Laura VonV

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@silvergrlfriend - 16.06.2024 19:08

Blouse is gorgeous

@michalkitainik8710 - 16.06.2024 19:40

Nice vlog, interesting and chilled. Would like to hear about your stuation living at your parents place. Would also love to know, which kind of wraps you are eating.
Have a great week!

@Ro-pv4fr - 16.06.2024 20:01

Hey Laura, nice to see your face again!! fab finds as usual… Yes, I’d love to hear more about your story, the Florida adventure and more IG
I went to Savers yesterday thought of you , I found some amazing dresses although prices are super expensive right now!$16.99 or more thank God for coupons👀😎 I’d rather the

@SallyLanger-rd6ew - 16.06.2024 20:27

You CANNOT sell that blouse. Take it from someone much older than you who has looked back on some pretty damn fabulous pieces that I did not keep and should have. Early Betsey Johnson punk label, 2 piece silver pantsuit that had a denim style to it, a Chanel suit that my cousin gave me when I was 24 and thought was boxy…..years later, as nice as the Quince pieces, Zara favs etc will not spark the joy and story of the others. Oxoxox

@SallyLanger-rd6ew - 16.06.2024 20:29

Bibb lettuce makes a great wrap

@SallyLanger-rd6ew - 16.06.2024 20:31

Who makes that steamer? Looks like a very efficient machine

@ritalynb7070 - 16.06.2024 21:04

That embroidered blouse is AMAZING!! That would be a forever piece in my world!!!!

The silk top & dress look great on you but would be a HARD NO for me. I can't stand the feel of silk on my skin.....🤢

@maya-gur695 - 16.06.2024 21:29

I agree with all the comments about the blouse! Keep it!

@les0101s - 16.06.2024 21:35

I love your hair longer like this. The black blouse is beautiful and fits you perfectly. You should definitely wear it a few times or keep it. The skirt and top were also gorgeous.

@tracyeast3397 - 16.06.2024 22:25

I knew that green flowered dress was Laura Ashley before you showed the tag. lol If you know you know.

@laurieb6163 - 16.06.2024 23:15

My grandma used to sit in her doctor’s waiting room and do her facial exercises back in the SEVENTIES!! 🤣🤣 Would love to see which exercises are your favorites.

That embroidered blouse!!! Gorgeous!!

@maudeeverill6798 - 16.06.2024 23:24

Love to hear your life story ❤

@Rollie-go - 17.06.2024 01:36

I've been looking at the latest research re gut biome and how much it affects our immune system. They advocate eating as many different types of fruit and veggies etc as you can to keep your health on point. Think of it as a microbe rainforest inside that needs tone of different types of food to run well, compared to a dessert that has very little thriving in it with a very restricted pallet which greatly deminishes the immune systems effectiveness

@marymeyer6578 - 17.06.2024 01:43

What was in the blouse neckline? Was it a bug or was it fabric? How did you get it out? Did I miss that??
It was beautiful and looked stunning on you.
You absolutely should keep it.

@renem2962 - 17.06.2024 01:45

Please keep the blouse. You have to. ❤

@Myfairgirlie - 17.06.2024 02:03

Wow wow wow I said too for that embroidered blouse. Priceless!

@danaboidek8416 - 17.06.2024 04:56

Always so much fun watching your videos! That blouse is amazing you definitely need to keep it!
Also I would love to see a video about you living with your parents in your late 30! Love from Nashville ❤

@barbarathompson6220 - 17.06.2024 05:18

The embroidered top is beautiful! I’ve bought a few items from your eBay shop. We are the same height and similar size; so I can see how a piece will fit me if you model it.😊 You have a great eye for vintage clothing and fashion overall. Love your channel and shop! ❤

@yvonnemurphy7487 - 17.06.2024 08:53

Keep the blouse!! ❤

@ranurene2018 - 17.06.2024 10:15

@ranurene2018 - 17.06.2024 10:33

Pls do a video about moving back home with your parents 😘

@isabelgoncalves8711 - 17.06.2024 11:49

@jennifersharp6624 - 17.06.2024 19:41

Not sure if you've posted a video like this before but I'd love to learn how to choose quality thrifted clothing and how to know which brands to look for. You always talk about the tags and I just would have no idea where to start and which vintage brands are worth pulling. And do you have tricks on how to know what would be beautiful on vs being on the hanger in a thrift shop? I'd rarely pull the items that you do, but then when you try them on I'm in awe !

@hopealdridge9584 - 17.06.2024 20:17

That embroidery blouse is STUNNING....I mean Gorgeous !!!!! It would be hard for me to sell that one !!!!

@ladonnabarker2983 - 17.06.2024 23:45

Here in Colorado, I feel like no one ever dresses up. Leggings, shorts and tshirts. I’m so tired of it.

@ladonnabarker2983 - 17.06.2024 23:47

Tell us about the bug? Did it just melt away in the wash.

@ladonnabarker2983 - 17.06.2024 23:51

Thank you for introducing me to Quince!

@user-cs1xz - 19.06.2024 19:59

your vlogs are so beautiful and enjoyable to watch, they make me feel less lonely hehe. ty girl

@neon.neutral - 19.06.2024 20:22

Keep the top!! Pair with a black sturdy a line mini or knee length skirt!

@user-cs1xz - 19.06.2024 22:03

a video on living with your parents again would be awesome. i know 2 women, both in their late 30s, who moved back. they both have law degrees and just wanted to save and recharge after also living in a hectic high COL city (nyc). frankly i wish i could do the same at 35, but my mom won't have me! lol.

@andreaholloway-DDT68 - 22.06.2024 03:23

Cut small hole on seem near bug use tweezers lift out

@wzrdreams - 22.06.2024 04:17

I found two pieces of Laura Ashley in the wild recently! The first was a very small collab dress piece and the 2nd was a vintage 80's jumpsuit with gathered cuffs. Both in LA. I am just manifesting a Joanie collab piece in my size.

@wzrdreams - 22.06.2024 04:23

OK, 2nd comment...Your style is definitely on a chic track since moving to FL. As a former floridian with floridian parents, I want to know what types of places you are wearing your fits to. I love them, and I know where I would wear them (in NYC) , but where are YOU wearing them? No pressure to divulge too much private life stuff, but I would be lying if I didn't wonder where you are wearing these amazing clothes.
