Warzone is such a terrible game. Idk how they play this garbage every day.
ОтветитьDude there's thousands of hours of ths
Ответитьi feel dr pain happens to me al lthe time so he is not only one
Ответитьreupload to 2nd channel?
ОтветитьHey Tim what if you reacted to smallant luck moments those are the best
ОтветитьThat was a good laugh. Classic
Ответитьthese are old clips.....
ОтветитьSaw the snowball death live. Great 😂
ОтветитьDoc going back time and time again for that load out was absolutely glorious!🤣🤣
ОтветитьBring back Black Out, V2, for the 2X!! YAYA!
Ответитьi love timthetatman sm since mohawk long hair wtv tf that was he never gets old no matter how old i been
ОтветитьYou know what more hilarious is the icon sound of Tim slamming his desk. 😂
ОтветитьStop reacting to the same video Tim it’s boring
ОтветитьSo broken game bro !
ОтветитьReacting to Doc is like a weekly video at this point 😴
ОтветитьBlack out 2 2024!!!
Ответить“I think I’m too fat to get in there” had me dying yo
ОтветитьEverytime I play WZ I'm Doc. Luck is never with us.
ОтветитьDoc is stupid 🥔😆
ОтветитьTim react to some more Marley
ОтветитьDoc posted this, Nick posted this, an now you posted this.. holy shit
ОтветитьWarzone is a thing and there’s no fun to be had
ОтветитьYou guys should spectate old Verdansk sessions with Doc and watch it at the same time and comment about the gameplay
ОтветитьLegend has it he's still working on it
ОтветитьI need more of this
ОтветитьDoc the only known person to play warzone that doesn’t cheats, no bots no nothing, he’s the reality off all of us, while others act like gods, they just using macros or any type oh way to get the advantage on someone else.
ОтветитьIf you’re 375 pounds what does that make caseoh
ОтветитьThe werid thing is he is wearing a sweat skin still dying 😅
ОтветитьI wanna see a reaction to where timmy reacts to himself being fat already.
ОтветитьYou are not 375 pounds, no way
ОтветитьDayseeker shirt let's gooo Tim.
ОтветитьDocs a legend Tim is alright too. 😅
ОтветитьJeff was first 💯
ОтветитьTim should have to pay doc More than he pays the irs in year he use more docs content then doc does what a shame am no doc fan just call it like I see it
Ответить“Gimme gimme gimme!!!!!!”
ОтветитьWait, I thought Tim was down in the 200s? He really weighs 375??
ОтветитьDoc getting smoked fast af lmaooo. They're hacking Doc, we know. 🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьStop playing with Z he is a cheater.
Ответитьeven the two timer can be taken down by something has simple has snowball, love the video
ОтветитьDoc still talking to minors on the internet?
ОтветитьYou really need to delete the doc videos Tim stop trying to continue to profit off of a pedophile all you're saying is you're okay with it and up to the extent that it doesn't affect me. Kinda sick you still have them up honestly
Ответитьat what point do all DOC contributors and fans he shredded for supporting him get their money back? Karma is a bitch
ОтветитьThe two time child toucher?
ОтветитьSo hard to watch this now can’t believe someone so close to Doc would just up and leave just like that