Pero que montón de basura.
ОтветитьThis Darth Vader Is Of Fortnite
ОтветитьHow did he get money to buy all that? What did he do for work?
ОтветитьEric Forman all grown up
ОтветитьPlease adopt me! 😁👍
ОтветитьDamn and not one copy of Traitor by Matthrew Stover. This guy doesn't know what peak Star Wars is sadly
ОтветитьI'd hate to be the one to dust all that stuff. 😣
Love the video though. There's some awesome cool memorabilia displayed.
Amazing collection...
and here we have an actual used tampon that Carrier fisher used on set when filming for return of the jedi...
Soy un gran fan de STAR WARS.
Mi padre me llevo al cine a en 1979 que fue el año en que se estreno en Colombia,despues vinieron mas peliculas y mi situación familiar cambio,y ya no podiamos ir al cine pero buscaba la manera de verla en Btamax o en VHS.En esa epoca los 80´s hubo muchas peliculas de acción como Superman,El Hombre Araña,series en tv como Los Magnificos A Team, Buck Rogers,Hulk en tv.
Pero yo seguia pensando en STAR WARS,megustaba mucho los sabes de luz sus naves,el conflicto politico que habia y que los JEDI.
Combatieran el mal,creo que hay una gran filosofia en lo que pasa en esas peliculas.
Estas piezas que tiene este señor y que hacen parte de una saga que con el tiempo son OBRAS DE ARTE,y que pertenecen a dos grandes Maestros que son George Lukas y STEVEN SPILBERG y que todas sus obras ya "Deben estra en un Museo",frace iconica de INDIANA JONES,si debn ya estar en un museo par que se admire lo que se hacia en el siglo 20 asi como los Hermanos Lumiere.
What is this man's electric bill 💸
ОтветитьI think this guy likes star wars
Ответитьmost is chinese garbage
ОтветитьAnd here we half the other half of anakin after he got chopped of by obi wan in Mustafar
Ответить"Cantina Chessboard"? well....
ОтветитьMark my words this will be mine someday
ОтветитьDid I skip ahead too much? No lighsabers?
ОтветитьHe seems like an original trilogy kinda guy
ОтветитьI’m jealous, I want all that😢
Ответитьhes gotta be a billionaire at least to pull this off
Ответитьyou do not know the power of having alot of money
Ответить“My wallet gone it is, my collection is not” -Yoda Sansweet
ОтветитьBoba fetts EE 3 blaster was legit just gonna be an uzi lmfao
ОтветитьThis is the coolest thing I have ever seen. (I really don't get out much)
ОтветитьThat’s a lot of Star Wars collections
ОтветитьBut Disney brought Star Wars Disney own Star Wars
ОтветитьSTEVE! You were asked to collect Star TREK memorabilia.. Please remove this installation & restart the journey.
ОтветитьThis would be a wild place for night at the museum
ОтветитьWe all know this guy tells those exact same anecdotes to everyone visiting his collection and that is so cringe I wanna puke.
Ответитьworth millions ez
ОтветитьThis man looks like George Lucas in a way
ОтветитьI died at R2-MR. T2 😭😂
ОтветитьTell me without telling me you’re a super nerd about Star Wars and it’s so freaking awesome!
ОтветитьThis mans children will be the happiest people alive when this guy passes 😭😭
ОтветитьHow ironic Bib Fortuna on a Colgate bottle
ОтветитьI Will Buy that for a dollar
ОтветитьHello from February 2025
ОтветитьInteresting choice having Gustav Holst's 'The Planets Suite' as background music, but then, Holst was a big inspiration to John Williams. To be fair, Mars: The Bringer of War is pure Star Wars!
ОтветитьA fine addition to my collection…
ОтветитьThey’ve never been to my house
ОтветитьVaya montón de basura jaja
Ответитьyo en las tiendas😂
ОтветитьI like the fact the he is aware of how toy companies slapped labels on already existing toys as they were scrambling to get merchandise out in time to capitalize on the popularity of Episode IV.
Ответитьdude is living my dream
ОтветитьThe best comments, which I have ever read