THE LAB: DECOY | 6 Photographers 1 Man - A Portrait Photography Session With A Twist

THE LAB: DECOY | 6 Photographers 1 Man - A Portrait Photography Session With A Twist

Canon ANZ

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parashar1505 - 11.09.2023 17:33

Wish we could have more of these... so insightful...

Jerime E. M.
Jerime E. M. - 26.07.2023 23:36

All of the pictures are impressive—good photographers. That said, the video doesn't accurately reflect what they intended it to.

We are supposed to see 6 photographers capturing 6 different perspectives based on what "they thought" or their biases.

What we actually witness is a man playing 6 different characters and acting/expressing himself in accordance with that.

This needed to be a double blind study where the photographers are told his backstory without involvement from him and he didnt know "who" and "what" his identity was to them.

So the video itself is more akin to capturing photos of Leonardo Dicaprio from 6 different movies.

Sylvia Hoke
Sylvia Hoke - 18.11.2022 17:06

Such a wonderful exploration of interpretations.! I'd love to be a part of a series in NYC.! :)

Barbara Bayer
Barbara Bayer - 09.11.2022 08:39

Interesting. I would have liked to have had a nice long look at all the photos instead of mere flashes of them. Was this a copyright issue or something or is this a part of a course and we're not supposed to see much of it here? Pretty disappointing if it isn't. Three minutes for an incredibly interesting idea. What's the rush?!?

warrenography - 21.08.2022 17:30

brilliant and moving

L. Spencer
L. Spencer - 18.03.2022 10:03

I'm amazed at their ability to show what they had learned about him, his roles were really reflected well. I don't think I'd ever be able to do that.

Twice a Year
Twice a Year - 23.02.2022 20:17

I think the video biased us by telling us the different roles played by the person. Without knowing the roles, I would have thought that the final pictures were just 6 different pictures of the same person. Another issue with the process is that it involved deception -- there were a number of social science studies done in the past that are now considered unethical because they involved deception of the study subjects.

Steve Yi
Steve Yi - 31.01.2022 22:59

Yep. lesson reminded one more time!

Bilal Korir
Bilal Korir - 07.01.2022 01:18

WOW! This says a lot about how we see people with our naked eye every day. How many times have I been wrong judging others? This is the lesson.

Vic Mac
Vic Mac - 05.01.2022 02:01

I love it! This experiment is fantastic

Kiki Vol-au-Vent
Kiki Vol-au-Vent - 30.11.2021 18:12

what a lesson this was! I totally agree, it's what WE think we see, the photographers. Brilliant!

Armand Rioux
Armand Rioux - 23.11.2021 08:06

I really like this experiment ! ! ! The MUSIC, though being quite soft, is TOO LOUD. It made it tough for me to hear everything clearly, especially since English is not my first language. But a good «trick», anyway ! ! !

Eric Vidal
Eric Vidal - 17.11.2021 12:10

This is absolutely untrue. The producer of the clip LIED to the photographers. HE told to each one a diferent story, and each photographer tried (and, as very good professionals, SUCCEED) to extract out of the character his personality. So, in the clip, 6 photographers realised a portrait of 6 different men. The only conclusion is that it is easy to lie, and that has nothing to do with photography. Eric Vidal, retired REUTERS stringer based in Brussels, Belgium.

GlennVanderbeke - 02.08.2021 22:47

Great video!

parashar1505 - 02.08.2021 17:42

gosh! This is hyperreal! I have never imagined or asked anyone who they were before taking their pictures, and never imagined that based on who they are, they should be photographed differently!

kyawhitesapphire - 16.07.2021 20:25

Poorly designed experiment. This doesn't prove what you say it proves, because you used too many variables. Woulda been better to have 6 photographers hear the SAME story for each of 6 different people, and see how their photographs differ across all the people. But I know designing good experiments to result in sound data is hard. Not Canon's wheelhouse.

Laura Manson
Laura Manson - 16.07.2021 12:42

Wow!!! I’m not surprised! I’m an artist, so I’m trying to say something with everything I do.

Chidanand M
Chidanand M - 10.07.2021 16:57

Eyes express everything!

PoolFrog - 07.07.2021 17:38

Nice way to point out that we all have our biases. But is this news to anyone?

サニーちゃん - 08.05.2021 22:00

