FNAF Lore Explained! (ft. Game Theory, RyeToast, & MORE) - Entire Timeline, Full Story, Every Theory

FNAF Lore Explained! (ft. Game Theory, RyeToast, & MORE) - Entire Timeline, Full Story, Every Theory

Hyper Droid

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@Lillypup-ir1vm - 20.01.2025 11:20

I just released mike is the one who killed cc/Evan (I think)

@poohbear4515 - 20.01.2025 21:46

Did you forget? Inside the locked box was none other than the KING of Five Nights at Freddy’s himself. 😂😂😂

@barnabyfontana7528 - 20.01.2025 23:41

Every single sentence in this video is amazingly stupid. I truly cannot believe these are the conclusions idiots like matpat or ryetoast et al have come to after 10 years.

@Wizardjones69 - 23.01.2025 03:07

I don't think that charlie is the 6th kid on ITPG because the game wants so badly to be mysterious about the 6th kid, if it was to be charlie?
And the altered memory argument doesn't work since the memory inside the ballpit is exclusive to the june 26th event

It can't be previous ones on the process

Like from 2 years before the mci

And in the arcades binary code, it says always watching

And the omc minigame on itpg only proves that this victim is different from the others, and not charlie

@pokemonsonic321 - 23.01.2025 08:08

Awesome video. What video is that where Matt kicks the log book?

@garythesnail9958 - 24.01.2025 08:53

I think the three people in the crying childs happiest day is his mother and elizabeth. The reason being that william isnt really shown interacting with him in fnaf 4 and why would the person who bullied him relentlessly, and helped kill him be in his happiest day? So the only other 2 people it could be is his mom and his sister the only 2 people that cared for him.

@cadenwilcox - 25.01.2025 08:49

What if fnaf 4 and sister location happen simultaneously. Fnaf 4 happens after Mike takes his walks outside after leaving circus baby’s

@aaronhilt8347 - 28.01.2025 07:44

It doesn’t make sense to me that SL can be after fnaf 1 and 2. He says in SL that he is coming after his father, but then we don’t see him until fnaf 3 decades later? It makes more sense SL is before fnaf 2 and then decides to take jobs as a guard to try and find his father and see what’s he’s up to

@pedrodasilvians - 29.01.2025 01:06

So who is the person with the Chica mask in the Bite of '83? Do we know?

@mickokov733 - 29.01.2025 01:46

Love the video but the Cassidy face was creeping me out dude.

@vern0069 - 29.01.2025 02:35

uhm btw ITS ME pops up because its mick afton (mike shmidt) brother who was a victim and after the brothers death (the brother is evan, the crying child) then the guys in the suit went o a murderderedeeredereder rampage after his sons death. the guy in the suit is william afton. did no one piece this together?

@NathanialTV - 30.01.2025 02:17

99% baised 1% facts

@Bepus-Edits - 31.01.2025 18:34

I like the theory that the reason that Michaels last name is Schmidt is because he is using his mothers maiden name instead of Afton. Its possible that his parents were divorced, which explains why William can build such elaborate things without a functional adult asking questions.

@jajo83 - 31.01.2025 23:47

It would be cool if fnaf ended on fnaf 3. William is cursed with living in hid rotten body and souls are set free

@_MaryamTheSnek_ - 02.02.2025 17:36

Tbh speaking of death order, I think the death order goes like this: Elizabeth, Crying child and the Charlie. I believe they somehow all died on the same year and that CB pizza world was also made in 1983 as well. I also think that the Fnaf 4 nightmares were not Mikes but actually the Crying Childs made by William after his sister died to keep him away from the animatronics.

@Nasty_Kyxls - 04.02.2025 04:50

the best chapter in the whole game so far hands down

@unknownanomaly1226 - 04.02.2025 15:11

On his deathbed scott will give matpat all the answers and tell him to make a final theory.

@ErikFogarasi - 05.02.2025 15:10

Boi 3 HOURS? yeah skip the popcorn Bois WE NEED A HULL TRUCK

@panbrzoza5920 - 09.02.2025 23:18

So.... Is phone guy and purple guy the same person??

@johancito16345 - 10.02.2025 07:35

Abouth the summer job thing, in some countries it dosent only reffer to a job in summer but a part time job either on summer or every other time of the year, it just stuck with the summer job name bc is the most obvious example

@davidsmith3687 - 11.02.2025 09:47

My main question to you is what do you think about the "duality" in the game-verse? Has always been Business-Afton and Mechanically Gifted-Hentry. Then we got the mimic, and a Murray Co. poster. Do you think Edwin and his kid exists (and what their name is if Dave is the crying child, unless you say two Daves)? Is Edwin another identity for Henry like William does? Or is Edwin the father of Henry in the games, his passion for the potential of machines in his robotic house utensils leading to Henry's love for the subject which advanced to full blown robotics/animatronics (Henry Murray)? William, as per game theory, could have been inspired by a show/circus, and than later learned from Henry and twisted it as he fell off the deep end. That would leave us with the two focal families without random new injections. William would be the father of Michael, Elizabeth and Dave. Unknown wife and what happened to her. Henry is the father of Charlie, but maybe has Sammy as well. Unknown wife and what happened to her as well. But let's say in the games the grandparents aren't around for both families, and Henry is left as a single father through tragedy/accident. As the established robotics expert, at least at the start, he'd be the one developing the mimic. Not to mention, always assumed Charlotte/Charlie died outside of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. And thought give cake was outside for Fredbear's Family Diner, not to mention S-A-V-E-H-I-M. Is the gender retconned? Or is it actually Sammy, and the Puppet jumpscare is because Charlie witnessed it (1982/1983, silver eyes has the twins younger than the other children with the rabbit incidents, three or so), but only fully recalls AND comprehends more of what she witnessed being older and murdered herself? The FNAF6 game shows her outside on a rainy night, the door seemingly at a back alley, and only a few kids left inside at the time. AND the puppet is specifically tied to her bracelet color. Give Cake seems to not have rain, and seems much more active with more people, daytime and busier inside; with the the door likely being the main door to the diner. How do we know that the kid, say Sammy here, didn't run out after a ball (Playing with Charlie and the Mimic), trip in the parking lot/road and sit there crying, being a kid unaware that their small height makes standing there dangerous enough), only for a car to come around the bend? Maybe William comes around the bend, hitting the kid on accident (after that it's up to interpretation, old cars are HEAVY; maybe he gets out to help but can't do much but flee in panic when he dies quickly? Or he's already twisted in the head and silences the kid and, again, flees in panic?), and the wound first inflicted upon Henry was Sammy and William's first blood was pure accident/learning something dark about himself? Charlotte being 3 or so probably didn't comprehend death/murder and likely wouldn't have connected her "uncle" to danger.

@davidsmith3687 - 11.02.2025 13:17

What are the odds that the MCI had some ties to those that bullied Dave? Can't be too direct without implicating himself, but still wants revenge a little? Little sibling, cousin, best friends targeted?

@scottsommer9843 - 11.02.2025 21:49

I always thought that FNAF4 was Mike's dreams from Dave's perspective. It is mentioned earlier that someone affected would experience memory lapses, dreams of them, and even hallucinations kind of spoke that to me.

@NEOhioRF - 15.02.2025 05:50

Imagine if FNAF theory was a class in school

@Bleats_Sinodai - 15.02.2025 07:10

It's said that Scott did the "summer job" mistake because he's from Texas, where "summer jobs" is an expression used for temporary/part time jobs regardless if they're on summer.

@mesharkyvibes - 15.02.2025 21:37

I’m so proud so say that I am an og fnaf fan. I was there for the first game and I was there for every game following. I was 10 years old when the first one dropped, and I was instantly hooked to the horror directive and story. NOTHING can touch the beautiful story and lore of fnaf 1- pizzeria simulator.

@draxythevampire6337 - 16.02.2025 03:06

Umm I’m sorry could you repeat that whole thing I didn’t hear you

@burtonmoore996 - 17.02.2025 13:25

Something that's bugged me for a while. The foxy bully and Michael, I don't think they're the same person. The skin tone and hair are totally different. Maybe that's a continuity issue, but maybe it isn't.

@site_71-h6y - 18.02.2025 05:06

can you please explain the lore the same way you did for the 2022 fnaf timeline video? please, it was easier to understand and think with.

@m_elyr_a - 20.02.2025 19:05

For me, I would prefer crying child first, then out of jealous purple kill charlie after the drunk night, elizabeth die later, those sister location bots were made to test out the capability of kidnap kids after pg saw the puppet is haunted, but the circus baby ended up killing elizabeth because pg have never test the bot before.

@ITMeCE - 24.02.2025 19:14

Who is Andrew tho

@ITMeCE - 26.02.2025 16:00

Another thing that people that argue the crying childs name should have been on Cassidy's word search and not the FOXY grid is... Michael was foxy bro, they just disregard that. Dave is the crying childs name, and I feel bad for him. This game gives me the creeps and if its "meant for kids" like everyone likes to joke about TELL ME HOW A KID IS SUPPOSED TO FIGURE ALL THIS DEEPER MEANING SHIT OUT 😂 also the end credits of the movie could be leading into the puppet calling out to Garrett to come find her.

@Wild_Boar65 - 02.03.2025 17:26

I’m going to tell this to my future kids to teach them Stranger Danger

@Randomswordfighter - 02.03.2025 21:26

This makes time go by faster at work 😂

@dysFUNcti0nal.fr34k - 02.03.2025 21:47

Making crafts rn thank you for this video
