Why People Think The Government Killed JFK

Why People Think The Government Killed JFK

Johnny Harris

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Knuts - 24.11.23 05:17

Sure its perfectly rational to think him AND his brother were both assassinated by CIA assets but totally "randomly" and not the responsibility of the CIA at all. You have to really be drinking the Kool Aid to think him and his brothers death wasn't a military Marxist coup.

obaidah Al khaled
obaidah Al khaled - 24.11.2023 05:13

You are avoiding the conflict and war in middle east in Palestine and Israel … that is not journalism by the way …

Andrew Dombrowski
Andrew Dombrowski - 24.11.2023 05:11

What was the point of this video. Everything said in this video is public and has been for generations. Johnny's losing that hairline though 😂😂

X vonPocalypse
X vonPocalypse - 24.11.2023 05:11

Why have the papers been kept secret ?

X vonPocalypse
X vonPocalypse - 24.11.2023 05:09

Kennedy was murdered not executed. The Zapruder film cannot be trusted as it was in govt hands for days shortly after the killing

Ivan Trajkovic
Ivan Trajkovic - 24.11.2023 05:07

Define 'Government'.... Administration is only for 4 years.... Real POWER lasts wayyyy longer...

nick peterson
nick peterson - 24.11.2023 05:02

I have solid evidence of a conspiracy and it is this,
The fact that they are still withholding evidence.
There is only one reason...
They have something to hide.

Doug Adams
Doug Adams - 24.11.2023 05:01

JFK was the probably the most Moderate Democrat President and that made him a threat to the Deep State. JFK was Life Member of the NRA and was even gifted an AR15 rifle by the NRA.

Danny M
Danny M - 24.11.2023 04:54

The first second he showed his face in this video he threw up a hand signal. Very skeptical of him and just 4 minutes in

ElGrandoCaymano - 24.11.2023 04:51

LH Oswald, solely acting alone, killed the president. Jack Ruby, solely acting alone, killed LH Oswald two days later. If you don't believe these two official 'facts', then there is a conspiracy that was either not investigated or else there was a cover-up.

Irishgamer 87
Irishgamer 87 - 24.11.2023 04:46

Lee Harvey Oswald was a zionist

Greg - 24.11.2023 04:44

Oswald had a paraffin test done on his face, and was negative for gunpowder residue. IMPOSSIBLE if you're firing a rifle. In a recent released doc, the CIA was reading his mother's mail. Why ?

Allyn Alama
Allyn Alama - 24.11.2023 04:38

Since America is being lied on a daily bases especially about the J.B corruption and being a pedophile not to mentioned how the media is lying about it acting all normal about his Alzheimer etc. This here is not surprising. Sadly we live in a world that lies are the truth and the truth is a lie to some, as I live in the world of common sense better known as reality.

Shimon Frankel
Shimon Frankel - 24.11.2023 04:32

What has this video added to what everyone already knows?

Adrian Munch
Adrian Munch - 24.11.2023 04:32

Think about it. You’ve agreed to be the fall guy in a plot to assassinate the President of the United States … You gonna do it for nothing ? How much was he offered, how much did his family receive.

Gdobie1 West
Gdobie1 West - 24.11.2023 04:29

Burt Griffin is the last person alive that was connected to the Warren Commission, he has a new book out that explains everything. Another great book to check out by Michel Gague, "Thinking Critically About The Kennedy Assassination" .

D-railed - 24.11.2023 04:28

NO! you are comming at this all wrong!
never ever "trust" an "official" story...
how many times do you people need to be lied to?!?!

BillyBadasssssss - 24.11.2023 04:26

because they killed JFK

moorebounce - 24.11.2023 04:24

The government block the release of the government documents dealing with the JFK's assassination for 70 years because they were involved. Forgetting these people might have living family members when released. Trump and Biden have blocked their release too knowing the American people don't already trust the government. If the government wasn't involved these documents would've never been blocked from release in the first place.

A Good Life
A Good Life - 24.11.2023 04:24

Rich Texas oil magnates were thought to be the perpetrators of the assassination at the time

Catweasle - 24.11.2023 04:18

It parallels 9/11. A man in a cave was responsible? He was assassinated before a trial. The whole story was far fetched. The Commission was set up to fail. The American government is too comfortable doing this. Bay of Tonkin. Come on. Wake up people.

BobbyCulpepper(srv3fender) - 24.11.2023 04:16

The documentary "the smoking gun" explains the shot that killed him. It was actually an accident. But the evidence shows it to be the most likely cause

futuramayeah - 24.11.2023 04:16

Jfk was going to tell the americans about the aliens being held in Area 51 by the Cia, and he said he was going to shut the Cia down. his vice president, was head of the Cia, Lyndon Banes Johnson, he had his assasins kill President Jfk, so that he couldn't shut the Cia down, and that the flow of money from the taxpayers would continue into his wallet via some sort of slush fund powered by our taxes. his chief assasin was a guy named George H W Bush, who became head of the Cia after Lyndon Banes Johnson became president, that's what happens when the vice president kills the president, he gets his job. fast forward to sept 10th, 2001, the then head of the Cia says a large ammount of money was just siphoned somehow from the us govt. the next day, sept 11th, 2001 , all the accounting firms in 23 different buildings in New York City just exploded at the same time, as well as accounting offices in the World Trade Center. and the acccounting dept at the Pentagon blew up, maybe from a bomb in a copy machine? . and an explosives expert said that the World Trade Center towers would have had to had explosives planted throughout them to come down like they did. so ex President George H W Bush and his friend Dick Cheyney were part of a think tank that i think pulled off 9/11 which if you have seen die hard 3, it might have also been a decoy to steal from the federal reserve

Doug Dimmadome Owner of the Dimsdale Dimmadome
Doug Dimmadome Owner of the Dimsdale Dimmadome - 24.11.2023 04:15

They don't want to release all of the documents because it shows one of two things:
One, they did and are covering it up, or two, they didn't do it but were beyond incompetent for the entire investigation and it would make them look irreparably bad.

A - 24.11.2023 04:09

It's time someone comes out and speaks the truth.🤷‍♀️

Nakia - 24.11.2023 04:01

@Johnny Harris Look into the MLK assassination and FBI involvement.

Shahzad Khan
Shahzad Khan - 24.11.2023 03:56

John F. Kennedy didn’t kill himself

M.A.D. - 24.11.2023 03:53

My bet would be on the Cubans being behind it. Not Castro's government, but right wing Cuban exiles that were conducting terrorist actions on Cuba at the time as CIA assets.

Jason Gillespie
Jason Gillespie - 24.11.2023 03:50

They think it because they did.

ImArobotBro - 24.11.2023 03:49

Not "think, we "know"

Dale Flannery
Dale Flannery - 24.11.2023 03:48

Here's the thing that makes people believe that the government was behind it first of all the magic bullet theory Three shots were heard and seven bullets hit the people in the car namely JFK and the man on the passenger seat and they have made us believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the shooter well let's take a look at Lee Harvey Oswald a minute according from what I've heard I heard the man was not an expert Marksman with a gun he sucked at shooting secondly he was according to sources eating lunch in the lunchroom now in order for him to go up and shoot John f Kennedy he'd have to run up a flight of stairs from the lunchroom load a gun fire three shots mind you then hide the gun run back downstairs past workers mind you and then get back to the lunchroom without breaking a sweat and then after the shots were fired people were shouting that the president's been shot does this cause him to panic no he walks by a soda machine buys a soda and casually walks out the door now with cops running in he must have been cold cucumber to be able to walk right past police officers running into the building another thing would he fired his rifle from that window there was a tree in the way which made it really hard for somebody to shoot Kennedy and hit a decent target they said three experts couldn't pull off what Lee Harvey Oswald's did in other words 3 experts Marksman who know how to handle a rifle couldn't possibly do what Lee Harvey Oswald did with one rifle and he wasn't a good shot troubling suspicious and then he does it get charged with anything they held him he didn't even get legal counsel then they pull him out of the prison jail police station and he gets shot dead before he's able to talk very suspicious also that is suspicious is there were hobos in the grassy no these holes were arrested and then released and disappeared posing as FBI agents and secret service and they were dressed as hobos these people were photographed and released and disappeared very suspicious thirdly the vice president and Richard Nixon wanted JFK dad they wanted to go into Vietnam JFK did not he opposed the war also JFK discovered the shadow government and was planning to expose them as it stated here as evidenc
There is a plot in the country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high & noble office, I intend to expose this plot." - President John F. Kennedy - 7 days before he was assassinated.
Now do you believe that Lee Harvey Oswell still shot the president or was he truly a patsy and escape goat magic trick to fool the people remember the old saying about a magic trick get people to look over here so they don't see what's going on over there like Oswell said he was just a patsy I truly believe he was innocent not 100% innocent but he knew who was truly behind it That's the reason he was silenced remember Dead Men Tell no tales

George Bermudez
George Bermudez - 24.11.2023 03:47

Bro everyone from the Cubans and the mob were involved parts of the govnt were definitely involved and these are proven facts

he is risen
he is risen - 24.11.2023 03:40

Many people do not realize the driver driving the motorcade of John F Kennedy was one of the shooters. Why do you think the wife tries to climb towards the back of the vehicle?

michael kulyk
michael kulyk - 24.11.2023 03:35

I don't agree that there's no smoking gun-the smoking gun is the testimony of the medical staff at Parkland hospital regarding the entrance wounds.

VRctrl - 24.11.2023 03:32

People are almost afraid to accept how evil the people in power can be, they dismiss everything as conspiracy theories even when the evidence is to the contrary, they make it easy for these crimes to be committed, they cannot handle the truth nor do they want to hear it, bring up Kennedy, 911, and the cover their ears they are much happier living in the make believe world of the matrix of sin that surrounds us as long as it's not them. But God will reveal everything one day and the things done in secret will be made clear.

K. Ruger
K. Ruger - 24.11.2023 03:31

Skipped to the end to see his conclusion.. complete bullshit!

Chris G
Chris G - 24.11.2023 03:31

Hold on? Did you say there’s no evidence that points to anyone other than Lee Harvey Oswald that did it? How about the fact that there’s no evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald DID it….originally there was no gunfire residue detected on Oswald, that was then mysteriously changed, there were no fingerprints of his found on the gun when the Dallas police looked for prints however after the gun was sent to the FBI they miraculously found a Oswald’s palm print on the gun….and no big surprise turns out after someone interviewed the mortician that prepared Oswald’s body he says that people came and fingerprinted and palm printed Oswald on the mortician table…..he didn’t do it.

S - 24.11.2023 03:30

Way to jump on the bandwagon johnny!
Mossad. JFK said NO to Israeli nukes.
The rest, is our unfortunate history.

ScottTerryComedy - 24.11.2023 03:29

If the government is withholding information ie the government is lying. That is not a conspiracy

Brandy Lanae
Brandy Lanae - 24.11.2023 03:29

Theyve done nothing but gasslight us... why wldnt we think they are involved! Its all a bad movie with real life consequences

Reginald Lott
Reginald Lott - 24.11.2023 03:28

Yessssss!!! Why? Please don't say due to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The reports given about their willingness to engage the Soviets with nukes are well documented. That story was used to manipulate Chief Justice Warren. The narrative used by Hoover was important to cover up the takeover.

Steve Owens
Steve Owens - 24.11.2023 03:26

Why people think the government killed JFK?
Because they did!

James Ray
James Ray - 24.11.2023 03:22

the moment the commies took over the US

C. Rrrr
C. Rrrr - 24.11.2023 03:19

Hoover was a autocratic bigoted traitor. For decades he directed the feds to squash Americans who protested against injustices in this country.
