What to EXPECT in Star Wars Episode 9 | Star Wars Speculation

What to EXPECT in Star Wars Episode 9 | Star Wars Speculation

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@hulkmeister23 - 09.04.2018 09:35

This is boring me.

@matisowaty4346 - 09.04.2018 16:24


@matisowaty4346 - 09.04.2018 16:37

Maybe Ray will kill kylo and she will become Supreme Leader. This way she will end the war :)

@thomassimpson8548 - 09.04.2018 19:51

Bring back gorge lucas

@paulmichaelfreedman8334 - 09.04.2018 20:25

What saga? How about the skywalker saga as it was always about the skywalkers!

@podcastbard - 10.04.2018 01:22

were Kyber crystals ever combined? could Rae combine both crystals and make a double bladed light saber? can't wait to find out.

@JoseMendoza-kf1vs - 10.04.2018 07:54

Get great actors please like the rock or Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallion.

@marioventresca8778 - 10.04.2018 21:29

- luke on the island (except yoda scene, see below) was either a locally projected hologram or an imposter/actor put there to screen people who found the map
- luke w/yoda was actual luke, being frustrated that anybody who gets to the island isn't who he is looking for and yoda just reminds him of the goal behind this idea
- so, luke is still alive and at the true jedi temple in the outer rim
- this explains why the luke on the island was not so powerful or came across as weak

- similarly, snoke did this trick in the throne room to "complete ren's training" and make him think he is the most powerful, to free that shackle. snoke goes back into hiding (btw, snoke=plageius)

- scene with luke in true jedi temple and force ghosts of yoda, windu, etc discussing whether they think snoke has been truly killed, but likely not because they didn't feel it in the force

- meantime, X years have passed and rey has gone off to train, fin thinks it is back on the island so he goes to get her for the next big battle
- instead, he finds the luke projection/imposter who treats him similarly but finn passes the initial screening and the imposter directs him to the true jedi temple (where he will be trained by luke and others who survived the kylo destruction+ghosts),

- fast forward Y years and finn leaves luke training, swearing to keep it secret; luke+ trying to set a trap to reveal if snoke is truly still alive or not

- ... TBD,

- rey and finn start to fight snoke and ren, but are barely holding their own...then, door opens and luke appears "I've finally found you snoke, today, there is no more running away and hiding"
- huge battle ensues
- luke, rey, finn, snoke and ren in a crazy lightsabre battle lots of force moved/etc; eventially luke force-pushes finn and rey into a escape pod and launches it
- luke fights snoke and ren alone for a bit, then does a crazy force thing where he absorbslighting attack uses it to dissoves in a flash of light and envelopes ren and snoke, causing huge force explosion

@hoodedmaniac3602 - 11.04.2018 03:53

I personally enjoyed the last Jedi, but if I had a chance to re-write it here is how it would go

It would have the same beginning with Poe trying to put out the fire, Luke refusing to train Rey, and Snoke yelling at Kylo.

Kylo then leads a team of TIE fighters to the resistance ship to kill his mom, he's in a ship and about to shoot but then stops and moves his thumb away from the button, but then one of the TIE fighters shoots down a part of the ship killing Leia only.

At Leia's funeral the woman with the purple hair (I forgot her name) is elected the new general and orders Poe, Finn, and BB-8 to find Lando Calrissien to help them defeat the first order, but Poe and Finn find her suspicious with Poe saying "I got a bad feeling about this".

Meanwhile Luke is training Rey and at first she is really bad at the training but after a while she improves, we then get a montage of training, after a year of training on the island, Rey is finally ready.

Poe, Finn, and BB-8 find Lando Calrissien, but when they got to his home planet at his house, they find him dead, he looks like he was just shot in the head a minute ago, they then look over and see a group of stormtroopers, Captain Phasma, and the new general of the resistance. Poe, Finn, and BB-8 are taken as prisoners, turns out the new resistance general is secretly working for the first order.

Back on the island, Rey is having a vision of Finn, BB-8, and Poe being held prisoners of the first order, she tells Luke her friends are in danger and she has to help them, Luke agrees and decides to go with her. Rey, Luke, Chewbacca, and R2-D2 aboard the melenium falcon to rescue Finn, Poe, and BB-8.

Finn and Poe are taken to the execution room where Captain Phasma is gonna kill them, they are about to die but then BB-8 escapes and hijacks an ATAT and blasts everything and Poe and Finn are free, Poe then finds the resistance leader and kills her and Finn and Phasma are in a duel, Finn kills Phasma, they hijack a TIE fighter, and go back to the resistance.

Rey and Luke arrive at the first order ship and Rey is spotted by Kylo, he takes her to Snoke, Rey and Snoke are in a duel, he's about to kill her but then Luke shows up and saves Rey. Luke and Snoke fight and Rey and Kylo fight. Kylo tells Rey about her parents, he tells her that they were random people that lived on Jakku and decided to move and leave Rey behind. He then tells her to forget about the past and to join him, she refuses and runs back to the falcon where Luke is there, he had a vision of Finn, Poe, and, BB-8 and tells her that they escaped and made it back the resistance safe, she smiles and they go the resistance base.

When Rey, Luke, Chewbacca, and R2-D2 make it back, Rey runs into Finn and they hug and Finn tells Rey and Luke that Leia is dead and the replacement is a traitor, so they elect Poe as the new general.

Turns out Rey and Luke were followed by the the first order because the showed up and Kylo is right outside with his lightsaber in his hand. Luke tells Rey that he has to face his nephew alone and if he doesn't come back then Rey is the galaxy's last hope. Luke and Kylo end up in a lightsaber duel for the first time in 5 years, Luke the cuts off Kylo's left hand and they fight face to face and Kylo stabs Luke in the chest, Luke uses his force abilities to teleport Kylo to a desert far away from both the resistance and first order bases, Luke ended up teleporting himself back to the island.

The resistance evacuates and the first order goes home. Back on the island, Luke is slowly dying of the stab wound, like in the original Luke looks at the sunset and disappears into the force peacefully. Leaving Rey to be The Last Jedi. THE END

Thanks for reading, This took over an hour to type, if this gets 100 likes then I will write my own script for episode 9. Have a nice day everyone :)

@thedarkknight727 - 11.04.2018 22:47

That song of the intro. 😎

@thedarkknight727 - 11.04.2018 22:53

My fanfic is that episode 9 takes place many years after the battle of crait, the New Republic has been restored, the Jedi have returned, and the First Order is nearly defeated, while Kylo has been running away from the light and just waiting for Rey to duel it out. 😃

@zachhk6108 - 14.04.2018 03:05

I feel like the Title should be Star Wars: the Skywalker Saga

@laval1016 - 14.04.2018 10:43

Why doesn't Disney bring have J.J Abrams direct the next trilogy

@laval1016 - 14.04.2018 10:50

The main reason I want Disney to have J.J Abrams direct the next trilogy is because Ryan Johnson butchered Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi.

@gortex8383 - 15.04.2018 17:43

I wonder when the X wing is finally gonna be an outdated vehicle. I love the X wing, but I want to see a new primary vehicle, just like tie fighters. They both have existed for decades now. I think it's time for new vehicle designs. Agree? anyone?

@brandonsimpson9623 - 16.04.2018 11:09

totally looking forward. By the way I just recently saw a vid that says episode 9 will take place several years after The Last Jedi.

@snapplehubbs - 17.04.2018 06:27

Star Wars is dead, whatever Disney was trying to make Star Wars into without the original cast and characters will never work, destroying the original characters and storyline so they could have their PC version carry on with the Star Wars logo over it, without the story telling of George Lucas, and the lame new characters in place for the future, but now those new characters have to carry the whole franchise.It's like making a Dirty Harry movie without Clint Eastwood, or a Rocky movie without Stallone or a fuckin' Jaws movie without the shark, won't work, Star Wars is dead.

@ericbutler33 - 17.04.2018 18:26

I tell you what I expect. More let downs. Bigger plot holes and a lot less fans seeing it after TLJ.

@MDarkraven - 19.04.2018 19:22

Let me first start by saying all these theories are meaningless. Lucasfilm/Disney/Bad Bot are looking at the fact that their trick worked and because they succeeded on using the SW fandom need for nostalgia for the return of the original cast return to make THEIR trilogy work. To sell us on this garage of insulting stories. Yes Ben Solo (aka Jacen Solo in the EU) is a member of the Skywalker family. But that does not explain Rey ( a possible replacement for Jaina Solo in the EU ) Her origins could be explained in the next installment. Tho, I admit I am giving persons who have no talent credit for being...talented :) I am not a fan of Johnson or Abrams. Both have a history of playing with or insulting the intelligence if their audiences. And I feel the same is happening here. They have discarded all of the original notes Lucas has rewritten. Which the reason for killing off the original trio. Because, We don't have to do that. This is OUR Star Wars now not Lucas. And what we do is canon (official) now. Sorry to have to be so forward about it. But We as fans need to make a choice. Because all Disney is seeing is the box-office returns and are nor worried about the raging fans to which they don't care. All they do care about is the Star Wars THEY created and nothing else. And actually it such be Ben Skywalker and not Solo. But that again would be telling a story. Which takes talent.

- 21.04.2018 13:37

I expect it to be terrible like 7 and 8.

@80sOGRE - 21.04.2018 19:26

the remaining Rebels mount an offensive against the dark forces of Johnson and Kennedy and their legion of incompetent script troopers. i feel so sorry for JJ and grim task ahead.

@DanMcCourt - 21.04.2018 20:35

you realize that regardless of how they make 9, itll be the most "unpowerful" set of heros/villians battling. i mean realistically kylo is weak as fuck. got wrecked by rey. and rey being entirely untrained is just a mess. so what? you have the two most weak and untrained people fighting against eachother. good job. Help us JJ Abrams. youre our only hope. pull star wars out of this mess that is ass.

@creepyglenn - 22.04.2018 09:48

Just a side thought, Disney is building StarWars land in FL and CA and by the time they are finished building and open the new trilogy they will have killed the franchise completely.

@gracehuckeby1975 - 25.04.2018 02:25

Here is a question how will Ben SOLO take his mother’s death...

@Gamstvonsigimund - 26.04.2018 05:17

And they better improve the lightsaber dueling, it was slow and clumsey

@metalsonic1116 - 27.04.2018 23:30

I hope the huckster locking up Kylo and then Kylo killing Huxley happens

@mr.coffee6242 - 28.04.2018 19:52

Reys character is not credible and is unrelatable. She doesn't provide a feeling of catharsis like Luke did.She's so good at everything that it makes her boring. She's so boring in fact that for me she seems to have a support role in the story. As of yet the story is not even centered around her anyways. It's centered around the resistance Vs. The first order. She's just in there with everyone else. She didn't even get that much screen time in the last jedi. Fuck even rose had a more developped story arc. Rey was just there....

@SweetChariotOfFire - 30.04.2018 00:06

Episode 9 should start as soon as Finn wakes up from his coma, realizing episode 8 was a dream and rewrites the wrongs that took place in his dream.
Make The Last Jedi a B-side to the rest of the triology. Rian Johnson takes an “L” for TLJ.

@EdsterIII - 30.04.2018 10:18

Ahh what to expect from Episode 9?? Well SH*T comes to mind. A BIG ROUND BALL of poop. Or they could scrap this entire pile of shite and start over. With SOMEONE ELSE IN CHARGE.
But NO, alas it will be the Return of the Shit...Sith, Nope SHIT was right.

@MRide3000 - 03.05.2018 21:46

Rian Johnson will emerge as the second apprentice. He's the only true villain left in this saga.

@pennywisetheclown773 - 06.05.2018 03:17

I expect another disaster.

@hibiscus779 - 09.05.2018 09:53

I just don't care which one of these characters dies. Rey doesn't strike me as human at all. Kylo is in a perpetual hissy-fit. Rose is an annoying SJW. Po is Solo Lite. Flynn has been turned into a joke, as has Hux. Snoke is dead. The entire SW universe could implode into a black hole and I wouldn't shed a tear.

@vidademertz1106 - 22.05.2018 07:00

In the beginning you made me laugh you were like “Rey nobody saga?” 😆😆😆😆😆

@Roper122 - 27.05.2018 12:04

I expect I won't see it.

@macdaddy1149 - 28.05.2018 01:50

Johnson’s decision to kill off Snoke was stupid! Why would you do this? Why didn’t it have any of The Force Awakens knights of Ren? It’s like Johnson didn’t watch the first film or wanted to put a “ Shock” in the movie by killing Snoke. I felt the Force Awakens had a lot of flaws, Ray able to use the force so quick when it to Luke so long to do. She does stuff without a real mentor like ObiWan or Yoda.
But even with the flaws ( Killing Han Solo the biggest one) it was a good movie. The last Jedi didn’t play off most of the plot in the first film. To me it was a poorly written or thought out script. Why would you just forget about all the side plots like the Knights of Ren, Not explaining Snokes back story, Killing Snoke off, just unforgivable.
It was more disappointing than the prequels. So what does Disney do? Give Johnson a new Trilogy. Bad decision Disney. Most Star Wars fans hated the Last Jedi and blamed Johnson for destroying what the first film set up. The fans wanted to see the original cast in more of the spotlight these films too.
Of all the movies Disney has released so far (I haven’t watched Solo yet) to me the best was Rouge One. It had the closest feel to a Star Wars film.
Just an Idea, why doesn’t Disney get a True Star Wars fan or a few of them to help with the story? Or listen to Mark when he argues about the character development? I mean, wouldn’t it have been awesome if in the first film when Kylo and Ray are fighting and the light saber was in the snow starting to shake and fly back towards Ray it ended up being Luke that was on the receiving end! Instead someone with no Jedi training beats a guy that can stop a blaster bolt in mid air! That was ridiculous. Luke could have never stood up to Vader in the first film. Vader would have cut him down in a millisecond. This is the kind of stuff Star Wars fans think about. These are the things that make fans not want to support the film. What ever the new Trilogy that Mr.Johnson is going to do, please get some input from the fans. Meanwhile the fans will sit around and be baffled about the past films and pessimistic about the future films. All I can say is I hope the next movie is much better than the Last Jedi. It wouldn’t take much to be better. We will see.
PS- It would be awesome if the next trilogy is about Darth Vader and the time between episode 3 and 4 or a Trilogy about Reven or Sith and Jedi in the time of KOTOR. The problem is Disney is in it for the money and could care less about what the fans want. They know that we will show up as long as it has Star Wars on it.

@moonmanvic - 28.05.2018 17:30

Fuck Episode 9, Kathleen Kennedy and Rian you totally fucked up Star Wars with the movies that you have made this far!

@salzysisters5799 - 05.06.2018 23:00

It would be dope if Rey uses a double bladed lightsaber since she is so proficient with a staff anyway

@marysueellis2614 - 10.06.2018 03:11

Who really cares? 🙁 There was no really compelling cliffhanger in TLJ anyway.

@heymitch1519 - 10.06.2018 21:30

I say, kylo is replaced by hux, and then kylo and the knights of Ren come back. 3 different groups all against each other would be very new and different.

- 12.06.2018 14:00

If Episode 9 takes off a few minutes after ep 8 left off, we could be watching Rey go from grubbing in the desert for junk to being a jedi master in the course of a few days.... let that sink in.

- 12.06.2018 14:02

What would be really awesome would be a dark ending. In the end Kylo succeeds in turning Rey to the dark side.

@Stoneballer-bx1zu - 17.06.2018 07:22

I expect it to be feckin' awful.

@Sraye - 23.06.2018 19:11

Cyan Lightsaber.

@gagechastain683 - 30.06.2018 23:04

I hope Kylo stays alive

@BoldOne8760 - 07.10.2018 22:15

I feel like it will end like Infinity War. Kylo will win the final battle and wipe out the resistance killing Rose (like the fans want) and give an epic plot twist and kill Rey (It's not her trilogy she's just plot, it's Kylo's trilogy). Leia will die in the movie from a broken heart or her injuries on the falcon as Chewbacca, Finn, BB8, R2D2 and C3PO. Poe will die in an epic final stand against Kylo. Then it will say to be continued... and end with the First Order march as the credits instead of the Star Wars Theme.

@bonzodog67lizardking15 - 28.07.2019 18:03

I expect to be munching my popcorn and enjoying the OT instead of this new garbage.

@SYLOStarWars - 09.01.2018 20:57

WHO ELSE is looking forward to another fight between Rey and Kylo Rey!? /S
