What Is Consciousness?

What Is Consciousness?


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Boonray Pipatchol
Boonray Pipatchol - 03.11.2023 19:07

Quantum information is fundamental underlying...
Quantum Mind emerge, Quantum Body emerge,
Mind and Body entanglement.. Consciousness emerge.
Spacetime emerge.
Holographic principal.

s - 02.11.2023 16:11

Awareness and perseption are mixed up here. Point of perseption may change, but awareness is not the same as perseption and it is connected to the body only as a habbit.

Carmen Violetta
Carmen Violetta - 30.10.2023 14:29

I still be me having different abilities ...

SKallyWag - 29.10.2023 23:50

We went from Cleverbots to ChatGPT in less than 10 years.

coconutmallman - 28.10.2023 04:51

Cleverbot really was the first ChatGPT

Zooo - 22.10.2023 20:45

I experienced Anosognosia myself, but it wasn’t like you described it with something physical (not able to move hand), in my case it was some kind of psychosis, everyone saw it on me that my thinking wasn’t normal (paranoid thinking, delusions), it was just me who wasn’t realizing it. I actually believed that I am just bad/wrong person and everyone was just making fun of me, everyone was against me. I didn’t see anything wrong with me, I just assumed I must be wrong if everyone treated me like they treated me.

Boris D. Teoharov
Boris D. Teoharov - 22.10.2023 18:41

Hey, @Vsacuce, can you please do a remake of this video in the year of 2023. I think it would really be interesting. Thank you!!

مسعودهژبری - 21.10.2023 18:30

چراترجمه نشده😢

Optamistic Life
Optamistic Life - 19.10.2023 22:28

"I didn't feel like moving it." is a great response. This is an example of individual ego. Why didn't he move his left hand ? When asked to move his right hand, he was fine. Lol!!
Self-justification reduces my cognitive dissonance and suffering. So, to believe that i understand reality, I create concepts to justify my models of reality. But, it's just that. A model.
I don't know who said that "The map is not the territory." All we know of Reality is our self constructed models of Realty. Our need to survive in this infinite Universe transcends all other needs.
Also, we're not surviving our material possessions, but the ego. The ego is who or what you think you are. That is also a collective model or Reality.
We need to understand things in the context of culture, self-bias and our drives for self survival.
The funny thing is we're not even aware of the Reality that, Consciousness is everything. We create our own Worlds out of an Infinite Universe.
P.s. I didn't feel like hitting save but i felt like sharing this as the most meaningful thing i can do right now. So, yeah. I felt like writing this comment and clicking save.

luka krajina
luka krajina - 19.10.2023 06:08

Id be the left hemisphere....just like always....right one has no logic

Michael Forkert
Michael Forkert - 18.10.2023 05:26

Wouldn’t the following issues bellow, which never are discussed by the media in general be more beneficial against people’s alienation, than that verbose hypnotic pseudoscientific Mumbo Jumbo about Free Will and Conscience?

Why are there Wars, and WHO are the psychopaths who cause them? Or WHY does NASA toast billions, even trillions of dollars with that stupid space travel monkey business, when there is so much to be done on our empty planet, where very few are billionaires or millionaires, but the masses are miserable. What’s even worse is the PUBLIC money US Government spends on War Industry and Warfare, and, what nobody mentions is, that all that spending is ripped out of the ordinary taxpaying people’s pockets, under Law Enforcement .

Ben Ward
Ben Ward - 18.10.2023 02:06

Wow the cleverbot bit this video is starting to show its age

Nemes Tamás
Nemes Tamás - 16.10.2023 22:22

This background music is really annoying ,the topic sound interesting ,but I couldn't listen.

Daniel Todd
Daniel Todd - 16.10.2023 08:19

The main and the master branch

mirrorblue100 - 16.10.2023 00:25

Interesting speculation - thanks.

cheetad - 14.10.2023 18:43

If we could understand our brain, we would be so stupid that we wouldn't understand it

Wenn wir unser Gehirn verstehen könnten wären wir so dumm das wir es doch nicht verstehen würden

Pat D
Pat D - 14.10.2023 07:28

do not watch this high
