Are you worried you’ll never fall asleep? Here’s a simple sleep hack to overcome sleep struggles.

Are you worried you’ll never fall asleep? Here’s a simple sleep hack to overcome sleep struggles.

Natasha Daniels

3 года назад

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Tammy - 18.09.2023 07:18

Checking is the worst

Matheus Venturim
Matheus Venturim - 15.09.2023 04:35

Hello guys! If some of you are struggling to sleep because you're afraid of dying or losing control of your own mind because of no sleep, just calm down!! It's not going to happen! Thinking you are going to die of sleeping deprivation is an absolutely irrational thinking.

Eventually you will sleep(maybe not today or tomorrow, but you will). Please, Trust me.

The first time It happened to me was when I was about 16yo and now I'm 23yo and I'm Still alive and I'm not "crazy" 😂😂😂. In some situations I stood 3 entire nights without any second of sleep. Relax, you are NOT alone!!

I have this issue at last one time per month and It bothers me a lot. If you really really NEED to sleep, consider to take a pill of clonazepam. It really works. But remember, try to search for professional help!

Take care!

Georil Tuazon
Georil Tuazon - 12.09.2023 11:46

Thank you . Im watching from a vessel . I cant sleep for how many days hope this can help . Thank you

thaiany - 18.08.2023 06:21

Meu medo central é das coisas que eu sinto quando não consigo dormir. O medo da ansiedade, da crise e o medo do medo...

hylos gaming
hylos gaming - 14.08.2023 09:17

Im crying right now

hylos gaming
hylos gaming - 14.08.2023 09:16

Im rn🥺

The Devil Rides Again
The Devil Rides Again - 13.08.2023 04:30

I just went 53 hours with a little more than an hour of sleep I say maybe because I'm not sure I was asleep. Well this afternoon I dozed off for about an hour 26 minutes of sleep this time I know I was asleep. I feel better that I was finally able to fall asleep, but I feel so tremendously exhausted. It's funny as the hours added up and I hadn't slept the more scared and alert I felt I wasn't even tired. Now I feel much more tired I goess the fear of dying because of no sleep was boosting my adrenaline . I'm not foolish enough to think this is all over, but at least I was able to fall asleep.

Kaylee - 11.08.2023 07:25

I had very bad sleeping problems,When i was a kid i would always cry before sleeping because i didnt want to wake up and go to sleep like the other nights,its so tireing!I always didnt want to be the last one to sleep,i would always be scared.This help alot tho

Praveen Gasti
Praveen Gasti - 06.08.2023 20:25

thank you so much...this gave me a different view on my problem

Kajto - 06.08.2023 12:57

I can't sleep because I'm worrying how I might not be able to sleep that I might die if I don't get a wink of sleep and my chest tightens and my body heat up as I get worried I've been finding it hard to sleep for the past few days because I found it hard to sleep once and I got so worried I might die when I saw the clock my thoughts keeps bothering my head and keeping me up once I went to the mall and I was tired then I fell asleep in the bed then I woke up 1:11 am then my worries keep flooding me then I was awake until I just fell asleep again then woke up 8:58am feeling kinda good then I'm back now to the same worrying and scared of not sleeping and the reason I wrote this comment right now is a way to cope with it

Lazy fruits
Lazy fruits - 26.07.2023 15:12

Idk why it’s just like in my childhood I’ve watched a lot of scary stuff and it keeps me up at night till this day and when I close my eyes I can’t see if anyone is around me and for some reason my dumbass self always imagines figures and my sister and mom can go to sleep easily and I’ve been staying up with no sleep for over a month I don’t know why this has happened and when I close my eyes it’s like I feel a presence of someone watching me sorry to trauma dump on some of you guys but I just get so scared in dark places and I get scared when I can’t see but it’s like Minecraft I can’t sleep because something or someone is watching me… and it’s like when I’m awake at night specifically at like 1-4 am it’s like I see stuff so I turn the lights on

Nedi - 24.07.2023 06:52

with all this things like " you need to sleep 7 to 8 hours" lack of sleep may cause dementia worries me and overshadow the belief that yeah I will be ok even if I have 5 or less hours of sleep the next day. I just hope I can get over this and I don't want to depend on sleeping pills.

Idk - 23.07.2023 23:47

I'm really scared that i wont be able to sleep and then slowly die im not sure if its possible and the thoughts keep me awake and the feeling of my mind not being as functional stresses me out can anybody help??

Kirsten McCracken
Kirsten McCracken - 16.07.2023 13:12

My anxiety kept my up four 4 days days my mind didn’t not feel tired I’m scared of dying or I don’t feel my body just my mind don’t feel tired an I hate being the only one yo struggling with not feel real or my body or a dream . I feel like I haven’t gotten sleep like I’ve closed my eyes for hours just laying their wondering if I slept or not

Plague Doctor
Plague Doctor - 02.07.2023 17:48

Amazing that you described my symptoms to a T. I will use your suggestion tonight, it happened once where I said to myself “I sleep, I sleep, I don’t, I don’t” and I fell asleep. I really detest my OCD.. Mentally exhausting.

Claressa Richardson
Claressa Richardson - 02.07.2023 13:44

I only get sleepy thirty minutes before my alarm for work rings😩😅

paul maier
paul maier - 30.06.2023 11:09

i worry aboiut ettin g LEG CRAMPS.

Steven Lizarme
Steven Lizarme - 28.06.2023 18:19

This was super helpful Natasha and now I know I have to embrace the thought of not getting sleep and just focus on relaxing and feeling comfortable. The sleep will come naturally after that weirdly enough. Thank you

Sanndwichh - 26.06.2023 03:41

omg i love you i tried to talk to my family about this but they dismissed it thx u!

LFAMV's - 21.06.2023 00:55

This helped me so much❤️

MURRYCHOOCK - 06.06.2023 07:35

I don't sleep for many days in a row. Not one minute

ddvantandar - 03.06.2023 02:12

I think we have some kind of food intolerance and we are trying to figure it out from a decade

natasha w
natasha w - 27.05.2023 04:37

thank you 💗i have super bad sleep anxiety and i always worry about not having enough sleep, especially because i have work tomorrow. i need to remind myself that it is okay if i don’t sleep. it happens, and i will work around it, and handle it.

david caldwell
david caldwell - 25.05.2023 03:38

Super grateful for this advice. Clearly it affects a lot of people. Surrendering the uncontrollable anxiety of falling asleep.

BenMk Official
BenMk Official - 12.05.2023 10:41

Madam this help me alots

christian oliveras
christian oliveras - 10.05.2023 20:24

Hi all! I need help ive posted on this before not too long ago. Currently stuggiling extremely. I didnt sleep at all last night. Has anyone here ever slept but still once your awake and your happy you finally slept you start to worry about the next night even tho you know you just slept the night before? Thats me i had 2 night where i didnt sleep at all last week followed by 5 night of sleep even tho i was still tramatized from the experience of not sleeping and now last night i did not sleep again. Its like i am doing this to myself and idk how to get out this cycle. Because i keep thinking about what if i cant stop thinking ablut faling asleep and focusing on it then o cant sleep. Then i panic because i feel like i have no control over my fears. I know this is irrational and beflre my concern was will i ever fall asleep now my concern is will i get out of this habbit once and for all and live a haply life lkke i was i
Used to. I fewl suicidal i have a 1 year old and a beautiful wife who love me and i want to be my best self for them but after just one night of no sleep scared of this happening to me over and over and over again. Im so exhausted i cant concentrate or anything amd i cannot nap. Please help im really worried

m n
m n - 09.05.2023 00:03

I've been saying it's okay not to sleep for the last 5 hours straight

Chikalita2 - 26.04.2023 20:09

So much easier said then done 😅😅

Xandy Hurst
Xandy Hurst - 10.04.2023 07:08

Facts fr fr. I haven’t slept properly in the past two days and it can really cripple me with fear. One thing that can help me is when I’m like this, I think about how when I get through it, I can remember and remind myself if I’m like that again that I have gone through this before.

Fork - 09.04.2023 00:31

What you described is exactly whats happening right now I knew this was the problem that I kept thinking that I need to sleep but I just needed to hear it

Fork - 09.04.2023 00:29

Thank you

Night Wolf
Night Wolf - 07.04.2023 07:00

this is exactly the problem i been dealing with for years and its really bothering me. im afraid of not sleeping and a feeling tells me u wont sleep until u die and i get panic attacks for that.
and in the end i will take some pills to sleep. even when i wanna take pills to sleep i get more stressed that i dont sleep after taking pills.and i panic and get so stressed when i dont sleep for long time like 1 or 2 days. i close my eyes stress comes to me and says u wont sleep and i have to stay awake again.
and my problem is if i say to myself its ok i dont sleep tonight, my mind tells me what if u dont sleep the day after and so on? then i panic more and more. and i think i would die

Hayden Diazj
Hayden Diazj - 04.04.2023 10:22

I currently have sleep anxiety but i have sleep deprived seizures

sudarshan thapa
sudarshan thapa - 26.03.2023 21:06


Flash - $Cash
Flash - $Cash - 18.03.2023 12:12

Kings & Queens: Believe me its not just you, I have cried every night and ending up punching the wall, ❤

LIL NUS NUS🗿🍷 - 14.03.2023 21:11

21 years old suffering from severe insomnia for 2 months so far , my sleep during every week is usually I do get some days of the week 4-5hours of sleep but for some reason it gets worse and end up 1-2 even 3 days in the row sometimes without sleep and after those sleepless nights fatigue gets me to sleep and the cycle repeats, the annoying symptoms that I get after sleepless nights are faster heart rate and shakiness , insomnia making my life miserable asf, a random panic attack in one morning was the trigger of my insomnia

adam madrid
adam madrid - 09.03.2023 08:25

I have that fear every second of the day , the fear of slipping into sleep from being awake drives me insane, it takes me about and hour to fall a sleep then right when I'm ready to doze off I know it's happening and feel it and that's what triggers my fear and I always have dry mouth so I have like 3 bottles of water on my bed with mouth spray and I sometimes take anxiety n stress relief over counter pills and I take pure zzzquils sleep de-stress ... sometimes that knocks me out sometimes it don't ....but regardless as soon has I open my eyes I'm worried about falling back to sleep or the night when it comes every second of the day! I miss my naps n sleep which I used to love! I hope I over come this episode again it's been 2 months now since this been going on and it's been like 2 years since it came back last time it took me 5 months to get over and It juss slowly went away by itself now it's back! 😭

DripEntity - 01.03.2023 02:38

Your body will automatically go to sleep if you haven’t slept in a long two me your body can’t take that much

Ilay barak
Ilay barak - 25.02.2023 20:01

i wanted to get enough so i can grow taller but thats what got me to sleep less becose i thought about that i want to sleep and its like a cirycle now i can sleep with light head thank god

علي علي
علي علي - 25.02.2023 11:05

Yeah sure. Just say to yourself that everything is gonna be ok if I don't sleep one night and the problem will be gone ... Sorry Madam, but you are making it sound too easy and too simplistic. I wish overcoming sleep anxiety was that easy... People with severe sleep OCD\Anxiety like myself can't even think straight the moment they step into their bedroom.

𝕚 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖
𝕚 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖 - 22.02.2023 01:50

My heart is pumping really fast and hard I fell lonely 😭🥺

Defender of Justice
Defender of Justice - 11.02.2023 17:57

One thing I do that helps me is I hide my clocks or turn them backwards. Seeing the time and how much has passed will DEFINITELY make things worse and give you more anxiety all night. It doesn't work like a charm but it helps me at least not focus on the time.

alessandro Conte
alessandro Conte - 07.02.2023 17:09

I've been struggling with this for so long, it's like a plague in my life

• Xcupid •
• Xcupid • - 03.02.2023 12:28

I remember I'd stress all night and when I knew it was time for my mom to come check on me and make sure I was awake to get ready for school I'd be having the worst panic attack absolutely melting down either on my floor with my rabbit or in the bathroom it got so bad to the point I kept skipping school and I switched to online instead so I could do my work at any time I need. I hate staying up at night or messing up my sleep schedule I prefer being up early and seeing the sun come up and set just to sleep around 9pm but recently I've been up all night and sleeping all day and it freaking me out because I'm sick so it's much harder to force myself to stay awake through the day and fix my sleep schedule how I usually do and I feel the reason I feel sick and haven't got better yet is because I haven't been up at normal times everythings off so I get extremely paranoid and wana cry about it😭

Jesse Papike
Jesse Papike - 01.02.2023 21:24

Great Video Natasha! I haven't slept very much in two days and exactly what you said about the checks is what I was doing. I will try this new approach tonight. Thanks again.

christian oliveras
christian oliveras - 30.01.2023 04:54

Hi all. I didn't sleep at all last night I went out with the guys got home at 1am and went to bed at 3am. I tried sleeping but would just lay there with my eyes closed awake. Next thing you know it's 6 am 7 am and I'm like wow the day is starting and I basically broke night. I've been up since yesterday morning at 8am I tried sleeping but I can't and now I'm worried that I won't sleep tonight either. It's just a cycle. Today feels like a waste of a day like I'm a floating zombie. I tried to do things in the house to help my wife with our 1 year old son but I feel so bad. I feel useless and my main worry is if I continue to think about sleep will I sleep? If not then what will happen to me. Sleep anxiety is the worse.

Ripadipaflipa - 24.01.2023 13:44

Not for people with chronic insomnia. Hears me going through more posts hoping someone has found something new

Lisa Mikaela
Lisa Mikaela - 18.01.2023 23:24

I haven’t slept more than four hours a night in the last four weeks !! I lay there and get nervous I won’t fall asleep so I stay up all night ! It’s so annoying and I’m going to go insane !! Helpp😣

Dejan Ajlec
Dejan Ajlec - 15.01.2023 13:55

I have been struggling with this for 1.5 years now, sometimes months go by being ok, sometimes I struggle every day...I have started having this issues after going through hell dealing with the unexpected death of my 2 year old son.
When the night comes, I become all alone, and the terror comes and all the sadness. And to top it off, a thought, what if I will never be able to sleep again.
Some nights I just lay in terror waiting to fall asleep.
Sometimes distraction helps other times it just causes me more pain.

Antidepressants and talk therapy helped but it really comes down to accepting things as they are and not try to fight them.
The problem for me also is, that after a hard night I have trouble finding any joy in life the next day, I feel depressed.
This video really helped, thank you.
