Uber Lilith Pinnacle Boss Guide - Full Fight Explained Rogue POV

Uber Lilith Pinnacle Boss Guide - Full Fight Explained Rogue POV


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@shoonasasi8377 - 28.11.2023 07:00

I know this is an old video but it really helped me kill her for the very first time tonight. Took me a few weeks of prep as I'm older and my reaction time is slower, so I wasn't killing her when most people were. Felt good to finally get her down. Thanks for the good explanation of the floor phase. That's what was getting me.

@kristinngislason720 - 23.11.2023 01:47

Worst fight I've ever experienced, hated every moment of it, if thay make more like this I'll become an hater of this game

@DoctorStrange01 - 19.11.2023 18:43

Those waves could be the worst mechanic i've ever countered in a boss fight, at least in ARPGs :D Completely random, not telegraphed at all, you can't see them cause they're so blurry, they hit me from weird angles and i don't even know how :D

@philemfulloflead8653 - 14.11.2023 00:32

Not helpful what so ever but you tried but complete waste of time

@MrKsan05 - 11.11.2023 05:33

Also you need to stay close to the wall when she starts the puddles and get her to cast the puddle onto another puddle to make one go away and not fill up the whole walk way with them.

@LifeChanger_._ - 07.11.2023 19:52

Nice tutorial, however, I am not going to spend countless hours on this, they made the end game too stupid and hard for casual players. If they remove the one shot kill from the boils and her wave attack, it would be much better, or at least add some limited revives.
- Just curious, have not tried because I'm not going back to her, will the sorcerer teleport go through (over) the wave, considering its mechanics?

@jeffgood8635 - 29.10.2023 06:10

hardest part is dodging her stupid mechanics.. burning skulls and spikes and burning platforms. too much happening on the screen. i nuke her first phase, get her to half health before she starts breaking platforms.. then just die to stupid things that i dont even see

@GamecockRock90 - 29.10.2023 01:48

I must just be absolutely retarded, because as of October 28th 2023, I still haven't figured out how to dodge the fuckin waves.

@KuschDR - 27.10.2023 07:33

Poorly designed fight filled with nothing but one-shot mechanics.
Absolutely atrocious boss design.

@SpadeApeiron - 26.10.2023 00:02

Aiii I Beat her. on level 90 ~ I dont think i got any of 2nd phase mechanics coz of fists of fate with ball lightning "Lucky hit gamble" everytime lol.
I wish i could've played like you do and manage to learn mechanics.This fight is wrong in everyway possible. Malenia in elden ring is 100* better fight when u i-frame waterfall with Ghostdash ashes of war.. here there's no easy trick like that instead beat her with you being Extremely overpowered Psycho. I never i thought i'd feel empty defeating her. lol ~ Nobody at blizzard i bet even touched this fight let alone play it. If Lilith's one shot wasn't a thing then many ppl will easily love cinematics and pure amazing music with great boss mechanic but with one shot thing this is more torture than full fight. Pffff Cheers mate you've helped a lot tho. I mean If anyone played monster hunter world Iceborne Beating Alatreon and Fatalis feels on top on the world ( solo with no guides ) This one however guides are a must & feeling apathy atm. :/

@SpadeApeiron - 25.10.2023 19:40

I've been doing this since 1.4 days now.. The boils kill me even tho she has 1% health. Also i think u missed the part where the Skull launching turrent boils slows you i just did almost perfect run but got killed by slowing.

@slowness1611 - 05.10.2023 18:47

OR...wait for Damage Creep of S2 920 items...to bypass the absurd "we can't make challenging bosses without twenty 1-shot mechanics"

@ComeDumbStir - 08.09.2023 10:53

Thanks bro big help you are by far the best at breaking down Diablo mechanics in my opinion

@dfa1 - 06.09.2023 01:46

Yeah, this guide is outdated, her waves she's throws are random patterns now.

@TenaciousJ2323 - 05.09.2023 15:32

This is the only guide I watched that properly explained what's going on with the wave patterns. For me, she constantly used the triangle patterns. I have no idea what I was doing differently that made her use that pattern constantly and it felt like the hardest to dodge. The guide was great but I hate this fight so much. I beat it once solo and I'll never do it again as things are now. I felt punished for not owning a wider monitor.

@chodobagginz358 - 02.09.2023 20:10

How do you dash out of the mothersucker vortex if youre a necromancer?

@joshfacteau7572 - 29.08.2023 23:31

Any updates to this build since posting this?

@LasciviousPsyche - 27.08.2023 01:22

Ehh I dont know is this thing still the same, my waves are at ever angle you can imagine no matter where I am when she spawns them.

@LasciviousPsyche - 20.08.2023 21:36

Im not sure about this game, but can you dash through damage waves? Or are you saying dash b4 the wave starts going in the same direction. Poe u could dash all damage into damage what ever, evade meant u skipped the damage.

@VileHearts - 18.08.2023 17:59

I definitely needed this. I was trying going in blind. My damage was pretty good for a sub optimal build but I didn't know about the one shots. Gonna farm and refine and try again

@Amatsuichi - 18.08.2023 13:08

fight mechanics visibility is just terrible, pretty good job by the devs

@wei8280 - 17.08.2023 00:05

I want to see the devs play this. I bet not a single one will beat her. Ive tried many times and failed. Better yet i want to see that dev that plays the barb and spams only basic lunge attack 90% of the time to fight uber L.

@knighspirit - 16.08.2023 02:42

did he even listen to himself...ridiculous how overtuned and complex this boss fight is. If you can't cheese it you're kinda fcked

@Schweinehirte - 15.08.2023 23:03

Take a shot whenever he says "one shot" or "you die."

Tell me if you survived.

@luizz2756 - 12.08.2023 18:10

I refuse to use twisting blades.

@inhumANthropoid - 07.08.2023 03:59

Never got the adds to spawn in Eternal on my sorc, got the 1st adds once so far S1 rogue... this fight is such shit

EDIT been playing as I watched this video... haven't got the adds to spawn the whole time... I'm never going to do this fight

@ryanbeflyin8388 - 02.08.2023 10:45

finally beat her, ty for the tips !

@jamesaaa2013 - 25.07.2023 02:17

Yeah, you cant dodge those waves.

@Dreamzzly - 17.07.2023 01:04

Something I've learned for anybody using a non meta sorc, if you dodge into her before she attacks with her spin or before the wolverine waves, as long as you aren't on the edge of the circle you can generally land in a safe space. Once you can read her telegraphs, you can dance around her and sort of force her to redirect her attack in your favor.

@twitchthepocket - 16.07.2023 15:19

tried for 4 hours, managed to get past phase 1 twice. i might call it there with my attempts since the season is starting so soon and i don't want to burn out. this boss is absolutely a head bash against wall type of grind. amazing fight though, they knocked it out of the park with this one

@arongpisontnakul5145 - 15.07.2023 05:18

this is very helpful guide. thank you very much

@xNoita - 13.07.2023 20:10

Maybe you didn't noticed, but when you port to city after dying, and take your port back, the arena gets muuuuuch darker, and its much harder to see things. Maybe thats why you've never seen the triangle, in the video your arena is already dark. The fight is much clearer with the original arena. To fix it, you have to log out and in again.

@MerthanMerter - 13.07.2023 07:02

long story short the idiots in blizzard fucked up another stupid mechanic

@chadbaum5838 - 12.07.2023 03:20

Even after watching multiple guide videos I still can't get past the death spikes 😂, thanks devs for making the plat impossible for casual gamers.

@0at0m0 - 11.07.2023 21:37

I really appreciate the stuff you do to make things easier but the waves aren't as easy as it looks here. On Xbox they come from the direction your character is looking. So imagine auto aiming one of those two demons and waves comes so f up in the corner that you can't dodge fast enough with those wonky hit boxes. I can get her health to half til that moment. Then it's over. I consider myself an experienced games with such mechanics but this ones just aren't right.

@inhumANthropoid - 09.07.2023 06:39

Yo... it's not always the same pattern. If it was? I'd be able to get to Phase 2 lol

@oxycottonl.1294 - 09.07.2023 01:04

naw they dont always go the same way thats a lie

@inhumANthropoid - 08.07.2023 03:58

This fight sucks... ran it probably 50 times so far... staggered her once and did like 10% damage to her

@Papakakadu - 08.07.2023 03:00

It’s just a cheap fight with cheap one shot bs that doesn’t even spawn a pattern in survivable areas

@louissenn9897 - 07.07.2023 00:59

This boss fight is poorly designed. I killed her once and never going to do it again

@louissenn9897 - 07.07.2023 00:55

Hahahahaah. Necro with -17.5% movement speed and 1 dash. GG unlees you play bone spear

@inhumANthropoid - 07.07.2023 00:22

I'm trying North War's Blizzard build before it gets nerfed

@LuBuBr - 06.07.2023 09:57

this fight is making me want to unistall diablo

@EldenLord84 - 06.07.2023 01:37

I don't blame people whatsoever for cheesing this nonsense with broken / OP builds. Anything that takes a great gamer like Raxx 700 tries shouldn't even be in the game.

@hiwebula - 05.07.2023 22:52

Looking for help beating Uber Lilith, would mean a lot ❣️

@NickSpartakos - 05.07.2023 20:20

sorry i will say but you say "go adds to the corner of the cycle?" :S sound strange.... :D

@tomekhome - 05.07.2023 11:21

yeahh... so I guess I"m gonna skip that one :)

@zaetayo - 05.07.2023 03:38

Dodging the waves is the bane of my existence.

@shulehr - 05.07.2023 02:29

yes, in other words, oneshot mechanics suck hard.
