Abraham Zapruder Organization Founder

Abraham Zapruder: The Man Who Filmed JFK's Assassination Biographics 27,266 1 месяц назад
From Rorschach Test to Time Clock: The Zapruder Film SixthFloorMuseum 329,095 9 лет назад
The Zapruder Film - JFK (6/7) Movie CLIP (1991) HD Movieclips 10,244,433 12 лет назад
Zapruder And Stolley: Witness to an Assassination SixthFloorMuseum 57,961 11 лет назад
The Zapruder Nightmare BritMonkey 352,484 1 месяц назад
Zapruder Film Restored HD tubengagements 1,690,280 13 лет назад
Why the 'single bullet theory' in JFK assassination is impossible Arizona’s Family (3TV / CBS 5) 1,331,214 1 год назад
JFK Unsolved: The Real Conspiracies | Full Documentary ABC7 News Bay Area 1,300,230 3 года назад
JFK: Absolute Proof: The Killing of a President - Robert Groden City of Allen - ACTV 363,297 3 года назад
THE ZAPRUDER FILM IS SHOWN ON "GOOD NIGHT AMERICA" (ABC-TV) (MARCH 6, 1975) David Von Pein's JFK Channel 469,823 11 лет назад
Why People Think The Government Killed JFK Johnny Harris 9,398,145 1 год назад
Was President JFK Really Killed by the CIA The Infographics Show 4,614,447 1 год назад
Living History with Dr. Darwin Payne | 2023 SixthFloorMuseum 2,305 6 месяцев назад
JFK - The Zapruder Film (super slow motion and sharpened) mrViss 656,636 3 года назад
The Zapruder Film Mystery e2 films 2,882,996 10 лет назад