Advanced Sci-fi Civilisations Too Stupid To Really Exist Ep.19 - The Novans (After Earth)

Advanced Sci-fi Civilisations Too Stupid To Really Exist Ep.19 - The Novans (After Earth)

Media Zealot

2 года назад

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Andrew Becker
Andrew Becker - 19.09.2023 03:45

Using these things to protect the holy land is almost as stupid as someone calling down bears from the mountain to kill some kids that called you bald

Leon Francis
Leon Francis - 18.09.2023 11:26

On one hand, perhaps their civilization is too stupid to exist.

On another hand, I'm a member of a civilization actively depleting its resources in a race to the bottom over profit, polluting the very planet it relies on, and that deletes children before they're born out of convenience.

Mike Morby
Mike Morby - 17.09.2023 17:46

Shouldn’t the crusades; the first two anyway be seen as religious successes?

GeorgeMonet - 17.09.2023 03:22

Why didn't the aliens just tell the humans that the planet had religious significance to them and then help them relocate to a better planet? Seems like the easiest solution for both sides would have been just picking up the telephone.
Actually how is there oxygen when there is no apparent life on the Novan planet? The free oxygen in our atmosphere is the byproduct of cellular life a billion years ago.

Armando Az1
Armando Az1 - 15.09.2023 05:42

Hurts my head to listen to this. 😅

Wøgelson - 13.09.2023 20:42

Idiot pacifists lol

ustujnin - 13.09.2023 18:04

What I really want to know is why do they only use scythes and not...real weapons?

ustujnin - 13.09.2023 18:02

unfortunately this is not will's worst work - marrying jada is 1st and and making that remix with bomba estereo is 2nd

Gui_Ying - 12.09.2023 07:06

In a simple summary, they're the Meriachhanz point of view.. ..this movie.
The leader in Bandaid solutions.. ..throw away or leave is priority to problems.. ..then invade by screaming n shouting calling it freedom/liberty..😅

Now imagine real Aussies or Kiwi's dealt with this scenario.. ..we'd be the baboons and aggressors of the land, never having left.. ..and the sluggs, well, that's the surviving insurance Co's..🤣😂

ExecutorQ3 - 12.09.2023 01:18

Yeah, this movie was so unbeliveably stupid and cringy i cannot force myself to even watch your vid about how stupid it was... sorry :-)

Elyseon - 10.09.2023 13:58

Everyone involved in this, both in universe and out, is a moron.

Hannibal II
Hannibal II - 08.09.2023 19:01

Ok, so maybe they are like churches in their society. Several religious organizations are trying to wipe out the humans, but the ruling organizations don't care enough about the issue.

Jacob Xiao Long
Jacob Xiao Long - 06.09.2023 19:36

Imagine if you place say Chai in front of a pack of Ursas…

Justin Bieltz
Justin Bieltz - 06.09.2023 17:54

Any reality that relies on jaden smith to save humanity is already fucked and beyond help.

FromMyBrain - 05.09.2023 14:27

I've listend to this twice and I am still not sure if they are Rangers or Ragers....

D Del V
D Del V - 03.09.2023 17:10

Plants produce oxygen, and the eath in this movie is basically a rainforest... I don't think oxygen will be a problem there.

Pride & Accomplishment
Pride & Accomplishment - 03.09.2023 07:20

“Humans are a walking talking mass extinction event” is probably the most accurate description of mankind that’s ever existed.

Turey Tayno
Turey Tayno - 03.09.2023 06:23

Yep, Go back to Earth leave Nova Prime to the Skrell Two birds with one stone. No more war.

General Kael
General Kael - 02.09.2023 11:05

I hate you for reminding me this movie exists

nosaj916 - 02.09.2023 05:41

How he treats his kids irl

TommyFanzFloppyDisk - 01.09.2023 08:51

i don't think there would be lack of oxygen , from amount of water sources, lavish vegetation and the kind of animals shown, it seems earth is going through a period similar to the mid-late Eocene (there are fully evolved primates), and the oxygen levels in that age where pretty similar to what we have today.

OnyxTay - 30.08.2023 08:49

Even if the goal is to wipe out humanity without sending troops to the ground, just be patient. Instead of sending a dozen URSAs every hundred years, grow your breeding stock and just make as many of the things as you can. Then drop several thousand in population centers and call it a day. It should not be this complicated.

Especially since the Novans are so damned stupid. Decided to do a bit of looking around online to check lore stuff. Apparently there was an official app that had you signing up to be part of the select few who would go to the new world as colonists aboard the Arks. What were the options for ship-board duties? Historian, cook, maintenance, cop, and snake - a criminal & deceiver. Now, even if this wasn't supposed to be an in-universe recruitment tool, it's making it clear that the Novans can't even manage to hand-pick a few thousand people who won't immediately blackmail their superiors.
Another fantastic fact from that app is that there's only 750,000 colonists in Project Next Generation - sending people away from Earth on the Arks. So humanity should totally still be on Earth, and it doesn't make any sense that they're all wiped out. Or that the Novans have barely grown their population over a 900 fucking years with sci-fi tech.

Aside from all that, the Novans knew very early on that the Skrel would carefully target airstrikes to only destroy human constructions. So why not do what so many other people living in hot & rocky landscapes did, dig a fucking hole in the ground? I recognize they made bunkers, but this should be expanded to make up most living spaces. Just use those massive canyons for any access to the outside, making it much harder for Skrel to target infrastructure. Don't build fancy future cities which probably need resource-intensive air conditioning when digging a deep hole will make your temperatures consistent and habitable, while also keeping you safe from invasions. Then you just need a way to seal off habitable areas which is invisible to the URSAs and you'll be completely safe from the only Skrel threat.

Robby Lebotha ™
Robby Lebotha ™ - 30.08.2023 02:03

Couldn't they just design suits that insulates all human smell? Seems a better approach than trying to teach humans not be scared.

Steven Pennington
Steven Pennington - 30.08.2023 00:57

I hated this film so, so much. The worst thing about it was that young Smith horror.

Wray Day
Wray Day - 29.08.2023 05:07

Clearly no one in Hollywood hunts....

A mine, a scent spray and a noise maker is all they need to bait these things in.... that's like $40 and a trip to a hardware store.

Oh they got metal in their skin, breath air, and have sensory organs... . be a real shame if they were set on fire.

Or maybe use giant magnets to collect them.

Or run electrical currents thru all that metal.

Abandon a planet? Sure that makes much more sense and clearly more economical and logical.

J. Brenden Stookey
J. Brenden Stookey - 28.08.2023 04:04

So, we are far in the future, have incredibly advanced ships and medical equipment, yet have moved completely away from kinetic weapons that provide distance between the user and its target? They only use weapons you have to be a few feet away to inflict damage? I’m pretty certain a single tank battalion and a few attack choppers, could wipe every one of those Ursa out with relative ease. One dude with a Barrett M82 .50 cal could drop a few dozen of those things before they got anywhere close enough to inflict harm. The Novans apparently have zero survival instincts.

Barry Nelson
Barry Nelson - 27.08.2023 17:53

Film was crap it was only for his kid to start acting

Luke jb2 Butterworth .
Luke jb2 Butterworth . - 27.08.2023 13:21

so stupid who dreamed this trash up

Umbranoctis - 26.08.2023 12:47

Wait, there are lush jungles and plants are still green, what happened to photosynthesis? WHY IS THERE NO OXYGEN?! The baboons and tiger and bigbird seem to be doing fine. If the air is so thin, HOW DOES THE GIANT BIRD FLY?

maddlarkin - 26.08.2023 07:00

40k Space Marines vs Ursa would be the most comically 1 sided cross franchise match in sci-fi history, big super strong damage resitant aliens gentically engineered to kill by locking in on fear pheromones against super soldiers who 'know no fear' inside suits of fully enclosed power armour carrying standard infantry weapons capable of knocking out IFV's as there basic 'rifle' is a fully automatic RPG launcher, a single Astartes could probably solo the whole invasion force

Roger Miller
Roger Miller - 26.08.2023 06:36

I always get a good laugh when someone tells me they liked this movie.

Jimbob - 26.08.2023 03:59

Hollywood doesn't have anything but Shiite shows and woke shiite actors. Actresses, and those that don't know who or what they are. Will Smith? Lol, he's laughing all the way to the bank. Where his Husband..I dunno, woman with the cojones? Will take all his dockets and ban him from peeing standing up.
HCB has spoken.

victormgv - 24.08.2023 11:24

Wait. Wait wait wait... So a airtight space suit or biosuit would render you invisible to Ursa. How dafaq did we ever lose anyone to these things in battle after they figured out ghosting? LMFAO 😂🤣😂

CleanerBen - 23.08.2023 20:18

this is the battlefield earth of Will's career.

Victor Tuber
Victor Tuber - 23.08.2023 19:38

"For Will 'Cypher Rage' Smith, ghosting seems to have had the added effect of robbing Will of other emotions such as happiness, enjoyment and love leaving him only with anger, resentment, disappointment, and an all-around negative buzz" confirmation that the Skrull were not just modelled physicially on, but also fully inspired by Jada Pinkett Smith.

Ulkk Ghh
Ulkk Ghh - 16.08.2023 23:24

Jayden sucks at acting and writing music the only reason people even who he is is cuz of his dad

Niddez - 16.08.2023 18:03

Doesn't make sense to find a signal on top of a volcano, volcano produces EPB which literally blocks signals and communication.

Sir Sayaka Miki the 3rd
Sir Sayaka Miki the 3rd - 11.08.2023 23:08

They sense fear.... great, predator drone strikes would be pretty effective then. Or how about using the same intelect that built interstellar spacecraft to make an army of T-800 that, as Kyle so eloquently put it "can't be bargained with, can't be reasoned with. doesn't feel pity! Or remorse or fear and absolutely will not stop!... ever... until [the Ursa] are dead!" The Ursa are really only a threat to a caveman population.

ManiaMac1613 - 07.08.2023 14:52

Only Hollywood could be dumb enough to write a story that doesn't understand how either religion or evolution works.

ZaatNuRe Amaru Xi
ZaatNuRe Amaru Xi - 07.08.2023 06:30

I loved this movie, although I don’t have a high IQ, I found it quite entertaining

ScrambledAndBenedict - 06.08.2023 20:30

This movie reminds me of, years ago, when I was this really hardcore fan of Mega Man. I used to frequent the Mega Man Home Page all the time. Dude had a paragraph about Mega Man X5 just titled "stupid questions" that was just one question about plotholes after the other. Stuff like "If this guy hates fighting why is he a weapons dealer? Where's Dr. Cain? Are X and Zero centuries old at this point?" Stuff like that. I really feel like that's all you'd have to do to mock this movie, is just a shotgun blast of stupid questions. "If humans haven't lived there for centuries why has everything evolved to kill humans? How does the planet freeze over every night? Why do they use close-range spears against these creatures instead of guns using the same material? If the entire planet is covered in trees why is there no oxygen? If the monsters only detect fear then why not hunt them with drones? Why not isolate the "fear smell" and use it to bait traps, or create fear smell suppressing sprays, the way hunters use pheromones and smell blockers? Why not make a suit that masks the fear smell, if they have the tech to make a suit that changes colors based on environmental dangers?" Why does the suit change colors based on environmental dangers instead of something simple like using the member's earpiece to deliver info? And so forth.

Cat Wrangler
Cat Wrangler - 05.08.2023 23:58

Slap and wear pink panties no thanks

JSevens  Even Steven
JSevens Even Steven - 04.08.2023 03:07

Lord, this movie failed over every possible level. Next time Will don't choose wooden painfully untalented son to play the main character. In only 1000 years everything on earth has evolved to kill you, Yeah Im pretty sure thats not how it works. M. Night, is doing his career in reverse. He did his best film first and has gotten worse with each movie after.

mamashabooboo - 03.08.2023 04:08

What made the earth more dangerous then it was now

James m Eppler
James m Eppler - 02.08.2023 17:27

This movie was so bad im thinking less of you for covering it, even under your format

Xavarius Quest
Xavarius Quest - 02.08.2023 11:13

You are such a brit. You're not secular, you're just anti catholic. That rant about religion told it all. Given the deceit from the scientific and blatent lies from governments over the last 3 years, I should think that you would question all insitutional structures....but no.

niceguy60 - 02.08.2023 07:30

Smith literally came up with the ideal for this trash movie while watching a episode of I shouldn't be alive
