Plastic Oceaan

Plastic Ocean United Nations 2,593,044 7 лет назад
A Plastic Ocean Official Trailer A Plastic Ocean 1,681,236 9 лет назад
Why 99% of ocean plastic pollution is "missing" Vox 5,899,928 3 года назад
A Plastic Ocean Cosmic Science 276,716 3 года назад
How Much Plastic is in the Ocean? Be Smart 1,235,149 7 лет назад
How We Can Keep Plastics Out of Our Ocean | National Geographic National Geographic 3,491,310 8 лет назад
Plastic Ocean UN Environment Programme 54,725 6 лет назад
You're Being Lied To About Ocean Plastic | Truth Complex | Business Insider Business Insider 3,300,528 5 месяцев назад
10 Nare Dingen Veroorzaakt Door Plastic in de Oceaan detoptien 155,352 4 года назад
A Plastic Ocean (3 min versie voor kinderen, Nederlands) Plastic Soup Foundation 41,480 5 лет назад
Where did 8 million tons of plastic from the ocean go? Innovative Techs 26,707 3 года назад
Who is polluting the ocean with plastic? The Economist 165,189 1 год назад
Kids Take Action Against Ocean Plastic | Short Film Showcase National Geographic 873,052 8 лет назад
Plastic Oceans | What is the impact of pollution in the sea? ABC Science 1,536,525 12 лет назад
How does Prevented Ocean Plastic recycling work? | Prevented Ocean Plastic™ Prevented Ocean Plastic™ 111,761 4 года назад