pls don't hate me lol | books i've read so far in 2020

pls don't hate me lol | books i've read so far in 2020

cari cakes

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nicole - 25.05.2023 14:29

im watching this bc im so disappointed by eleanor oliphant :-(

nicole - 25.05.2023 14:29

omg you're so pretty!!

Sarah Ruth
Sarah Ruth - 23.04.2023 13:17

currently reading Elanor and am really struggling to read it, so I am glad to see I am not the only one who struggled reading this book

edwin_s - 09.03.2023 21:11

Celeste Ng " I don't often find Asian men attractive they remind me of my brothers"

Methusha Ravi
Methusha Ravi - 14.02.2022 22:11

I agree with you about Eleaner Oliphant is completely fine. Also you're entitled to your own opinions about books. People that are narrow minded will always have something negative to say, I enjoy your recommendations and reviews a lot so please be brave and nurture your soul when you do inevitably get hurt horrible comments. Take breaks if it gets overwhelming. The ones that enjoy your content will stick around. You got this. :)

Avy - 14.01.2022 20:55

Eleanor oliphant is completely fine is one of my favorites but I 100% agree with you on everything. It was really slow and annoying at times but I loved it in the end because of how much I related to the mc

Sonia Martell
Sonia Martell - 06.10.2021 17:28

I think Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine is not a book for everybody. I personally LOVED IT! I couldn't put it down and I would almost say it's one of my favorite reads.

Evi - 16.09.2021 15:10

I didn’t like Eleanor oliphant either

Karla Alveal
Karla Alveal - 29.07.2021 21:34

I just finished reading Eleanor Oliphant and I loved it. I've had it since 2017 but I hadn't picked it up for some reason, until I saw one of your videos where you mention it. I totally understand why you didn't like it, specially after the comment about the bell jar (which I also really liked). I think it is still very useful to hear someone else's opinion in any matter, and I also think that now I can kind of take recommendations based on the books you didn't like, so I still get what I came her for. Don't worry so much about criticism, we can't all (and we shouldn't) like the same things.

Nikki Qualls
Nikki Qualls - 23.05.2021 07:36

I know this is from 1 year ago but I just watched it and found your channel. I disliked The Bell Jar as well. For me it just didn’t get deep enough and I was expecting a lot more. I started Eleanor Oliphant but put it down and haven’t picked it back up. I think it was a little too slow for me as well.

rhi nicks
rhi nicks - 14.01.2021 00:52

Yes! Glad someone else didn’t enjoy Eleanor Oliphant - I just couldn’t get into it

Katya Perez
Katya Perez - 18.12.2020 19:45

I just finished Eleanor in three days! I can see what you mean and I’m so sorry you received many negative comments, you’re allowed to not like certain books just like everyone else. I just got back into reading recently and I really enjoy seeing your videos and for recommendations on what to read next!

Dee S.
Dee S. - 18.10.2020 12:33

Is it odd that I didn't really like Everything I Never Told You..? 🙊
I don't hate it, but I don't like it either. I read it a while ago and I feel like I'm not interested in reading Celeste's other work.

lindsey tastic
lindsey tastic - 16.10.2020 14:36

Gosh, I’m sorry those people said hurtful things on your video or review about the bell jar. Like seriously..? 🤭🤔Some people baffle me the crap they say and then walk by and act like what they said wasn’t hurtful. No one can make an assumption and then based on that assumption make a conclusion that leads to a judgment. Just because someone else didn’t love that book, doesn’t mean or have anything to do with them not being depressed or them not knowing how to be compassionate for others like wtf,...seriously! Anyways that’s how I feel about that. But keep your head up and don’t let the mean people get you down.💛💛🙂🙂💫

Rylee Boldog
Rylee Boldog - 27.07.2020 03:12

I listened to the audiobook for Eleanor Oliphant, and I think that really helped!

Vee x
Vee x - 13.07.2020 03:44

I also didn’t like Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine!! I’m so relieved to hear somebody else criticise this book!! I thought the storyline was really drawn out at parts, the romantic plot line just didn’t interest me tbh & Eleanor’s infatuation with the rock star wasn’t as impactful for me as I imagine it was for other people!! Really comforted to know I’m not the only one who didn’t connect with it, cos the hype was huge! :)

JessicaReadsThings - 14.05.2020 00:44

Okay so as someone who makes videos ONLY about books, I LOVE watching people who make other kinds of content talk about books. It's so refreshing and nice to get out of the booktube bubble sometimes. Also, I didn't like Eleanor Oliphant either haha.

Tallulah Hammond
Tallulah Hammond - 11.05.2020 15:30

I think you would really love Kafka by the shore by Haruki Murakami

Leni Marliana
Leni Marliana - 07.04.2020 08:01

you're so lovely seriously, love from indonesia!

jamaiannesharyn - 06.04.2020 22:15

my goodness!!!! you look like amy adams!!!

Fairoa - 01.04.2020 07:57

Do you enjoy reading graphic novels as well? I got a few recommendations for you! 😭

Rê R
Rê R - 28.03.2020 18:40

I like Sylvia Plath's Bell Jar, but I can understand why somebody might not like it... I read Wilder Girls last week, in the beginning of my quarantine... and it was disturbing.

aj !
aj ! - 22.03.2020 18:31

I recommend The Perfect World of Mikwako Sumida by Clarissa Goenawan. I’ve just started it but I’m absolutely loving it so far and I’ve heard good things about it. It’s about the suicide of a university sophomore and what led up to it.

Julia S
Julia S - 17.03.2020 22:31

I'm with you on not liking The Bell Jar. I tend to like heavy/depressing books but Sylvia Plath's prose writing just doesn't work for me or resonate. I do love her poetry though. I think it really all depends on how particular writing resonates with your and not the experiences you had with the subject matter.

JoJot - 16.03.2020 05:42

Hi Cari, thanks for sharing your book recommendations, I’ve actually read a couple you have recommended :) I wanted to suggest One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, you might enjoy it. Also, what are your tips for reading more? Do you stick to one book or have multiple books at the same time? Just curious because I struggle to read faster, if that makes any sense. Thank you!

Jizzy Stardust
Jizzy Stardust - 13.03.2020 04:41

Hi cari, don't fret people are just touchy about their books. U b U. Also, I just finished The girl with all the secrets, try it if you haven't. Ok have a nice day.

Cassie - 11.03.2020 18:29

I really can't stand those people who get mad if you don't love there favs. Newsflash everyone is different 🙄

Stargirl - 10.03.2020 18:43

omg i read educated a couple of weeks ago and i adored it! still thinking about it every now and then

Glaiza Journals
Glaiza Journals - 10.03.2020 17:06

Oh wow. I’m surprised you didn’t like EOICF. But then again, that’s okay. Because we all have different views/preferences anyway :)

Ana Garcia
Ana Garcia - 10.03.2020 03:00

I think the book you’re reading is called “An education” by Tara Westover, i read it back in January as a friend recommend it and was legitimately SO GOOD and so annoying at the same time hahaha I can’t wait to heard what you thought about it 😊 and I also think it’s impossible to hate you haha ❤️

femaleskater1185 - 09.03.2020 17:39

re: The Bell Jar, not everyone suffers from depression/mental illness the same way, and some are able to identify with the story and some aren't. And even if the person reading can identify with the story, that doesn't mean they're going to end up liking the book. People need to realize that mental illnesses don't present themselves the same in everybody.

バーバー吉野 - 09.03.2020 16:17

Try reading Tokyo Ueno Station by Miri Yu

sokiexo - 09.03.2020 01:05

My favorite book that I’ve read in 2020 was Pachinko! I feel you on not liking a book that is a favorite among a majority of people. It’s the same for tv shows, what I like isn’t everyone’s “cup of tea”. No need to feel bad!

Vânia - 09.03.2020 00:34

Girl I have mental issues and I would never say what those people said to you. I want to thank you actually because when I am really bad your vlogs motivate me to actually keep going. You are the best girl.

Emma Geary
Emma Geary - 08.03.2020 21:42

when you were describing the first book I thought FOR SURE you were gonna say you didn't like A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara and I got SO SAD. It sounds like it has the same kinds of themes (trauma, depression). When I finished reading it, I stayed curled up in bed and didn't go outside for like two days because of how much it messed me up.

Actually Jess
Actually Jess - 07.03.2020 21:22

SO I read Never Let Me Go because of your recommendation and LOVED IT :| AGH! Thank you for these videos!!
I also just noticed that when I search you, it says that you've uploaded 198 videos!!!
Any plans for video #200?

Design. Draw. Do.
Design. Draw. Do. - 07.03.2020 13:27

One book thats my comfort food and that I think you'll love (its about a woman from an american irish family who also has connections with Japan). Its called The rain song by Alice J Wisler. Its a quick and easy read but so so soooo heartwarming. Its probably the only book I could read and never get bored of

glstr - 07.03.2020 07:58

i loved everything i never told you! relate so much to lydia(was that her name?)

L Lawliet
L Lawliet - 06.03.2020 19:54

It’s fine if you didn’t like the bell jar. I was called an “anti-feminist” because I thought pride and prejudice was awful. I guess people are just very over protective of the books they love and it somehow translates into aggression if others don’t share the same sentiment.

jackie germann
jackie germann - 06.03.2020 19:51

Hey Cari! So I love murder mystery’s ♥️ I’m a bit new to your lovely channel. My favorite book is Moonlight becomes you by Mary Higgins Clark. It is so incredible! At least I think so 🤗

caultfou - 06.03.2020 19:22

Hello Cari! You need to stop apologizing for things. Like, seriously. I know it's easier said than done, believe me - I struggle with the same issue. I constantly fear offending people and feel the need to apologize when I'm being even slightly negative about something, I can only imagine it's even worse when you're (sort of) a public persona. But It's your channel. You can't filter your personality. People who have issues with opinions they don't share are the ones who need a filter. It's perfectly fine to say you don't like something. Hell, the way we perceive books is so personal and unique to each and every one of us, whoever gets offended at the fact somebody didn't find a book appealing doesn't seem to realize how human beings work. We all have different perspectives determined by things we've gone through in our lives and it's going to affect the way we look at certain stories. I wish they could just freaking get it. Depression is not a character trait. Being depressed doesn't mean that every book that tackles the topic is gonna be your favorite lol. I hope you can grow stronger this year and be unaplogetically yourself. Your opinion matters and you are entitled to have it. It's your own, it's unique, and it's valid. And let me just say the people who were like "you must have never been depressed" ... clearly have never watched your older videos. It's not like you kept stuff like that a secret. They just made themselves look incredibly stupid.

Also - that bit about reading a book where there's a deadly epidemic while we have one happening right now... I cackled so hard. I read "Severance" last month (thanks to your recommendation by the way) and I was feeling very strange as well. Especially given the fact that the virus in the book also originated from China. I really don't want to get paranoid but it definitely hit way too close to home lol.

I'm very happy you're going to be talking about books more this year. I tend to like most of the books you recommend. Already excited for this! <3

Natalia Anio
Natalia Anio - 06.03.2020 17:35

Have you read the Last Children Of Tokyo? It was amazing and heartbreaking at the same time

DocK36 - 06.03.2020 06:14

Always enjoy your book reviews, people have different taste when it comes to reading material, if it's not your cup of tea, just move on. Some people need to lighten up.

ktglick - 06.03.2020 03:32

My favorite book this year so far has been All the Birds in the Sky, by Charlie Jane Anders. It’s about a witch and a tech genius who become best friends as kids. As adults, they are at the center of a secret war between science and magic. It’s an adult book (not YA). So good!

StephenKompPhoto - 05.03.2020 21:45

Have you tried A TALE FOR THE TIME BEING by Ruth Ozeki? I’m reading it now. It’s very good.

Moira Wu
Moira Wu - 05.03.2020 18:59

The best book i have read this year is Educated by Tara Westover. If you're into memoirs and biographies I would definitely recommend!

rach - 05.03.2020 17:29

Don’t mind other ppl’s responses to u not caring for a book they love, ur opinion is valid.
One of my best friends & I trade book suggestions but we also like very different genres, if she doesnt care for a book I loved I just say “well ur crazy lol”. We just love sharing books with each other even if we don’t 100% love every suggestion.
