A COMPLETE Guide to Combat Basics in Zenless Zone Zero !

A COMPLETE Guide to Combat Basics in Zenless Zone Zero !

Guoba Uncertified

8 месяцев назад

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@mikeykwaak272 - 09.07.2024 15:51


@Arcanewhim - 09.07.2024 15:51

Thank you for this! I’m finding this game extremely visually confusing especially the enemy bar which is too small for me to see clearly, the in game tutorial left me confused on how to tell if the enemy was stunned or had assault applied to them 😅 so thanks for enlarging the image!

@nep5ds15 - 09.07.2024 16:38

Yo guoba, do you know the timing as to when Bangboos will have their chain attack? I am not sure the exact timing of it even though I keep chaining vs bosses.

@yahikonightray5398 - 10.07.2024 04:30

Same graphics engine nothing new, import their character onto genshin OR hsr. theyd look the same

Non open world, yet tons of loading

MHY gave this game the infamous skip button but gives Tedious going over the screen shenannigans that still eat some of your time.

No jump, watch your characters get stuck on a brick laying some where.

excess jiggle physics which their predecessors can have but since MHY wanted to offer something new onto their upcoming games, they did not.

combat is meh WUWA is better..

the free pull advertised is a grind hell...

if honkai and persona had a illegitimate child they named them ZZZ. and it isnt any better

its 60 gb and 23 gb on phone for ver 1.0..

Dont tell me. "This is the early stages of the game" MEH argument..
this aint COVID times where people are stuck, have nothing else to do and would consume any FREE games popping thru the internet.
Players rn should be offered a "good game" right off the bat.

IM NOT HATING and if you accuse me of that. Thats strawman fallacy

@Hmvhell - 10.07.2024 05:20

Can anomaly dmg like shatter crit? I imagine not but I can’t tell

@Msaber2012 - 10.07.2024 05:21

Hi, Anomaly guide when? :D

@jinjason - 10.07.2024 10:00

thanks teach 🫡

@skinniderking - 10.07.2024 11:21

I finished the second chapter and didnt know how to trigger chain attacks 💀
Thanks for the guide

@bedroomblue5947 - 10.07.2024 14:49

Appreciate the work. Keep it going c:<

@creamyisdead - 10.07.2024 17:05

If im being honest I miss the 2d gouba

@jcmc1111 - 10.07.2024 19:12

Ayooo, you only have 3 vids?! Sadge, i hope you keep making vids like these that explain the fine mechanics in the game, even if theyre short vids, still interesting to know tips and tricks. I personally would like to have a guide on Hollow Zone, tons of cards and locations that im not 100% sure what they do.

@MaximumCarnage- - 10.07.2024 19:29

Uncertified ... better get that Guoba certification ASAP

@Wook-v6v - 11.07.2024 04:21

Waiting for the next series of your combat guide because I currently simply mash buttons 😅

@dragonarc_gaming - 11.07.2024 10:44

Thanks a lot! There is so much stuff about the combat, I forgot you can use skill without the energy bar haha. Waiting grace energy took forever since I thought you can't use skill without ex special

@docedeleite16 - 11.07.2024 23:28

quick teambuilding question, are stun units useful if im focusing on anomaly damage? i still am not sure how the stun system interacts with the anomaly system

@locohero577 - 12.07.2024 02:40

Can you do a grace guide??? nice videos man!!

@tabibitohoshi96 - 12.07.2024 03:45

I heard 'Asians'

@kylegadson7434 - 12.07.2024 06:27

This was super helpful remembering what the character supposed to do don't suppose you can make a video talking about about the wish system the energy b system or whatever the equivalent of artifact and weapons are plz

@ArtezanOnline - 13.07.2024 01:28

Guoben is cannon, you shud just keep him for ZZZ overall.

@Försvar_Ops - 13.07.2024 12:52

Can someone explain me that let's say that I have a physical anomaly character and I inflict assault with the said agent but before the assault triggers I switch out with an ice agent would the assault still trigger or no ? Or would that accumulate disorder dmg

@reece5634 - 14.07.2024 19:23

Been playing ZZZ for a couple days now and ngl, I thought I wouldn’t vibe with it.
I’m quite enjoying it, alongside my main game Genshin, and HSR as my side, ZZZ is fulfilling the more casual game for me.

@justafreak15able - 15.07.2024 09:50

How do you swap cancel?

@geethenerd - 16.07.2024 01:20

Very important note!!! You CANNOT SWAP BACKWARDS ON MOBILE

Edit: you have to click twice 😩

@gil-dayo2596 - 16.07.2024 21:47

Commenting for the algorithm. Thanks for this + all the other videos. Hope your channel grows more!

@raphaelmillion - 17.07.2024 01:00

i think defensive assists only deal daze instead of damage

@akirachisaka9997 - 18.07.2024 00:09

Do note that for defensive parries, the damage they do doesn’t matter that much, but the stun it does is very dramatic.

In fire builds like S11 Ben Lucy, it’s pretty much a “we don’t need stun we have stun at home” and just parry everything to fill daze.

In contrast, evasive assists are… I would say, a bit weaker. Since the follow up attacks don’t do as much stun, and when bosses do chained golden attacks, it’s much harder to “lock” into the chain and parry them all.

However, evasive assists works on any attack, while parry only works on golden melee attacks. So when playing S11 Ben Lucy, you can often get “parry this you filthy casual”-ed by the machine bosses that use a lot of AOE and lingering attacks.

Also note that Evasive Assists are significantly better than forcing a parry unit to switch in against an attack that can’t be parried or if you are out of assist points. Switching in do have a few dodge iframes, so you can switch to a parry unit in a pinch to dodge an attack. However it only counts as a perfect dodge and you still need to run away from the lingering damage, since perfect dodge doesn’t actually give that much invulnerability, compared to actual parrries and evasive assists.

@dracotek_gacha - 18.07.2024 18:14

is there/what is a parry?

@DarkStegodon - 19.07.2024 03:22

ZZZ is pretty brainless.. I like the game.. but no joke spam attack.. hit dodge when enemy flashes... assist when it tells you too.. use the ultimate when you have it... legit you can clear entire game and majority of end game with knowing nothing else at all

@anubisbahamut - 23.07.2024 04:19

ok i subbed dont make me regret it

@pedanq6534 - 24.07.2024 01:17

What is pen ratio?
Anomaly build up?
Struck ( on w engine weeping cradle description) ?

@edaxtonum9803 - 04.08.2024 09:43

I thank thee very much for this, I desperately needed it. I just couldn't for the life of me figure out the combat on my own.

@stevecrafter518 - 06.08.2024 20:08

just got into zzz and this video helps a lot! thanks!

@deadlyninja112 - 13.08.2024 02:20


@NoRestForTheWick3d - 17.08.2024 05:09


@Kiiyuko - 08.09.2024 22:15

I feel like ZZZ combat and meta will grow a lot more interesting overtime, considering how the difficulty scaling of content can probably increase based on all sorts of enemies

@nibbled5279 - 20.10.2024 21:54

thank you

@ahmedsultani3028 - 08.11.2024 11:10

I'm a 35-year-old gamer who's been gaming since the '90s. This game is the only one in the past decade that truly makes me feel like an OG gamer. Unlike many games today, it doesn't heavily focus on suggestive themes or hyper-sexualize its characters. The combat system is beautifully designed and requires a solid understanding to fully enjoy, unlike most modern games where you can just set it to auto and rely on your credit card to take the wheel. Interestingly, I've only played it for a day, but I already like it a lot. I hope it lasts as long as possible.

P.S. Much gratitude for this helpful video, my friend. Gladly subbed.

@progaming-ok8tq - 18.11.2024 06:18


@tessemo - 25.11.2024 10:02

perfectly and succinctly explained, thank you!❤

@missingnerd - 17.12.2024 17:14

So it's just button mashing?

@nikapod5224 - 21.12.2024 23:52

i still remember the makka pakka soldier 11 hack😭

@ohmymaik - 27.12.2024 21:42

i just started the game after i started the first 2 weeks than waited till miyabi realease with all the starting pulls. This actually helped a lot. Thanks <3

@thomaskristiansen2793 - 07.01.2025 02:28


@akarinch - 18.01.2025 13:20

I know you meant to say agent but all i heard was "asian" 😂

@Guurzak - 19.02.2025 07:26

Might to post an update now that decibels are no longer shared. As a new player, I was very appreciative of a guide like but then very confused when my ult points were not accumulating as described.

@devamshah7986 - 04.03.2025 08:31

tbh this wasn't very helpful

@zhojiro - 12.03.2025 08:54

I'm just here for a refresher, thank for the guide.
