Mega Man Zero Review

Mega Man Zero Review

J's Reviews

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@kevinphoenix2007 - 07.11.2022 13:44

So glad Casual Story Mode exists in Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection. It pretty much gives you three long and layered health bars, all weapons start off already fully leveled up, you have ALL cyber elves you can possibly collect, 9999 energy crystals and all sub tanks. Not to mention spikes are covered as well. Yet despite ALL that, the game was still fairly challenging in places, particularly with the platforming stages with lots of pits. Some may argue that it strips away the challenge, but from the sounds of it, the challenge is TOO high for some, if not many.

@herrforesight-Satanisking - 10.11.2022 16:41

Wow you really suck at this game

@mercedesplay_more_kof8488 - 15.11.2022 02:08

Your crystal issue is odd. I don’t think I ever ran into that. It is absolutely grindy (you can go back to the opening level and grind spiders) but I suspect the reason you never really got crystals was due to the game prioritizing giving you health over crystals if you aren’t full health. I love these games, but they all have rough edges and the first two are super grindy due to the unnecessary padding. You didn’t even touch on the cruel ranking system, but I’m guessing that’s next video. Lol.

@player_lv430 - 19.11.2022 22:50

Being honest the whole star system was annoying, but if your willing to put in the time to get the triple rod charge attack and use type B for weapons it is very satisfying to get copy X (Or Blizzak Staggroff) into a corner with a two hit combo from the saber and a rod charge attack.

@my_name_is_J_777 - 06.12.2022 19:31

this dude did not miss a hit and get hit and put it in the opening of the video montage

@joelbarr1163 - 19.12.2022 19:21

The original is gone, and only a copy remains? That's not Copy-X, it's Ctrl-X

@Cricket101382 - 20.12.2022 20:33

Gameplay and story aside. I absolutely HATE the look of the Z/ZX series. Specially Zero, he looks like a weird shaped woman in a diaper. Also why TF does he use a gun and not a buster arm, it looks ridiculous.

@aortaplatinum - 17.01.2023 05:20

What do you make of the Casual Scenario mode for Zero 1 in the Zero/ZX Collection? I'm not really into Mega Man so I picked the option at the start to lower grinding, but realizing that it also fully levels everything you have, makes it feel like it goes too far. I like to have fun with games, and vanilla Zero 1 doesn't sound super enjoyable, but I also like at least a bit of a challenge...

@SG-jq5vt - 26.01.2023 00:37

I wonder if the design choice on grinding came about from this being an early portable game in the style of X. While it’s certainly not the first portable mega man game… I wonder if they felt like the, ‘take it anywhere and everywhere’ mentality of the gameboy advance would benefit from more ‘content’ in the ways of collectible and grinding. in the car playing while mom is doing errands? walk to the desert and cut up robots until yours stacked with power!

@Pikachu.UseEmber - 02.02.2023 01:00

Duddeeeee I can’t believe this lol. They made x a bitch who wants to leave and stop protecting? Wrecked.

@Alexrun902 - 03.02.2023 07:42

You know, with these reviews now turning 5 years old this year, one does wonder if these games will get revisited much like the Megaman X 5 years later re-reviews. Hopefully, but we'll see.

@gabrielandy9272 - 19.02.2023 20:01

one of my favorites in the mega man series.

@NEW_OG_GAMER - 20.02.2023 19:45

Me... I had the time because I have no life.....

@LEXICON-DEVIL - 19.04.2023 06:17

Tighty Whitey Zero! 😆

Story wise, the Zero series is finally more tonally serious as the early X games were.

Even X8 has a solid intro video but wuickly gets 😪 during stage select and boss dialogue.

The X series is dark by nature and i wish they would fully embrace it instead of trying to also have a foot in the cheese.

@lokkiirl4793 - 29.04.2023 15:49

Having to farm energy crystals for the cyber elves is just a punishment for accepting that youre a bad player and need help

@rdu239 - 09.05.2023 14:29

Megaman Zero 1 and 2 did not followed the standard 8 maverick lineup per stage/mission. I think the 2 to 3 boss health bar is a unique touch because the absurdly wacky invincibility frames when mavericks are hit by their weaknesses in the X series were non existent in the Zero series, so combo damage are easily stacked up by Zero

At first I was culture shocked with the artistic style change as I am used on seeing the traditional oversized bucket hands and legs of characters in Megaman and X series, but eventually I came to like the lean and slender artstyle

@MechaEmperor7000 - 23.05.2023 00:36

I really like the first Zero game because not only was it way darker than any of the other games, it also had a great meta theme. the MMZ games asks the question of morality and if the ends really justify the means while the MMX games asked the question about individuality. Which, given the story of X4, makes the protagonist and antagonists here really interesting; X was sealed away to develop his morality, while Zero was designed devoid of that and possibly even an individuality, but only to surpass X due to the hatred of Wily has for Light. In the end, Zero became everything Light wanted to create in X, so in a way Wily won. But that victory came because Zero gained the morality and maturity to use his powers to defend the weak.

@spacepope8495 - 01.06.2023 11:15

I’m binging your mega man stuff hard bro, real hard

@CoqPwner - 15.06.2023 02:30

There are some promising aspec tto this game but....its flaws make it barely playable.

I never thought I would do this in Megaman game, but I actually use Save-Assist in this game.

It was my first time playing it, the amount of cheap deaths you ll have on a first playthrough is insane. Reloading entire levels because you enter the boss room with low life and get one-shot by a surprise attack after losing all your lives early game because you didn't realise how the save system works is the absolute WORST.

@DarthAlphaTheGreat - 18.06.2023 21:46

I don't use power-ups. Noob.
jk lol

@briancline7349 - 25.08.2023 14:32

“I own multiple copies of every mega man game I love, and why not?”
…. Actually, I’m curious as to what the point of that is, if you’d care to explain lol.

@acgon - 27.08.2023 07:26

Thank god we have save assist on legacy collection now 🙏🏻

@DIVECRAFTVODS - 06.09.2023 03:52

I kinda like original GBA ost’s compared to the remastered osts

@Wr41thgu4rd - 16.09.2023 12:40

Megaman Zero review when?

@franka6680 - 16.10.2023 07:49

This game was amazing. I remember my first play. My friend had given this game to me and the beginning traumatized me cz of the visuals and story and music. For months I played with so much anxiety. After finishing it, I felt good and then years later after college I found out there was 2 to 4. So I got the ds collection and I kept going

@vashdesperado1232 - 01.11.2023 06:02

I fucking love MMZ. A friend loaned me the game when I was a kid and it changed me for life.

@Nilnot - 14.11.2023 21:25

Wow. I beat this game once but I never knew the shield and rod existed until just now. Thought they only added other weapons in the sequels

@UniqBlue - 30.11.2023 08:44

Predicted the Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection perfectly. Also Seeing how the Line between human and Reploid is very Thin by this point, It helps explain why Carbons are a thing in the Dash/Legends Series. (which I can only assume is at a Point where Human and Reploid managed to Merge as one, Especially considering Biometals) Also the Art style is just... chef's kiss

@nelsonwoodard7459 - 08.02.2024 06:50

It's not the Z buster, in Megaman Zero, it's the Buster Shot. Long story as to why but, I'm sure you'll find the right information.

@sr.brigadeiro7718 - 03.03.2024 00:55


@LordSpleach - 07.03.2024 07:21

The Crystal Harvest is easy if you grind the opening stage on free roam.

@noname768397 - 06.05.2024 04:16

I played it, as first timer will have absolutely blast, but on 2nd or 3rd playthrough tho the cons become unbearable

The grinding takes a long time, and thats with 2x speed one emulator

No upgrades whatsoever because you'll kill your elves for it, not even heath tanks or upgrades, and they go out of their way making you feel bad for it

Very permanent missable collectibles thats very annoying wich again just collectibles because we're not suppossed to use the elves

And the duration of the game is pretty short for the amount of grinding it requires

Is a speedrunning heaven but as casuals? Its pretty damn annoying

Oh and one other thing its because of the hardware but the screen is so small, wich makes rolling or flying enemies tend to came out of nowhere while console megaman have wider screen so you can like be prepared

@yogsothoth915 - 24.05.2024 01:02

I always avoid using elfs since they hurt my score. It also kills the elf which makes me sad.

@AmirysMewen - 12.06.2024 03:53

I do think the exp system zero and zero 2 can actually be used well…like gun volt used exp and levels and that was handled well as it increases your health and gave you new skills (unless you play as Copen in 2 in which you only get new skills via boss fights meaning copen only gets increased HP through level ups)

@ahmakki - 03.07.2024 14:17

Are you gonna make new videos of Zero games too? I like your new more positive and real videos more.. I did not like grinding in this game either but come on.. I actually liked how hard the earlt game was and the first boss. It teached me to learn patterns and find openings in my enemies defenses. I grinded for energycrystals later but I am sure I would have beten the game with no grind at all.. grinding made end game bit tol easy but I wanted to see what atleast some of those cyber elf did

@AxZelAnimations30 - 03.07.2024 23:01

I've always been a MegaMan Zero Fan more than any other games, mainly because of how I was exposed in GBA Games but another is because of how Zero is slim and fast here compared to his MMX Body.

And I'm aware of the timeline way back in 2011 but story just feels more satisfying now that I'm replaying the games all over again as I watch this channel's reviews.

@GALLAGHER88 - 05.08.2024 05:36

I specifically remember punching and subsequently ruining my first GBA on the Repliforce ship stage, cuz I kept getting clipped and losing my A rank 😂

@KrystianZielecki - 14.08.2024 00:56

The Sonic reference you made about different universes made me laugh, cause it’s TRUE! 😂😂

@BaxterAndLunala - 21.08.2024 00:48

I'm not gonna lie, my first MegaMan game ever was MegaMan Zero 1.

@cryssie1309 - 01.09.2024 14:25

What happened to the mega man zx videos?

@palacios185 - 04.12.2024 06:45

I beat this game today. Shit was hard for no reason. Now I'm gonna play zero 2 on visualboy advance

@sheryl1960ish - 11.12.2024 17:34

Megaman Zero 1-4 does the story right.

@lipa - 20.12.2024 08:28

А про систему рейтинга мне самому тут в комментариях рассказать?

@bigking2743 - 13.01.2025 10:31

Does that mean I have to play X before Zero? or just start with xero cuz he looks way cooler than x

@meadowsama5109 - 27.01.2025 06:00

was wondering what happened to ZX and ZX advent vids? i saw u had some videos hidden did u end up taking it down ?
