Dang that rap was fire, Pete!
ОтветитьI respected Cody all this time, even when he was boo'ed at the end in AEW... But all my respect is gone if he enters WWE again.
ОтветитьI’m actually glad that Cody Rhodes is back and if he gets into a feud with Rollins for Mania I’ll be all for it since it would be the first time they really went against eachother since 2013(not gonna count the damn Stardust days lol)
ОтветитьGood luck jobbing to lower card after 3 weeks or less
ОтветитьSo, Keith Lee is having drawn out matches with guys half his size, barely showing any of his athletic abilities yet... people gave WWE a lot of flag for misusing him (and rightfully so!), but until now I am very disappointed in his booking in AEW, even if he wins his matches... he takes way too much offense from these smaller guys.
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ОтветитьThank god Cody signed with WWE, now I don't have to worry about him going back to AEW or ROH
ОтветитьW.W.E will ruin Cody like they do most talent from another organization. I hope he is getting paid well to be misused.
ОтветитьThere is a new tier for heat. Cody Roads heat. The ultimate in heat
ОтветитьI vote for choppa Pete to work behind the scenes he's extremely bias, he needs to stop doing reviews 🤷🏾♂️
ОтветитьAre we sure we saw the same SmackDown i really really loved your channel idk what has become of it. pete clearly doesn't like wwe products why force him to watch it or review it i will hop back on again after a few weeks if i see something good on wwe i am sure u guys are gonaa just say its trash it anyhow
ОтветитьGonna be tough for AEW to make a story mode in their game. They don't know how to do them now not sure how they plan on doing it in a game LoL
Ответитьhe probably sing for a wrestlemania match or apaereance and then go back to aew
ОтветитьCamera cuts is the number one reason I can't watch WWE, probably just ahead of the commentary which rarely seems to do anything positive for the matches.
... oh, and the booking.
The wrestlers are good though
The camera cuts make it damn near impossible to watch it drives me insane!
ОтветитьI would die if cody randy orton and a newly matt riddle replacing diabse jr. and they reformed legacy can you imagine it?
ОтветитьIt was great seeing Liv Morgan back on Smackdown it’s just to bad the match did not end with a winning team, WWE can never really book matches the right way! Looking forward to seeing how the new AEW video game will be! on that note I even got a copy of 2K 22 for my Xbox One Collection after reading and watching news and trailers about the game it was really great and obviously better than 2K 20 a game I never got because of the reviews for that game being so bad. I hate that Liv Morgan is a 77 tho.
ОтветитьNo matter how bad smackdown is it is still better than Tempest's reviews.
ОтветитьLegit. No cap. Why have someone that hates the show review it? It’s too much hate to where I can’t really enjoy the review
ОтветитьDid you count your own camera cuts?😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьThey will Bury rhodes inside 6 months. And he will sit and take the money. The end of a wrestling career which has only gone upwards since he left that crappy company .... enjoy the money cody and all the bull and politics as your wrestling career is toast after entertainmentmania 38. Enjoy being a lower mid card entertainer.
ОтветитьOmega is great, hope he can make it back soon and I do really hope Cody gets a proper shot in WWE this time. WWE cut off Brock, so the best part of Smackdown is officially Flair's swagtastic outfit.
ОтветитьIf you all no longer like WWE and are only partial towards AEW don't call the show Wrestletalk. Perhaps AEW recap show or something. Or, perhaps have a person review that can just offer the recap and rating. If something is not good at least be like Adam and explain how you would make it better. AEW is far from perfect as well, wrestling is subjective, and the people you trash on the show are doing there best in a difficult situation
ОтветитьThe hardy boys🤣😂😃😄😅😆.more like the hardy old man.
ОтветитьStands and applauds Pete over the opening Cody Rhodes rap.
That was AMAZING and actually made me interested again for 2.2 seconds.
Well having a habit of dissing WWE from every single angle and downplaying it every single time especially from pete.... The actual show suddenly becomes great 🤣
ОтветитьI know Cody returning is big news but WWE should have kept it on tight wraps so it will be a actual shock when he returns
ОтветитьI'm a Cody fan but I still will not watch WWE product as it's sports entertainment (no Jericho reference here) and I do prefer the pro-wrestling styles of NJPW, ROH and now AEW. Granted, Aew is missing Rhodes and it seems strange to watch without him but it's still a superior product in my opinion.
ОтветитьEither two things will Happen. Cody will get buried because he's coming from AEW or they will give him a major push to send a message to all the other AEW top stars that they will get the opportunities if they jump ship.
ОтветитьI think I know what Cody is going to do, call it a prediction. He’s going to become the AEW heel. He’s going to air their dirty laundry. He’s already been doing it here and there on podcasts, like when he said that MJF is ‘protected’ by backstage.
Ответитьstop just stop
ОтветитьAnyone else have those episodes of BTE running through their mind... The ones where this phantom HHH is creeping on Cody and the Bucks to recruit them, but ESPECIALLY the episodes when Cody was possessed by WWE markdom.
ОтветитьStrange for Cody to go back when he hated his time there, Must be a big pay check just to be a mid carder and having to lose to Seth and NoMan lames every week.
ОтветитьKenny Omega still working with a shity womens division but were gunna keep that fact hidden again
ОтветитьEminem to WrestleTalk confirmed
ОтветитьNew Scenario:
WWE 's ratings are plummeting.
They need a miracle im order to come back and stand a chance in the ratings game.
Vince contacts Tony Khaaaaaan and asks him to do an AEW invasion angle at the end of Wrestlemania.
Where Cody Rhodes gets in the ring with Vince at the end of the show and forces him to watch his entire roster get decimated on the grandest stage of them all.. Wrestlemania
You wanted a Cody Rhodes heel turn, you GET a Cody Rhodes heel turn.
He will be mid card In 6 to 12 months
ОтветитьI don't think Pete should review anymore WWE programs
ОтветитьI think you mean stardust
ОтветитьThe pat stuff was good tho
ОтветитьWhy after revolting against WWE when AEW started ?
He will be stardust all over again why Cody Why ...
Seriously, when will we get a Trios title
ОтветитьDont care about cody rhodes any more… it’s getting boring
ОтветитьLesnar did an Austin spot
ОтветитьThe show was good
ОтветитьIf you add hobbs to keith lee and swerve you have the makings of a powerful faction
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