Reed Schultz Geo

Russia's Geography Sucks, and Here's How Reed Schultz Geo 187,803 1 год назад
Why These Countries Don't Exist Yet Reed Schultz Geo 911,520 1 год назад
I never knew that Canada bordered another country Reed Schultz Geo 8,151,443 1 год назад
Why does the United States have such good geography? #geography Reed Schultz Geo 2,028,474 10 месяцев назад
Population Distributrion Why 95% of Chinese live on one side of this line Reed Schultz Geo 5,574,131 8 месяцев назад
I never knew why they had the same flag... #shorts Reed Schultz Geo 3,252,939 1 год назад
How Afghanistan's Geography Made it Unconquerable #shorts Reed Schultz Geo 1,336,913 1 год назад
What caused the massive earthquakes in Turkey? Reed Schultz Geo 389,597 1 год назад
I always thought California had the most people ️ #shorts Reed Schultz Geo 2,332,307 1 год назад
Why is French Guiana Still a part of France? Reed Schultz Geo 5,360,244 1 год назад
How did Chile Become so Long? #shorts Reed Schultz Geo 6,591,390 1 год назад
The weirdest country border situation in the entire world... #geography Reed Schultz Geo 11,179,879 8 месяцев назад
Why Does Russia own this Old Piece of German Land? #shorts Reed Schultz Geo 5,839,643 1 год назад
All of the top three countries blew my mind..#shorts Reed Schultz Geo 7,649,749 1 год назад
This circle contains more than HALF of the worlds population... Reed Schultz Geo 3,005,960 1 год назад