682 - 10.01.2023 23:33

O sr precisa conhecer o trabalho do MANEL BALLESTER E TOM COWAN

@netto682 - 10.01.2023 23:35


@netto682 - 11.01.2023 00:29

Seu trabalho merece um Nobel / abre campo para coração artificial

@sueda2114 - 24.02.2023 00:34

"Keep working because that's where the life is." Amazing 🍀
Thank you alot for these beautiful explanations Mr Chester 💐

@brahamyoung1951 - 27.08.2023 04:10

Is the condition of my blood
The most important part of my body….&
Does the heart get stronger with excessive use…

@di21nov - 28.08.2023 01:30

Thank you so much! Amazing brilliant work!

@Nojgrossnickler - 27.09.2023 07:03

My friend, the heart is not alone. How does the blood have geometry?? How does the blood live and how does it “flow” is it not invited through the heart? The heart cannot “pump” through sooo many miles of tiny veins! The pressures required are impossible! No muscle could power this therory! What is the solution to understand this from all that you have learned? I know you can find it! Much love from my heart to yours! Be well!

@TillerSeeker - 22.11.2023 08:26

Thank you, Frank, for your fascinating, cutting edge explorations, modeling, and speculating upon the geometrical and topological basis for the miraculous behavior of our human heart muscles!

@Santu7220 - 20.12.2023 18:37

Mr Chester, thank you so much! Your continued research and way of explaining the complexity with all your tools is very much needed and appreciated here. I learned so much from you and will come back.

@mathewrobeson4251 - 20.12.2023 23:41

Amazing work, love your lectures, it’s mind boggling to think how all this has been put together. Thank you

@hokehinson5987 - 03.01.2024 07:12

There's a cardiologist that presents this same lecture but not based on geometry....
His discovery is the heart does not pump but acts as a control valve. The blood moves by itself thru relationship of positive and negative transfer of energy. For lack of a term he refers to this mechanism as law of magnetism... the blood flows thru a vast system of arteries which decrease in size to an even more complex system of capillaries eventually reduced to cellular size. The blood flows into this system and is virtually just a ebb flow when reaching the cellular level which allows the transfer of vital nutrients & oxygen to be exchanged and wastes and carbon dioxide to be removed and returned to organs of filtration and the blood now negatively charged is returned to heart which controls flow to lungs for oxygen . The arteries expand and contract to create blood pressure. The heart only regulates the flow the beat, the opening & closing of the two valves provides an interruption of flow which allows the ebb to occur at the capillary level for transfer & absorption of nutrients.
Our crude science is false. This is why mechanical hearts have been a failure...the constant pumping results in cellular death, and organ failure.

@genoc4463 - 03.01.2024 17:28

Thank you Frank for your work, your research and your generosity in sharing the beauty of it. Your beautiful work inspires questions and intuitions, among them one can think of the various geometric logics that coexist in the human body for its effective functioning. Who creates and how the system is created would lead us to dilemmas linked to the source or to God. I was wondering if your work has in mind to locate the heart in its usual place and to study the possible causes of its location and its essential geometric understanding within the integrity of the "Human Body". I was also thinking about the simultaneous relationships that exist between the geometric living (organic) laws of the human body and the planet earth or the cosmos itself. It seems a sidereal work, very happy to have arrived at this video by chance. Thank you. Jos

@Fluidblue - 10.01.2024 17:34

Beautiful dissection. I've been using the Fibonacci method in my art, it looks like everything is merging with science,art, music. "3,6,9" from Tesla. "Everything is vibration," Einstein. Good luck in your endeavours 🙏♥️🙏

@julimagui168 - 19.02.2024 13:23

I loved it 😍

@axis-II - 29.04.2024 17:15

Zeta potential and light look at Gerald Pollack and Stephanie Steneff

@michaelvogelsang5066 - 08.05.2024 05:04

Thank you very much, Frank. I watched Gil Hedley unwrap and rewrap a human heart and it is exactly how you presented it with the cones. Your approach with the geometry is brilliant. 🙏Looking forward to seeing more!

@westandeast1024 - 16.05.2024 06:02

Just fascinating. A wonderful application of the art and science of geometry to nature's creation, the heart, which cannot ultimately be fully understood or described. But we can get clues to the mysteries! I am interested in knowing more about how the blood affects the heart. Can we say that the blood moves the heart vs. the heart moving the blood? I think so. I want to know more about the intersection of the heart and the lungs. clearly this system is the center of our existence. We also need to know more about the electrical system of the heart and the neurons that ai have heard send messages to the brain, more messages than the brain sends the heart. And what about the heart muscle? It is not working like a skeletal muscle, as it is not really moving blood, but rather responding to the movement of the blood. so interesting. Learning more about the heart, structured water, vortexes, and related topics feels like it is healing me. I love and nurture and understand my heart more and i feel younger than I used to because that.

@regulargold7065 - 24.05.2024 20:46

2 minutes in and i can see he is about to expose the masons.

@LavenderLori406 - 29.05.2024 06:52

Thank you Frank. For your simple elegant genius. ♡

@shellygarmonstewart3188 - 13.06.2024 22:57

jUST WOW! The visual breakdown from foundation to manifesto is absolute magnificence and tones truth. XOXOXO

@sandyaustin4861 - 30.06.2024 20:54

My question is why does it change shape is it because the muscle gets weaker?

@BillyRayV - 27.07.2024 13:26

I believe the heart is pushing the fluid through a torodial vortex. This, when applied to fluid, gives structure to fluid on a cellular level, hence the blood becomes structured and becomes what known as living water, which makes it more palpable for the body. This vortex action also makes for stronger traction flow around the initial arteries.

@dimitrismilios6483 - 29.07.2024 00:48

the anagram of heart is earth. i thinks everything ends up to fractal and simply vision

@markapuron4132 - 10.08.2024 18:09

💜109💜THANK YOU💜🌞💜

@kukulcangod1 - 17.08.2024 08:15

Thank you, that is the only expression have, never be a critique but instead utter admiration...
Sacred Geometry is certainly the greatest explanation of how our universe truly manifests. Your deductions are truly Genius.
I do not have but a fraction of such a wonderful flow of thoughts, but I know what it takes.
30 plus years ago I came across the secrets of The Ancient Mayans using a similarly intricated process, hopefully, my book will be published before the end of this year, and my upcoming title is "Games The Gods Play" explaining it.
But I kept the secrets in my case, to avoid as usual misunderstandings, plagiarism, controversy, and even the destruction of our cultural inheritance.
Your mind will certainly unfold more of the secrets I will reveal, which will unite and explain what nowadays hasn't been understood.
Understanding it will truly advance our civilization exponentially...Hence the unbearable responsibility over my shoulders...
Your discoveries have inspired me even more enriching one of my inventions of 3D physical art already...This is right up your alley...It would be an honor when ready to be able to collaborate, to set you loose into such a powerful vortex of secrets leading to a wonderland of infinite possibilities.

@doyen101 - 11.09.2024 04:11

