Exploring Romania’s Peleș Castle & Bran Castle in Transylvania

Exploring Romania’s Peleș Castle & Bran Castle in Transylvania

Chad and Claire

1 месяц назад

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@jerrycratsenberg989 - 01.02.2025 19:57

WOW! A great presentation, even though Claire contracted the debilitating Transylvanian Quick Step. I am doing my magical best to grant Claire a complete recovery.

@Valachorum - 01.02.2025 20:30

Transylvania or not, when a state of mind gets a taste, it has to be about sour cream.
Papanaromania ✌

@ursdaniel - 01.02.2025 20:31

Romania 🇹🇩 here! Papanași the Best dessert in the world!! Everyone loves it!!

@typhanthongphay - 01.02.2025 21:25

Awesome video Legends 😁

@RaduLacurezeanu - 01.02.2025 21:27

How is your Dacia driving? Well first castel, the Peleș castle is located in Sinaia and therefore not located in Transylvania but in Wallahia.. Transylvania starts from Predeal upwards... the second one, Bran Castle is indeed located in Transylvania at the border with Wallachia and is was built in 14th century as a custom check Point between the two regions at that time.. by the way.. it has absolutely nothing to do with Vlad the Impaler.. that is just a story for turists like you😂😂😂 so enjoy it.

@RaduLacurezeanu - 01.02.2025 21:34

Try to visit the Corvin Castle located westward from Brașov in the county of Hunedoara.. there is some hystory there as well..

@heavenlymermaid4595 - 01.02.2025 23:25

Do you think you may be pregnant?❤❤❤

@theoadelaidabondocabe7261 - 02.02.2025 00:06

Thanks you guys so much for your new remarkable video this weekend from Romania 🇷🇴 to shows those amazing places in peace February of 2025❤❤❤

@theoadelaidabondocabe7261 - 02.02.2025 00:10

Welcome to Romania 🇷🇴 this weekend to shows those amazing places in great joy and peace February of 2025❤❤❤I wish you guys safe journeys always in peace 2025❤❤❤

@theoadelaidabondocabe7261 - 02.02.2025 00:42

Congratulations to you guys for your new remarkable video today’s to heads Romania 🇷🇴 this weekend to shows those amazing places in Europe February of 2025❤❤❤

@theoadelaidabondocabe7261 - 02.02.2025 00:48

Thanks you guys so much for your new remarkable video today’s from Romania 🇷🇴 for you guys to tried some delicious European street foods in peace February of 2025❤❤❤

@marchordie21 - 02.02.2025 00:52

You should have visited also Pelisor Castle, it's in the same park with Peles Castle.

@ahhitskatie9094 - 02.02.2025 01:05

I can’t tell you how much this Romania series means to me. It was the first place I visited in Europe. I was there to help at Teen Challenge just outside Bucharest. After spending time volunteering or sightseeing, I spent hours in the kitchen with a sweet Romanian grandmother. We didn’t speak each other’s languages, but we had the best time. The people there are so special and the scenery is unreal. I haven’t been in 14 years and I’ve been eager to go back. Thanks for reminding me of these sweet little life glimmers ✨

@qwertyqwerty-zi6dr - 02.02.2025 01:40

What a lovely couple!❤❤
Unlucky with the food poison, this is my first time when I hear about food poison in Romania, I hope she is better now ❤

@archons909 - 02.02.2025 02:04

you are consciousness sui generis & priceless
we enjoy & admire your inspiring & insightful videos
your channel deserves far more subscribers
if all powerful benevolent god is the true creator of every thing not the satans ruling you human slaves then why would god want & need to create you to keep growing hair & nails while you keep shaving trimming cutting only to be due for more shaving trimming cutting ?
if all powerful benevolent god is the true creator of every thing not the satans ruling you human slaves then why would god want & need to create you & every thing to keep getting dirty while you keep washing & cleaning only to be due for more washing & cleaning ?
the circumference of the claimed globe earth at the equator is 24901 miles therefore earth completes 1 rotation on it's axis at the equator in 24 hours
the circumference of the claimed globe earth at the poles is 0 miles therefore earth completes 1 rotation on it's axis at the poles in 0 hours
the further away north & south from the equator the circumference of the claimed globe earth becomes lesser & lesser therefore the length of 24 hours ( days + nights ) should become shorter & shorter too
how can there be 24 hours ( days + nights ) at the poles of the claimed globe earth ?
the same satans rule you human slaves in every prison block called country
the ruling satans instigate wars terrorists earthquakes floods wildfires hurricanes to harvest women & children for rape & sustenance
satans ruling you human slaves in every prison block called country feed on women & children
the number of women & children murdered in the war zones are tiny compared to the number of women & children collected & supplied to the ruling satans for rape & sustenance +

@davidanalyst671 - 02.02.2025 03:09

what amazing castles! and they have beautiful areas around them to sit and relax. This sounds like a fun place to go. Did you have to describe vlad while Im trying to eat some snacks? brah. lolz.

@Nowhereman58 - 02.02.2025 05:03

Just stumbled across your video, I would say that Claire was the most beautiful part, very elegant woman.

@AdventuresofAplusK - 02.02.2025 07:28

Loved the castles, food, and Papi’s big day out! 😂

@SchwaCylena - 02.02.2025 11:27

Everything is super super nice 🎉❤

@doruneacsu7081 - 02.02.2025 11:52

Vă mulțumesc pentru vizită dar rămân la aceiași părere pe care o au toți europeni ca voi americani sunteți lipsiți de orice respect față de istoria milenară a Europei la voi totul trebuie să fie senzațional măreț cu zeci de miliarde de ani nici nu vă pasă ce reprezintă pentru noi ca și cultură voi aveți respect doar pentru bani și cum striviți pe oricine pentru a face America măreață din nou nici nu mă mir ca v-ați ales președinți octogenari niște basinosi împietriți în războaie comerciale și la izolaționism…îmi pare rău dar nu am niciu respect pentru politica voastră care e diferența între Putin și Trump? Niciuna unul e un dictator ordinar care începe războaie pentru a se mintine la putere el cu camarila lui …iar Trump un obsedat economic ipotent intelectual ca și mulți americani care nu văd mai departe curtea lui dar porniți războaie comerciale dacă nu e cum vreți voi …așa ca mai scutiți-ne cu lecțiile de morală asupra altora mai bine stați acasă și învățați dsp lume nu mai fiți așa superficiali ok….👎😏

@iojanicusor702 - 02.02.2025 13:29

Next time you should visit Cantacuzino Castle, where the Wendsday's first series was filmed! We also have a lot o grat places to visit!

@katherineaitken3373 - 02.02.2025 22:54

You missed the castle down the road from castle Peleș, where Wednesday was filmed 😢 I LOVE THEM ALL! TE IUBESC ROMANĂ ❤❤❤❤❤

@katherineaitken3373 - 02.02.2025 23:01

😭😭 PAPANAȘI IS LLLIIIIFFFEEEE I can't wait for march 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

@katherineaitken3373 - 02.02.2025 23:06

Wait, you didn't go into the dungeon 😮

@insanelyviral7769 - 03.02.2025 01:46


@Godea.A - 03.02.2025 03:19

So you are Hunaryan.Hungaryans,are from north.From Finland.gipsy's from Finland.Thank you gipsys from Finland.BUT...No BUT.

@butenbremer1965 - 03.02.2025 04:30

Thank you everly so much for respectfully paying a visit to one of the most underrated Eastern European Countries, formerly located beyond the Iron Curtain of the infamous Cold War! Actually, my current ex-wife and mother of my 22 yo son was born and raised in Brasov (Kronstadt, in German) as a "Siebenbürger Sächsin" - a German minority living in Romania that were tolerated by the Communist Regime at that time - w/o ever attaining any Romanian language skills. I've been to Bran before - this video really brings up (bitter-)sweet memories. I simply love your wonderful and increasingly growing, charming not-so-small-anymore channel. So please keep 'em vids coming!

@suseno212 - 03.02.2025 09:40

HAPPY & ENJOY👍🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

@lindadurrant43 - 03.02.2025 18:51

the music adds to the atmosphere

@cmdr.ghostvador7601 - 04.02.2025 16:46

The theam rooms in Peles Castel is on purpuse becose when they had guests from other cultures they have been acomodated on theyr own culture space room to feel like home.

@tartufo4870 - 05.02.2025 02:55

I hope Claire will feel better so she can enjoy the trip 😃

@elainapalmer7972 - 05.02.2025 10:25

What village did you guys go to next?

@joseph40ninjas88 - 05.02.2025 20:48

Next week!

@stage01 - 07.02.2025 02:42

I love that you rented a Dacia. Don't forget to visit Resita, Caras-Severin, and its surroundings! 😜

@clairedsc5807 - 08.02.2025 15:15

Thanks for the nice video! Well, I think we won't have a rental car, but I think "Get Your Guide" can be bought with transportation and admission tickets for the castles ?? I am a dracula fan soooo 😛It's a breeze coming from Zürich, CH with a short 3-4 day trip in December....

@thetravelpeoples - 08.02.2025 15:17

I did a mini thesis about Vlad Tsepes, the impaler, back in the university. We're planning to go to the castle in August for our anniversary. This video is a good start. ❤

@Vladut6412 - 08.02.2025 20:41

Romania is so beautiful ❤

@aliciacervantes2441 - 10.02.2025 05:32

Such a beautiful places and nice weather, when was that?

@pripasanraluca2588 - 10.02.2025 22:46

Claire! Bran is actually a fortress, amd Peles is a chastile. Is a loof diffrence between a chastle and a fortress

@kingra7 - 11.02.2025 15:51

Peleș castle is a perfect location for zombie apocalypse.😉

@danvision5086 - 12.02.2025 02:22


@edwardleecaliforniausa - 13.02.2025 00:25

Hi all lovely friends, new subscriber how are you happy Wednesday night to you and I enjoy your channel and you all amazing supporter

@drumetii.2025 - 15.02.2025 17:13

Welcome ❤

@florentinabotas6886 - 16.02.2025 13:14

Have a great day!

@cosmincasuta486 - 17.02.2025 00:04

Peles is not in Transilvania!

@martindonald7613 - 21.02.2025 01:29

One important thing to remember is that the Romani (Gypsy) people were enslaved there for centuries. We are still highly discriminated against there today. Who did Vlad the Impaler torture the most to ensure their subservience? Guess.

@andreimovilescu2580 - 25.02.2025 21:48

Bravo ❤❤❤

@belalhosensarder7277 - 12.03.2025 00:24

You are best friend .
Serious like and miss YOU.
