Cozy Games That AREN'T Farming

Cozy Games That AREN'T Farming

Cozy Design Studios

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@crucifytheaxe9761 - 27.11.2024 17:55

Games to get your non gamer gf

@chefrude - 27.11.2024 21:32

The problem with these suggestions is... for the same price as SDV (where you can get hundreds of hours of play before you get bored, because the time changes, and you have a lot of activities to pursue according to your interests in the moment) you can get a non-farm sim game that has ... maybe 10 hours of content, before you run out of things to do. (if not less)

A Little to the Left, Unpacking, Balance 100 etc are VERY finite in that they are linear puzzles, and have an 'end'. The puzzles run out. They're adorable, and the puzzles are cute, but then its just over and I personally felt disappointed at the lack of content. When for almost the same price, I can play SDV for much longer.

Gourdlets, Oddada, Tiny Glade, etc are cozy in that you are just doodling and being creative, but they are very repetitive, because you're just adding or removing things to an environment you otherwise have little-to-no additional input for/with/to. This kind of game is becoming more common, but its in the end very superficial engagement, and that fun runs out. Particularly if you lose steam when faced with "just do whatever" with absolutely no guidance or externally provided goals. (Without goals, I lose interest fast, and when the game play is entirely self driven such as in survival games like Minecraft, again, just not for me) The list of "cozy" but pointless games like this litter my video game collection, and get almost no play time (for me). This is not what I'm looking for.

I watched this video because I want something "like" a farm sim (lots of activity choices, some external motivations and goals, but also affordable so that the amount of game time and play is worth while)

The opposite of an $80, 40-100 hour but largely combat driven blockbuster, which I also find tedious and not that engaging.
"Single Player Adventure 'rpgs'" are just blockbusters, with more contrived, and in many cases questionable 'RPG'ness and are also overburdened with choices that FEEL important but aren't, or that FEEL important but are scripted heavily to lean towards one outcome to end in a 'good' way. Never mind that some of them are overburdened with expectations and overly difficulty activities that make them feel uncozy, so that doesn't help when you just need something chill.

There has to be "non farming" but "Affordable", externally motivating and goal driven game play, where you get a lot of bang for your buck... I just have no idea what that is. And sadly, this video ended up not really providing "like" suggestions.

The few games that lately have attempted SDV-Farmer-esque cozy game style have taken the idea, but have been limited in scope to one type of activity. Moonlight Bay (fishing) or Dredge (fishing), cozy caravan, have the go do this questiness, but they are also extremely limited activity choices, end up being very repetitive because of it, and the only way they have to extend game time is to force you into travel-loops to fill the time, which are boring. They also run out of content pretty quickly. And are littered with repetitive minigame cycles (cooking or crafting mostly) that are actually very similar to each other.

Other games like Powerwash Simulator, Trash Goblin, etc are fun, even with repetitive tasks, by feeding your "goal oriented" focus (complete this task), but they lack excitement that in some ways make the game TOO cozy and require the right mindset to play, or they lack engagement opportunity.

@mxmothic - 27.11.2024 21:57

Horticular is another recent super cozy game. You build up a garden ecosystem and settle animals, but I wouldn't exactly place it in any kind of farming category since there is no harvest or production of any kind. More of a puzzle.

@eriodas4802 - 28.11.2024 16:25

Out of topic but your voice is so soothing ❤

@MJBEANZ - 29.11.2024 16:31

A little to the left is one of our cat's favorite games

@KasLynAudio - 30.11.2024 03:37

The only reason I can think of for Seeing Stars being reviewed lower is, while it is incredible and I loved every minute of it, it is significantly harder than the base game and still harder than the Cupboard dlc. I think some puzzles resorted to having BS solutions in the name of having so many more possible solutions per puzzle and that doesn't quite help either.

@leialuminous - 30.11.2024 05:13

The detail on tiny glade is exquisite 💜

@evergreenoaktree - 30.11.2024 10:08

so dumb that these are all only on pc

@rhovertte - 30.11.2024 14:09

Bruhhh im currently finishing A Little to the Left… a little bit more and i’ll jam a pencil to my ear. I’m not that smart and this game slaps it to me every freaken level 🥲🥲🥲 (it’s worth it. Aesthetic, sfx, puzzles! Kudos team!)

@DexterRose - 30.11.2024 21:11

My goodness dude please sit on your hands My Lord

@tristinhailey6432 - 01.12.2024 06:22

Moonlighter is a good one

@fumblingtitan1411 - 01.12.2024 11:46

"this thing" is called a treble clef. great vid mate ;)

@CosmoFaulkner - 01.12.2024 18:53

A great game i consider cozy is The Lake, i find it very relaxing

@Soroosh.S83 - 02.12.2024 13:43

This video is very cozy i love it

@lpslover1718 - 02.12.2024 17:38

Idk if this game was mentioned or not, but I’ve played Unpacking SEVERAL times . There’s not motive besides unpacking someones life story but that’s why its so sweet and cozy and the soundtrack is INCREDIBLE

@kimieatsu - 02.12.2024 21:45

Cozy Grove is a game that I like that isn’t farming. Your main objective is to help spirit bears open up and figure out how to help them move on. It’s a really cute game. You can put up trees and bushes for some resources but you don’t make plots, plant seeds, or water them to grow them and it’s not a huge focus of the game at all.

@Heartburn1220 - 03.12.2024 03:59

Valheim is my favorite cozy farming game

@samanthaalyson00 - 04.12.2024 03:53

do you have a discord server?? i’d love to join and stay connected! you and your comment section have the best vibes! :)

@elafacwen8176 - 09.12.2024 00:09

Why are there so many cozy farming games? Real life farming isnt relaxing or cozy at all...

@sky-t3i - 10.12.2024 06:56

Thanks for the video

@jackleetch8511 - 12.12.2024 19:21

Didn’t realize people were bored of farming games, I’m literally in the middle of making one. Like the goal is to find a seed plant it grow it, find a new seed plant it grow it. Like locations and growing gets more difficult as the game goes on. The literal point is a farming loop

@ButrScochMonks - 17.12.2024 22:17

dang I wanted to hear one of your songs from Oddada

@thepld - 22.12.2024 20:23

The licensing for oddada creeps me out

@Jane-Roe1126 - 24.12.2024 00:42

I gave myself carpal tunnel while playing Tiny Glade. I had to stop.

@woofnuggiez - 27.12.2024 07:29

Just gimme a cozy game sorta like webfishing where you slowly but not TOO slowly build up money and things to collect fun and new items, maybe some minigames like Papa's pizzeria, fishing up a certain item to unlock an item or cosmetic, maybe a pretty foresty area where you collect different types of mushrooms and flowers, or simply a customize minigame, where you customize your character based on the pictures, and doing that can win you fun new prizes and cosmetics. Something simple, fun, nature vibes, maybe cute animals to interact with scattered around, collecting and having fun. multiplayer and non-multiplayer, like webfishing but more engaging things so its not as lonely or boring singleplayer. With no stupid cozy breaking microtransactions or subs. :( And 0 sad vibes so you don't slip into a sad over-thinking state lol..

@jodiexalazar2 - 28.12.2024 01:45

The runner series fits this perfectly. Idk why driving super slowly on mud is so cozy

@oscidod_ - 29.12.2024 06:30

My favorite cozy game is Garden Galaxy! It's so good✨

@Cushe112 - 03.01.2025 06:50

What a lovely wholesome channel! Keep up your amazing work :)

@kokoreply - 06.01.2025 04:26

You’re missing out Spiritfarer!

@laurenbeckerle7977 - 06.01.2025 19:29

LODDLENAUT! I’m not a cozy game person usually, too much talking too much farming. But I love Loddlenaut. I also like Timberborn.

@IkiyouKai - 07.01.2025 14:54

Slime Rancher is a good cozy game....OK maybe it does have a bit of farming to feed the slimes haha.

But I'd like a cozy game that has a plot and purpose. Most farming cozy games seem to have that, and I'd rather have a non-farming cozy game that also has that...I'm not so much into cozy games that don't really have a plot.

@millsarrington6195 - 08.01.2025 23:44

Sky: Children of the Light is an EXCELLENT cozy game for many reasons.
1. Free to play with optional in-app purchases
2. Multiplayer or Single player
3. Aesthetically pleasing visuals. Low poly with excellent colors and soft edges
4. Cute character customization!
5. Super chill gameplay that mostly revolves around solving puzzles, collecting items, and traveling the map. There are some more difficult challenges for those who want to push themselves.
6. The music is ethereal, and some of it features the artist Aurora.
7. Even after "finishing" the game, there is always so much more to do.
8. Frequent updates / events. There's always something new to try.
So cozy for reals.

@JeanneBook - 10.01.2025 03:00

I read the title and gasp, do tell. 😂

@hazelkatz - 10.01.2025 03:17

For my fellow witchie girlies I would suggest REKA. Rly cosy and cute indie game 😊

@Fetchdafish - 11.01.2025 10:01

My favorite cozy game is Skyrim.

@KEI-iw5gj - 17.01.2025 00:20

What a cozy video!

@Midnight_Crunch - 18.01.2025 20:40

If you like cozy games, I recommend Spire Blast. is a surprising combination of match-three games and 3D physics. very addictive :)

@Cyber_Angel_1 - 19.01.2025 20:37

What happened to the good old gore, murder, and mayhem? Gee what is this world coming to.

@denycast - 21.01.2025 11:07

You talk about Oddada so often, that I really have to?check it out👍

@thomaes751 - 25.01.2025 19:52

My absolute favorite cozy game is "A Short Hike"

@pingidjit - 26.01.2025 01:37

All Will Fall is a new demo that just came out and its very cozy too. I'm loving it so far.

@pingidjit - 26.01.2025 01:44

One I find strangely calming is Viscera Cleanup Detail. You are a janitor cleaning up alien murder scenes and yes its rather dark. But mopping up blood, sweeping bullets, and making the different locations look nice and clean again is oddly soothing. I am not someone who enjoys gore or violent games like most shooters. And yet a game that is pretty much just cleaning up the aftermath of a first person shooter scene is satisfying and enjoyable.

I would never have tried this game if not for a friend and I have put far more hours into it than I would like to admit. Doesn't hurt that people have created a ton more levels you can download and play beyond the vanilla game.

@shoopypit4884 - 30.01.2025 06:00

Dang no manor lords?

@pimpdaddy6525 - 02.02.2025 09:05

Summer House is a pretty good one

@dannil9878 - 05.02.2025 09:00

He’s such a cutie❤

@Dyanosis - 06.02.2025 22:29

Tiny Glade isn't so much a game as it is Blender, but with dedicated buttons.

@Cruzan9 - 08.02.2025 07:51

Your cup looks empty. Did you really have a beverage in there? 🤨
I've never heard of A Little to the Left. I think I'll like it. So now I have to see what platforms it's on, because you didn't say.

@TheKat12364 - 11.02.2025 00:17

I knew they would get together from the pilot when Jane takes Lisbons arm to read her watch and Lisbon doesnt even flinch like he has done it dozens of times. And I knew it wasn't going to be until Red John was dead.

@felisazure1820 - 18.02.2025 05:26

Thank you for finally convincing me to buy Gourdlets, I am having a blast.

@ABOD-un2zm - 04.03.2025 15:22

You matched the vibe ❤ cozy voice and a beautiful way of talking
