Journo MELTS DOWN over #freestellarblade Gamers WIN!

Journo MELTS DOWN over #freestellarblade Gamers WIN!

Smash JT

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@RagnarokiaNG - 26.05.2024 00:46

Journalists crying is worth more than enough to cover what is still missing.

@ruinedstar - 26.05.2024 00:49

All new outfits are a win. They look better then the old versions. Yea it sucks that the old suits are still censored but we should be at least a bit happy. Also dont stop fighting i still signed the petition. I just hope the new outfits never change and stay uncensored and original. Also fuck this paul guy.

@SecretHero914 - 26.05.2024 00:55

Paul Tassi is not a real journalist

@SteelValkyrie202 - 26.05.2024 01:01

These Urinalists have the mental age of petulant toddlers...😏

@Ancientreapers - 26.05.2024 01:08

Crumbs that's all this is

@danielhakel3679 - 26.05.2024 01:17

Let it snow😂😂😂
You Og memer

@theonlyLoneWolf_ - 26.05.2024 01:24

Man, had a good amount of respect for Paul as he was my go-to guy for Destiny 2 related news... But that take ain't it chief. "You can't complain to a company that sold a product to you that wasn't exactly as advertised and it's awful that the company responded by addressing the complaints in a kind of positive way."

Just another "journalist" to add to the ignore list now. What a shame.

@jatwood9648 - 26.05.2024 01:35

Simply more hypocrisy from journalists. They can cry and gnashing their teeth to get DEI that ruins games, but the actual gamers can't demand changes.

@strangefruitlovex - 26.05.2024 01:39

You do know that FINAL FANTASY ONLINE Is more sexy then Stellar Blade lolz

@AlexanderosD - 26.05.2024 01:40

This battle isn't over until video games "journalists" and video games publishers are a thing of the past.

@SeraphimTheApologist - 26.05.2024 01:44

We need to demand Sony move its office out of CA. I volunteer Utah, but no Californians can come with it.

@WarGhoulKharas - 26.05.2024 01:44

"Your mother was holding the pen!"

@Masamonni1 - 26.05.2024 01:44

Maybe these "game journos" should loose like 20% their pay and just tell them well, we just censored it a little.

@Unknown-us3ii - 26.05.2024 01:45

These are not reinstates, this is an upgrade from those ugly outfits that got censored. Now if the blood was brought back it would be a great bonus.

@writhes7170 - 26.05.2024 01:52

I don't really see it as a compromise when players are getting more content overall when adding them as new items rather than replacing the old ones. It's smarter to add them as new items for the players that liked the other variations of the same costumes.

@williammurray7453 - 26.05.2024 01:57

Shift up playing both sides. Fuck outfits the point is to get these activists to stop fucking with gaming or at least I thought it was....

@Tracy_LLC - 26.05.2024 02:11

I think there are a lot more win's to come, look at Hellbalde 2 not selling well, heck I would have got it, if not for that fact I'm not buying any new games for the next few years, I got years of good D.E.I free game to catch up on.

@johnathanjamesjohnsonjr7408 - 26.05.2024 02:13


@antonioperalta1975 - 26.05.2024 02:16

Game of the decade! 10/10✨

@MrMichaelisaacs1 - 26.05.2024 02:19

In a world full of woke bs propaganda being thrown in everything we take the wins when we can.

@Harrison11106 - 26.05.2024 02:20

It depends on your definition of "win" , none of the default outfits/original have been de-censored. The ones we got in the patch/update, could be considered alternate versions of those that were censored in the main game.

@Ivealready - 26.05.2024 02:42

These Jurnos are all on the gravy train they have sold their sole to DEI which makes us weaker not stronger.

@drissimohamed1920 - 26.05.2024 02:55

look guys , the fact that they did it now proves one thing ,they got the power back , the game succeded beyond Sony's expectation , and now the studio stated their intent to make a sequal , Sony has to step back if they want to keep them on board , we gave them the power to negotiate . "this is what our costumers wants ,either you give it to them , or next time we won't go exclusive" it's just an idea but that could be possible right? well...i take it as a win , but we need to make them understand that we are the judge ,we are the one buying

@OxyShmoxy - 26.05.2024 02:57

I'll take this small victory now. There is only so much we can do and Shift Up has shown that they hear us and are looking for a way around Sony's outdated and anti-consumer policies. I feel like we're never going to get what we want from Sony, we all know what it takes to get them to bend. The way they're being stubborn is the reason I won't be buying their next console. We will get the full uncensored version when the game comes out on PC.

@Melchiorblade7 - 26.05.2024 03:28

Imagine defending big corpo censorship. Tassi and his ilk are clowns

@redthepale - 26.05.2024 03:48

I have mixed feelings about this result.

I do looove the two redesigned outfits, but they are reminiscent-of and not the actual outfits but uncensored.

It's strange to me that they would go out of their way to make completely new ones based off the old models, instead of just using instead of just going back to what they already had and uncensoring it. I'm no programmer or anything but I have to imagine one is more difficult than the other, just not sure which.

Also we have not had any uncensored gore re-added, which in an M-rated game, in a market that is full of successful gory horror games etc.

It just feels so silly to me? Especially since they would have had to program the blood physics and everything to make that a feature in the first place, only to remove it. It was a very cool feature reminiscent of DMC 5's system and it should be included.

I am happy that gamers are getting even a mild win here, but it feels like a "Weeeell we won't give you want you really want, but you can have this stuff!" move. Not one I believe Shift Up would be making without influence from Sony, mind you. I am hoping we get more of the censorship eradicated at some point, particularly the gore.

@OoTRIGGAMANoO - 26.05.2024 04:43

Not a win at all in my book. It's a distraction like the original lie that they meant to censor these outfits in the first place.

@scottaw1981 - 26.05.2024 05:20

So a Forbes writer is a communist, ironic

@williamking3301 - 26.05.2024 05:56

Paul Tassi can kiss my gamer ass. In fact, he can kiss all us gamers' asses. It does not matter what he says.

@DanielS2001 - 26.05.2024 06:57

Every win is a step forward.

@redfox1187 - 26.05.2024 07:03

All due respect to Paul Tassi: I watch his videos, and generally agree with his views on things, but this seems a bad take on his part. For one, advertising how a game is going to be (including the way it looks,) then flipping it before release seems like a dirty move. (Then again, that's why I never pre-order nowadays.)
For two, (granted this isn't personal experience,) but the game doesn't appear to be particularly groundbreaking in any way, but it is what it is. It's a pretty girl in some action story and consumers should be up to anyone who wants to pay for the game to get what they pay for. If that's not your thing, don't buy it? I never understood why people get so... 'pitchforky' over it. I don't buy games I don't like, aren't interested in, and I even go as far (although I don't try to make other people do this,) as to not support companies that I think have bad practices, I.E: EA, Blizzard, etc.
Censorship shouldn't be so overbearing it takes away from the choice of the public. For decades, some politicians in America have pushed this idea that these games should be banned or restricted from the public. This whole situation seems like the same thing to me, but even more dangerous, because it doesn't matter what the law is, people are trying to use their platform to affect decisions made by game companies.
As far as listening and 'giving in' to gamers, I think, well, yeah, you kind of should be aware of what your consumers want if you expect to sell a lot of copies and make your game successful. Whether it's over some extra cleavage, gameplay mechanics, pricing, etc. The damn consumers that you want money from are telling you want they want, why would you completely ignore that? "Triple-A" companies do this all the time and then act like they have no idea why their game wasn't the smash success they expected. (Remember Suicide Squad?)
Again, Paul Tassi is someone I've appreciated for a long time, and even one bad take isn't gonna make me be 180 and say he's awful or anything. However, this take I think does give way too much leeway to developers, or more so, their CEOs and such.

Personally, I will always respect a game and their developers more when they ignore the "pop" journalist opinions. If you want a game, or any piece of art for that matter, to have a real, lasting impact in the world, build your vision without compromise. This even may mean putting aside even consumer opinions. I mean to make the point that, whenever game vision is watered down by public opinion, or anything else for that matter, you end up with just consumer fodder, instead of something great.

Sorry for the rant, (had a bit to drink here.)
Anyway, love your content, hope your life is great, and recent drama isn't keeping you down. It's nice to have someone so passionate about games putting out videos about it. Keep it up JT! Wish you and your family all the best.

@marioignacio3440 - 26.05.2024 08:47

Yeah! Keep up! We want the game that we they endorsed! Don't stop now!

@xaxaxaxaxa6417 - 26.05.2024 09:31

It´s not easy to move a mountain . It´s a really good first step yes it´s a compromise but we have what we fight for uncensored versions of the outfits . This companies will not take a loss easy so if we can compromise in more games it will be a win for the moment . Enjoy the win enjoy the game have a nice day

@nicholascowling7052 - 26.05.2024 09:37

I think this also makes it quite clear that it was Sony that imposed on the company to make the changes. I somehow don't think they are allowed to change back the original costumes due to an agreement with Sony, so this was their best compromise to appease both Sony and fans of the game. Still haven't addressed the gore in the game, but I don't think too many people are upset about that beyond them breaking their promise that the game would be uncensored.

@OriginalGrasshopper - 26.05.2024 10:20

Unfortunately I do not consider this a “win” for our side. They haven’t returned Eve’s outfits to the way they originally were intended. They simply have added a couple of new ones. And they also did not bring back the original “blood intensity”.

@CMONCMON007 - 26.05.2024 11:42

If the original outfits are still censored just shows that Sony hasn't changed and are still anti consumer and pro censorship. Keep fighting guys dont let up and give them a pass. And Paul Tassi is a corporate shill...a loser

@mgronaldpart-timer8665 - 26.05.2024 18:29

kusony will do everything they can to avoid a full L. but I'll accept this minor W. just need to keep the pressure on

@williamdrum9899 - 26.05.2024 19:08

It took me far too long to get the joke in the thumbnail

@williamdrum9899 - 26.05.2024 19:10

I thought kotaku was left wing but they turned into Reverend Cletus the moment this game came out. What gives?

@MS-gk9vv - 26.05.2024 21:07

I find it petty. But it was kinda expected. The Virus is dying and "animals" near their end always cry out the loudest.

@Anthony-tc9ro - 27.05.2024 04:20

If you know the truth you won nothing infact you've lost and they are rubbing into your faces, while being oblivious to the truth. The suits you got are censored. Go get 1.0 and see you're being played by media and Shift up

@pharmcat8484 - 27.05.2024 06:14

This win is like kissing your cousin.

@pharmcat8484 - 27.05.2024 06:14

Also, how did this video get by me? You been holding out?

@isaacbrock6410 - 27.05.2024 16:28

Grow up folks, they're just video games. Play them and have fun (or not) but your either way, your giving these degenerate 'journalists' far too much attention. Clearly none of you are parents as the real battle is in the classrooms. 0.o

@pphead4312 - 27.05.2024 19:08

What piece of marketing material ever showed the censored outfits? Shift-Up never false advertised the game. Those outfits were never even shown before the game released, people only found out about them until after the game released and the same complaining about it aren’t going to even play the game.

@roscoroxgaming - 27.05.2024 19:08

I used to be a games news and guides writer before and in my country, we are NOT allowed to do any sort of activism or write content with personal biases. Which makes me wonder, why these game journo companies like IGN, Kotaku, and Forbes don't even keep their employees in check and allow them to run rampant on their left-wing ideologies. No offense, but are all companies based in the US like this?

@obadijahparks - 16.06.2024 17:16

Shouldn't he you know..... allow the model (aka a woman) make her own decisions to show off her girl boss body?.... :p
