Fortnite's Worst Seasons!

Fortnite's Worst Seasons!


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@funtimefreddygamingz2364 - 14.03.2024 15:29

I like loved primal 3rd favourite season of Chapter 2!

@w_zizo - 14.03.2024 21:22

chapter 2 season 6 is underrated, still the worst season of chapter 2 by far but knowhere near as bad as chapter 4 season 3 and chapter 3 season 4,

primal had a meh map, the spire was great and the primal biome was not that bad, loot pool was garbage but i liked the updates, the exotics added through the season were keeping it fresh, the storyline was infinity more fun and the theme was infinitly more interesting and so were the new mechanics

wild had a terrible map, worst by far there were so many trees and forgettable biomes, no lore, new mechanics sucked or were forgetable, mid season updates didn't exist. very terrible season i cant list a good trait this season had other than the banger trailer music, seriously go listen to it

and my least fav season, paraise, it ruined the lore my fav thing about fortnite. had bland lootpool bland pois bland updates bland battle pass, the whole season was bad or bland and i'd rather have a terrible season with horrible broken buggy update then a bland one...

@Logdawg_rocks - 14.03.2024 21:37

Chapter 2 season 1 was amazing and idc what people say just cause it was long doesn’t mean it was bad it was fun

@peppe_5 - 14.03.2024 22:16

Inmo primal wasnt as bad as everyone says, it had cool concepts like crafting or animals and hunting; farming mech parts wasnt annoying since you had to farm for mats before so farming for them was justified the primal weapons were a cool concept while the makeshift made sense since in that season you had to find whatever guns to play even makeshift ones, and bows were a cool alternative to snipers since they had similar learing curve. The only real negative thing about that season was almost no map changes were it was supposed to be more wild but nothing real ever happened, i think the so called pro players shouldnt have complained like babies when they started to loose rather to win, since they didnt want to adapt to the new meta but rarher not going out of theyre confort zone

@galacticalwarp - 15.03.2024 06:08

I actually loved the wilds season so much I don't understand the hate at all.

@brooklyn8745 - 15.03.2024 11:27

cha[ter 3 vibing was good. what are you talking about

@ViktorKruger99 - 15.03.2024 13:51

I must be the only person who didnt mind CH2 S6 at all
it's not the best, but it didnt made me want to quit

@GEK0dev - 15.03.2024 20:07

I don’t understand why people hated Chapter 2 Season 6, You very much still could get normal loot off the ground, The wildlife could just be tamed, The map was beautiful, solid battle pass, And bows.

@mopiey1k - 16.03.2024 05:34

Okay people sayinf chapter 2 seaslm 1 didnt have much contemt are forgetting we got the star wars stuff, Both a Fortnjtemares and the best Winterfest, Plus overtime challenges with great rewards plus it bejng a long season meant epic had a ton of time to make chapter 2 season 2 as great as it was. I'd argue longer seasons meanjnf better next seasons shojld mean seasons should be longer just so the game doesnt ever drop quality some . updates

@joseanthonyferrer7313 - 16.03.2024 14:05

I love all of these seasons

@yoceluila - 16.03.2024 14:07

Why is Chapter 3 Season 3 so hated?

@diegolanda3505 - 16.03.2024 16:47

Jesus Christ loves 😮

@Sphagingi - 17.03.2024 06:09

Honestly thought all these seasons were pretty good except for the last two, Vibing was one of the seasons I actually played the most during

@theoverseer1775 - 17.03.2024 17:40

How DARE people disrespect Chapter 2 Season 6, that season was straight FIRE, the crafting was so much fun and the bows were amazing, and the Battle Pass skins were peak. If you disliked this season you're just objectively wrong.

@KinaIchi - 17.03.2024 19:07

To all my fellow long lost OG’s, Ch1 S8 was shit beside Peely

@Rain-hq7mu - 18.03.2024 05:05

what the fuck do you mean that chapter 4 wasnt ever supposed to exist

@jf6095 - 18.03.2024 05:45

The one season that i didn't bother to play a lot was Paradise. Especially the BP as it was the worst one, in my opinion.

@TheBeaverFiles - 18.03.2024 15:07

Ima just be honest, wait for it:

I liked the Primal season, the overall vibe, mixing bows with guns and it actually worked, the cool Batman subplot and the mystery of the looming threat was all great! It was definitely over-hated

@Merging_storm88 - 18.03.2024 18:10

I quit Fortnite until chapter 2 season 7

@SayGeee - 19.03.2024 02:24

Actual good list that I agree with. This is impossible

@undeadberzerker8801 - 19.03.2024 03:32

This new chapter has sucked the most but the downfall started with them adding super power mythics mythic guns are cool id just rather play a gun game not whatever youd call this now

@kingomnom8317 - 19.03.2024 10:41

The fact that chapter 2 season 8 is not here shocks me

@LocalBL - 19.03.2024 17:11

I liked primal, dont think that crafting should have been as core mechanic as it was, but i didnt hate it

@grinning_tiger - 20.03.2024 02:21

The bad seasons have made me enjoy the good ones so much more.

@monkegame9664 - 20.03.2024 18:49

am i the only one who actually liked vibin and primal?

@That_Void_Guy - 21.03.2024 03:24

My least favorite season was c2 s8 idk why really but I hated it

@kadencampbell7586 - 21.03.2024 18:37

Ch3 S4 is better then S3 in my opinion

@stepdog1417 - 22.03.2024 08:39

Chapter 5 is worse than all of them

@ZZzombieAlex - 22.03.2024 15:47

The primal season in my opinion is my most favorite season been playing since chapter 2 season 1 and that one was my favorite of all time so I don't understand the hate 😅 i don't see a problem with it 😢

@karsonb12 - 22.03.2024 20:46

Primal was a good season the mythics were fun and the bosses were fun to fight

@vengefuljester2090 - 22.03.2024 22:21

This was kind of a disappointing list I disagree with all except Wilds. I never got to play Ch2S1. But Primal, Paradise, and Vibin were my personal favorite seasons

@sharebear2103 - 24.03.2024 06:25

I really liked paradise

@BiggstaT - 25.03.2024 19:44

I don't know why people hate the primal season so much I thought it was cool

@v1rotatev230 - 26.03.2024 02:33

Chapter 3 season 3 by far the worst and most boring
Chapter 3 season 4 was just nothing there rushed random felt like it had no place
Chapter 2 season 6 mainly the weapons.

@guners4life - 28.03.2024 00:47

i dont know how people hate wilds so much it was an amazing season everything in it was awesome it felt like chapter 1 again, im guessing all the hate is coming from zero build players bc builds was insanely awesome.

@BlazeBoiGames - 29.03.2024 23:55

I've been playing Fortnite since its launch, and the vibing season was nowhere near the top 5 worst seasons, IMO. Season 9, X, Paradise, Wilds, and Primal are all way worse

@jakemonsen1 - 31.03.2024 12:34

I guess those seasons were bad, but in my opinion, chapter 2 season 4 is the worst season of all time. Nothing come close to that garbage season. 🗑️

@sigmaworld890 - 01.04.2024 00:56

chapter 5 is trash, chapter 2 was a w but i stopped playing until chapter 4 because of chapter 2 season 6.

@LunarAstral - 04.04.2024 11:42


@Nugget23142 - 23.04.2024 21:29

Ch4S3 was the best so shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup

@GrammyNorma. - 08.05.2024 02:16

I'm sorry to any fans of these seasons but primal solos primal, vibin, AND paradise
It put in so much new content, normalised weekly hotfixes, and put features that are still in this game to this day
They took a big risk to try and reduce RNG and i god damn respect it

@cyberdragon3887 - 09.05.2024 02:28

I really enjoyed Vibin. I loved the map and the atmosphere despite not many map changes throughout. Only thing I wish we had was Klombo back and no fuel gage on the ballers

@grooveridah - 26.05.2024 23:38

not even close to the worst season... C5S4 is the worst

@kazdan3 - 26.05.2024 23:41

I loved season 4 chapter 3 something about the plant mechanics, the grinding on trees, and that temple in the middle was so nice also the skins seemed so original and I loved it

@Trickshotter - 28.05.2024 20:24

Chapter 2 Season 6 changed my opinion of Fortnite overnight. I loved the game and when Season 6 came around I completely quit. Insane to me how that even happened

@eldarifisho3328 - 29.05.2024 16:17

I would personally say that wilds was worse than primal

@ghaylengabsi4994 - 19.07.2024 21:23

Btw for no reason just gotta say chapter two was goated

@ghaylengabsi4994 - 19.07.2024 21:23

And chapter 3 season 3 was so fun this dude is so wrong

@Gilbert-George - 29.07.2024 10:23

Why isn’t chapter 5 in here it’s by far the worst chapter and seasons

@Dr._Robinhood - 25.02.2024 17:57

way to go my glorious king
