The beggar who makes £150 a day

The beggar who makes £150 a day

Joe Daunt

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@braxfan683 - 22.12.2020 01:13

I'll never give any money again. I can't afford to pay for people's alcohol, smoking and drug addictions. You're better keeping it in case you need it /spend it on animals

@Dg-zj6jo - 10.02.2021 14:38

problem with that is you get fat but no money better off in jail

@tommyclaytonodonnell7439 - 11.03.2021 15:18

There isn't loads of help like councillor whoever he was not all who are homeless are on drugs and what about the ones who start on drink & drugs because they have to sleep on the streets of Newcastle day in day out go and tell them theres loads of help ..public beware yes drug addicts will most definitely take advantage of generous public so be wise ! But they are human so conversate with them and by that use your judgement...!!! Just my opinion

@peterdickinson7842 - 20.04.2021 15:23

But for God's good grace, I wouldn't even be in the human .race.
Homelessness is a curse, but my worth is in Heaven, where there is no pain or tears of suffering. Meanwhile Moses like I'm stuttering. No excuse. So I'll continue to practice free speech on the streets of Newcastle. Or wherever the cattle or lost sheep hypnotized by Satanic lies imagine John Lennon or Kieth Lemon practice their craft. Jesus will have the everlasting final laugh. Gaddafi Duck quackers. Come on ye slackers hands off the knackers yard. Don't be, from heaven barred. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

@eyefishinggunkchannel1011 - 28.05.2021 01:11

hahaha these guyes do not make 150 a day that probs most some1 has made i no some1 who made 90 pound in a 4 hour spacd but most days its 10 20 pound iff your lucky..i give to them dont care iff there on drugs alcohol and codein are both drugs so most ppl r on drugs infact codeine is heroin just alot weeker

@jackharrison6771 - 08.07.2021 00:42

I saw a beggar outside Waterloo Stn; when someone brought out a big posh pizza for her. Some bring them much more, which I often can't afford, being retired due to industrial injury. But what REALLY makes me angry with some, is the way they look at people, and say "Is that all"? YES destitution and homelessness can happen genuinely, But aggressive and ungrateful begging shows their true intent.

@livhartly3872 - 20.08.2021 18:31

I went to Newcastle 2 days ago, there were many homeless people however some homeless person came up to me and said “any spear change there pet?” I said no sorry.They said okay and barged passed me…
Everyone can have a home, and enough money to spend on food..They just either spend it on drug$ or something else, everyone in the world can get a job.Also I used to give money to the poor or homeless when I was 6 or 7 bc I have a very big heart and people say I still do now, however this person said he buys drug$ with his money he gets.Witch means I could give up an opportunity to give a nice person who won’t buy drug$ who is homeless, but there are so many of these people you just never know..

@adamjones3818 - 24.12.2021 15:35

take this down

@adamjones3818 - 24.12.2021 15:35

massive tory toffs fuck sky news

@steven320 - 11.02.2022 22:26

Not a real man.

@mohammadayub2760 - 15.02.2022 23:44

Some people are so gulable don't give them anything thay have Moor money than u stop it now

@josephbenadam - 23.05.2022 18:57

Why going to university when you can get 150 a day UNTAXED ?
Not even Doctors would make that money

@steventritton7704 - 10.07.2022 13:16

Trying living with addiction like I did for 10 years u stuck up cuxt in your suite

@mikehughes2426 - 16.07.2022 07:02

Regardless of what he makes a day, I can guarantee that won't be every day and comments such as doctors don't make that much or what a good night in front of the TV he must have had just shows the total ignorance of some people.
I have been in his situation and although I didn't ask for change, I was helped by passers by, some of whom I got to know over time.
Anything given is given by choice, to tell people not to help homeless, that doesn't just mean rough sleepers, but to give to charities instead, again shows how little the one saying so knows about the reality of homelessness. In five years on the streets I had one Christmas with Crisis in a sports centre, sleeping on a camp bed in the sports hall with at least 50 others. I never received any help whatsoever from them or any other at any time. The only charities I can say actually help and provide continuous support and contact are The Royal British Legion and SSAFA, the rest in my opinion are frauds!
I wish this guy all the best and life will improve when the time is right and you're ready.
One thing is certain though and that is, he has more about him than anyone who judges, puts him down or says he should get a job or dumb arse comments along those lines.

@organickevinlondon - 21.07.2022 07:38

I doubt very much that this guy makes £150 a day begging on the streets,
as the video evidence here, suggests otherwise,
IF he's on smack, as soon as he's managed to cobble together a tenner,
he will be off to score and spend the rest of the day, monged out,
OBVIOUSLY the guy in the suit from the Council has an agenda here,
to remove street beggars, it was probably the guy in the suit from the Council
that come up with that £150 per day nonsense too,
to discourage anyone from giving anything to street beggars.

@rog3833 - 22.07.2022 12:54

Typical Junkie con artist. Hes not street homeless - hes got a home, cos for starters you need an address to have a tag fitted. And he took his food home. Mugs are just paying for his needle.

@gerryd7027 - 05.08.2022 19:41

Used to give to homeless but don't anymore as just funds drug habit.

@AnthonyWilliams-ew3wp - 06.08.2022 15:06

Here in 2022. What’s the odds that he is still alive? What a waste of a precious life.

@mjh5437 - 17.09.2022 11:04

No wonder Britain is getting scroungers from all over the world when they see they can get so much free money for doing fu*ck all.

@mjh5437 - 17.09.2022 11:13

Oh look.....a human rat.

@ashleyveevers2007 - 09.10.2022 18:52

Is that it, I used to make £250 a day spot begging in slough town centre!!! That’s minor numbers 150£ a day shit I got 2 asbos bannning me from slough!! Now I’ve been clean 8 years off both!!! Completely changed my life!!!!

@deanbrandt2748 - 17.10.2022 16:29

I used to do the exact same thing to get money for drugs…then when I had enough score I run to the next phone box to call my dealer - then home to shoot up….then head back out again straight after to do it all over again. I’ve been to rehab and I am 8 years clean now but the system let me down and I am facing homelessness for real now. The Council doesn’t care. I never got help with my mental health and now I’ve come full circle. They said if I only quit drugs I’ll be fine. Not so. What was it all for? I wished I had died and not gone to rehab. I would be at peace now. 😟

@jonathonwest3419 - 16.11.2022 06:42

Fucking smack head piss takin shit head when real homeless people suffer because of him

@SteveJones-gz4vd - 17.12.2022 22:45

Jut give him a bag of shit = simples, these northern monkeys are scum bags. every walk of life has dirty norhtern monkeys wrking for them and they are all the same

@anthonyfrance4796 - 29.12.2022 14:29

Better than universal credit I wish I could hire my ass for money but I'm 63 still as has a good selection of rotting food in there bins

@jamesfagan7823 - 29.12.2022 18:53

The Government want society The way it is, its a gold mine

@fergspan5727 - 30.12.2022 14:36

Charities don’t help people , they steal and keep

@columbojustonemorething9464 - 06.01.2023 20:19

Then if he doesn't beg on the streets he might end up breaking into some ones hoose , council are a shambles 🤦

@dailyamusing235 - 16.01.2023 19:47

3square meals is their safety net hmp so they don't give a fk

@6pac616 - 11.02.2023 09:55

easy money . encourages others to sit with a cup on the ground . The daft people don't realise these beggars are junkies

@heyzus - 09.03.2023 19:50

Most of them make in excess of £150.00 per day, tax free and also collect benefits, wise up, they are better off than most donors!

@stephenturner7949 - 24.06.2023 01:41

In huddersfield we get so called homeless people sitting on street corners and then after a while they change places with each other as in a shift pattern , i give them nothing as they are total con artists

@Mike-tb3ci - 15.09.2023 02:45

Not in Portland

@eyefishinggunkchannel1011 - 09.11.2023 08:37

but housing them aint gonna stop them beggint..they dont get 150 a day bullshit...but ye there all in houses the place is run down rent is chewpas hell landlords dont csre iff your on drugs there desprwte 2 fill thr flats so there wll getting better life thwn wlof of ppl who work

@JAKEJIM12 - 17.12.2023 21:30

What a load of rubbish the help being there to help homeless people off the streets.I was homeless for a whole year.The only help I got which I was really greatly appreciated for was the soup kitchens and the volunteers to helped the homeless with meal's.There was churches that also helped the homeless with meals.But as for the council you must be joking.I saw no help from the council in Portsmouth in helping me off the streets.Only thing I had was my follow companion's who were also homeless to help me.We would stick together sometimes to help each other out.There was one charity that helped us which was the salvation army with sleeping bags.The worst thing now is there are so many fakes out there taking off the real homeless people.its taken me years to get over my addictions to which I am now clean from everything.

@themoviegod - 21.01.2024 11:52

people who ask me for money i tell them to go to hell and it makes me feel great.

@lukehoneythunder - 26.01.2024 20:44

I'm fed up to the back teeth with these scroungers.

@eltinmccarthy2469 - 04.04.2024 19:59

It beggars belief.

@derhampaul2182 - 04.04.2024 22:03

Your a scumbag

@nelsonmelgar3975 - 07.04.2024 21:21

Those people who give this kind of people, food and money they are destroying society. They are bad people, horrible people.

@mandypearson9082 - 26.05.2024 18:28

That's a toxic combination injecting heroin and taking cocaine at the same time. I have empathy for the cocaine addiction but not the heroin addiction. I admire someone that can get off heroin and turn their life around but everyone and especially him must have seen the film trainspotting. No matter how bad your life gets heroin is a slow and painful death that destroys you. So much help out there and rehab centres plummer court and project answer. Oak trees also. Street cat named Bob good film also. One is an opium and one is a stimulant and he should not be mixing the 2 of them together. Perhaps he should go to the charity shops and buy some true life addiction books, a therapeutic bit of retail therapy and think I can do this! Only 4 places he will end up, mental institution, a coffin, the streets or in prison . Find some interests and turn your negative past into a positive future! 😊

@andyb7339 - 26.05.2024 21:10

Blame the idiots that give to these scroungers

@AndrewGoodwin-w7j - 27.05.2024 02:12

Once talked to a female beggar in London
She said when she gets £100, she buys heroin, and starts again.

@jonathonwest7245 - 10.06.2024 19:21

People who make stupid comments about homeless beggars are pricks

@ContentArchaeology-vv7dl - 23.06.2024 04:31

Can you accommodate every single homeless person tho

@SCARRIOR - 28.06.2024 20:12

I knew this scumbag, sometimes he would have a dog for extra sympathy, and hop into his red van.

@thedancingalien7766 - 12.07.2024 23:07

Do Not Bare False Witness
Against Thy Neighbour
Do Not Lie😮😮😮

@PhillipplaistedPlaisted-qu7nc - 17.07.2024 01:30

if he getting all that food given too him almost everyday and making a good bit of money from doing what he is doing ones his tag is finished about he actually makes him self homless and someone else can have his place too live that would be more grateful for a roof over someone else head and he live like a. rat
