Robert the Bruce was the Real Life 'Braveheart'

Robert the Bruce was the Real Life 'Braveheart'

Weird History

1 год назад

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EST3R’V - 03.10.2023 23:56


Wake up & free yourself!
Wake up & free yourself! - 02.10.2023 20:45

I’ve never heard so much bollocks!!

Much of the way you portrayed the Bruce is untrue and pathetic fiction.

How much did you pay for your 4+ million subscribers?

I’d love you to post your channels subscription analytics.

liam - 02.10.2023 18:53

Braveheart is a film. And a good film.

Summit tae dae
Summit tae dae - 02.10.2023 01:51

Nobody called William “braveheart” The declaration of by independence wasn’t signed til 1320. The Bruce was in more political beds than Monica Lewinsky. Since the movie finished with the Bruce on the battlefield we could assume this is okay to call the movie Braveheart. The Bruce stabbed commons with his dirk not a sword.

Nebulous - 12.09.2023 23:19

To be fair, Wallace is never referred to as Braveheart in the film so the title could still refer to Robert.

William Watson
William Watson - 10.09.2023 13:56

I have to admit I was a sucker for many years of the Mel Gibson movie braveheart I learned 10 years ago it is Hollywood fluff weird history very accurate my surname is Watson

Clifton Hall
Clifton Hall - 07.09.2023 21:56

Who was the bigger badass, William Wallace or Robert the Bruce?
No it is Chuck Norris!!!!!

Yoga Chick
Yoga Chick - 07.09.2023 19:03

I enjoyed all of this video with the exception of the pop culture references to mad TV and SNL. I have no idea what you're talking about and that type of limited appeal reference breaks the flow and serves to alienate people who might otherwise enjoy the history that you are sharing

K. Herman
K. Herman - 07.09.2023 07:59

I guess you could say that Robert the Bruce was pretty "heart"-core. Lmao! 😂😂

Colin Mclean
Colin Mclean - 03.09.2023 21:23

the bruce is our hero,,my heart goes out to those guys in the past,we think all that matters is here and now,,well so did they,they lived and fought,in the present aswell

21 Century Craftsman
21 Century Craftsman - 25.08.2023 02:29

Who cares if Braveheart is not accurate, I’d watch that shit right now!!

Dan H
Dan H - 22.08.2023 15:20

Robert the Bruce was born in Chelmsford

True Englishman

Bruiser 1987477
Bruiser 1987477 - 16.08.2023 16:02

Would also like to add that the most annoying and daunting factual error in the film braveheart for me was that The Battle of Stirling Bridge took place on a field 😂, i mean the bridge was the key part of Wallace winning that battle, also the Schiltron tactic (using huge spikes to combat heavy cavarly) he used in the fake battle of Stirling wasnt invented until the battle of Louden Hill by King Robert

Bruiser 1987477
Bruiser 1987477 - 16.08.2023 15:55

Im Scottish and there is no evidence they ever actually met, they most likely had crossed paths but they certainly weren't best friends

S K - 24.07.2023 03:31

It was a film, not a documentary. Would you have gotten any interest the history of this time and place if it wasn't for the movie? I think not.

Ronald Palmer
Ronald Palmer - 10.07.2023 18:46

Everyone seems to forget about the battle of byland ridge in october 1322 which by all accounts was nearly as big a victory as bannockburn

CW FTFT - 21.06.2023 11:53

Yanks, fuck them. A real Scot 👍🏻 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Jean Baptiste
Jean Baptiste - 20.06.2023 09:18

It's the deficit of a writer, that they need themselves featured as their film technique being used.

Joe Muir
Joe Muir - 28.05.2023 23:03

The greatest Scotsman in our history

Julie - 28.05.2023 05:06

My ancestor

websurfer - 25.05.2023 22:09

These are my people. Thank you for this. I LOVED every minute of it. 😍
Robert the Bruce was the biggest badass!

ashley stewart
ashley stewart - 14.03.2023 07:24

I’m actually a descendent of Robert “ the Bruce “ . His daughter Marjory married Walter stewart and had a son who became the first king of the house “ stewards “ Robert the II of Scotland . I’ve spent years piecing together my family history and tree. I’m proud to be a descendent of such important and historical figures!

arthur mcclench
arthur mcclench - 02.03.2023 19:21

Ok. This video is mostly nonsense. What we historians like to term- "b*ll*cks"
“Braveheart” is not a posthumous nickname for Robert Bruce. This has become a post-'Braveheart' factoid.
It has nothing to do with that historical figure.
John Barbour was not a chronicler but a literary churchman who forty years after King Robert died, wrote his “Brus” - a long poem in praise of Robert Bruce and Sir James Douglas. He calls it a ‘romance.’
However, nowhere in the poem do the words “brave heart” appear.
The passage with the 'thrown heart' first appears inserted in the text of a printed version of the ‘Brus’ published 200 years later, in 1571.
There Douglas addresses the embalmed chest pump with the words “Now pass thou forth before….”
In none of the numerous versions misquoting that passage down the years do we find the words “Lead on.”
Only in 1829 does another poet - still addressing the pickled organ- for effect add the phrase “thou gallant heart.”
After forty years of that, in 1870 yet another poet produces the variation “On, on, brave heart ” - Hurrah- although after that “gallant heart”, “dauntless heart”, “noble heart” share the laurels but in the mid-C20th word-wizard Winston Churchill, of all people, in his 'History of the English Speaking Peoples'- that's right- thrills us with “Forward brave heart!”
The rest is- more of the same old b*ll*cks.

Matthew Sparks
Matthew Sparks - 01.03.2023 06:31

What about outlaw king?

yahkirhys - 19.02.2023 03:30

Tom needs a fking raise $

William Marshall
William Marshall - 18.02.2023 12:05

Leave out the Dumb comments😂

Paulitik - 18.02.2023 09:06

I just found out Robert the Bruce is my 21st great grandfather, so running across this was the cherry on top.

Mark Swanson
Mark Swanson - 29.01.2023 13:46

No where in the movie was William Wallace called Braveheart. It's the movie and describes all of Scottish Rebels that fought for their freedom.

Kurt M
Kurt M - 28.01.2023 21:53

Robert the Bruce is my 22nd great grandfather! We are crafty. 😏

H I - 28.01.2023 03:48

Now i want netflix to make a new series.

J.A. Weishaupt
J.A. Weishaupt - 27.01.2023 11:31

Unbelievable how you guys got photos of all those historical people

Joseph stone
Joseph stone - 24.01.2023 05:35

That's all bull sh--

Weekend Kings
Weekend Kings - 22.01.2023 09:42

I looked at my family tree that went back to 1300’s I’m a descendant of Robert the Bruce

Eileen E.
Eileen E. - 21.01.2023 08:59

Two of my ancestors were there when his heart was thrown (the Logan brothers). I only watch Braveheart for the wonderful accents 🤣

Debby Lou
Debby Lou - 20.01.2023 06:20

No, he wasn’t. He was an opportunist and every one know it

Matt G
Matt G - 19.01.2023 04:06

Its Historical Medieval Fantasy masterpiece.

John VanderMolen
John VanderMolen - 18.01.2023 20:08

Braveheart is such an awesome movie.

Drunk Weeb Marine
Drunk Weeb Marine - 17.01.2023 22:27

Why would they wear pagan paint being super big Christians? Makes no sense

j4d3 goat
j4d3 goat - 17.01.2023 10:16

Slight inaccuracy, I think - Robert cut the guy's HEAD in half - he didn't cut the man in half!

Will S
Will S - 17.01.2023 02:38

The fact that Bruce took out the knight in front of both armies before the battle is the stuff of legend.

Betty Minch
Betty Minch - 17.01.2023 00:50

One more thing-there was an Edward I . LOved your video!

Brucie Bruce
Brucie Bruce - 16.01.2023 22:05

Robert the Bruce makes a man proud to be a Bruce

Ndobless - 16.01.2023 09:15

My wife is a Bruce, scot descent and my Daughter has the same scotish descent and Surname, shout out to all the Bruces world wide

Nancy Haley
Nancy Haley - 15.01.2023 09:40

“Born into a Noble family” he was descended from Scottish kings, so not just noble. The decent gave him a claim to the throne which didn’t hurt him getting it ultimately.

Kodeekat - 15.01.2023 09:27

"Robert the Bruce" always sounded to me like it was analogous to calling someone "Gary the Doug".

Anantha Padmanabhan
Anantha Padmanabhan - 15.01.2023 04:28

Robert the Bruce did not fight for freedom. He wanted to maintain status quo but with him on the top of the realm rather than it being occupied by the king of England

Anantha Padmanabhan
Anantha Padmanabhan - 15.01.2023 04:26

Edward I did not invade and seize control of Scotland. Robert the Bruce's father and other nobles called him to mediate and decide who the next king of Scotland should be as there were no legitimate king of Scotland as the last king died without heir as well as his granddaughter died on the way to Scotland.
