Full-stack Angular (SSR, file-based routing, + more) with AnalogJS

Full-stack Angular (SSR, file-based routing, + more) with AnalogJS

Learn With Jason

1 месяц назад

938 Просмотров

There’s a whole lot of interesting innovation happening in AnalogJS. Creator Brandon Roberts will teach us why it’s exciting, whether you’re an Angular dev or not.

Upcoming episodes:

Links & Resources:

- https://twitter.com/brandontroberts
- https://opensauced.pizza/
- https://analogjs.org/
- https://analogjs.org/docs/integrations/nx#adding-to-an-existing-nx-workspace
- https://dev.to/analogjs/announcing-analogjs-10-19an
- https://github.com/tc39/proposal-import-attributes
- https://www.learnwithjason.dev/topic/angular/
- https://github.com/analogjs/analog
- https://chat.analogjs.org/
- https://analogjs.org/docs/sponsoring

Watch future episodes live at https://lwj.dev/live

This episode was sponsored by:
- Nx (https://lwj.dev/nx)
- Netlify (https://lwj.dev/netlify)

Live transcription by White Coat Captioning (https://whitecoatcaptioning.com/)

00:24 Introducing Brandon Roberts
02:30 Analog A Meta Framework for Angular
10:03 File-Based Routing and Server-Side Rendering
15:44 Getting Started with Analog
26:40 Creating Pages and Dynamic Routes
38:46 Single File Components
46:50 The VS Code Extension
49:06 Using Async Pipe and Metadata
53:04 Creating Layouts and Router Outlets
01:03:53 Server-Side Data Fetching
01:16:28 Rendering Markdown Pages
01:24:26 Next Steps for learning more about Analog


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