Flying with cats and tips on travel sedation

Flying with cats and tips on travel sedation

Helpful Vancouver Vet

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@minimalmiuae - 03.08.2021 14:59

My cat is not really a meaower but really a very stressed traveler. He is panting panting like crazy even for a short drive to the vet. Is there maybe something that would calm them rather than sedate them?

@Theatriics - 02.02.2021 00:15

Is it safe to give catnip tea and gabapentin simultaneously?

@xyfuras - 11.12.2020 10:31

Words of support.

@goooc - 07.12.2020 19:50

I see Lancelot and I click on like. Don't even have a cat.

@AlessandroPasotti87 - 07.12.2020 18:26

I have a 4 yo black cat that i should bring with myself in my campervan sometimes. how can i help him to be calm and relaxed? it's and old van a little noisy from the engine and without air conditioning, so in summer we must keep the windows open and this makes him cry...

@MzAnzu - 07.12.2020 18:24

though I'm not sure I am my cat's favourite person :S:S [I live alone with cat]

@szilviaborbola890 - 07.12.2020 17:35

Even the thought of putting my cat in the luggage compartment gives me anxiety! I can't even put him in the trunk of a car and I never do it. If someone only wants to travel with me while the kitty is there, we don't travel then.

@natashanat6605 - 07.12.2020 14:44

I will have to take my cat on a plan in a nearest future. Was waiting for such a kind of information

@omg_squid6949 - 07.12.2020 11:16

Can you make a video about what to prepare if you are going to have a new kitten

@b.f.2461 - 07.12.2020 06:50

Something that travellers with cats may find good to know - security will probably want you to take your cat out of the carrier to put it through the x-ray machine. If, like me, you have nightmares of your fluffy dude escaping and leading a chase through the airport, ask to go to the room for private searches. It will be quiet and enclosed, and much more secure.

@beingheardmedia6339 - 07.12.2020 00:03

Don't you have to worry about keeping them hydrated though? 😕 How do you do that?

@randomchick1234 - 06.12.2020 17:47

I'd love a video about preventing motion sickness in pets. I do a lot of car travel with my cat and I don't think it's stressful for him (he naps most of the way) but he always vomits about an hour into the drive (even if he hasn't eaten in several hours).

@Pigeonbane - 06.12.2020 15:23

Could you talk a little more about travelling with a cat by car? I'm looking at a potential two-day drive with my cat, and if it's possible to make it less stressful for her, that would be wonderful. Should I plan frequent breaks? Should I let her roam the car's interior? How should I handle her feeding? Should I load her into a largish cage in the back of my SUV with her litter box, some food and water?

@pasta8793 - 06.12.2020 10:59

i literally don't have a cat and i have never had a cat but i just love watching this channel

@lorri85 - 06.12.2020 10:06

Love from Ireland 💚🇮🇪☘

@PatrickVRegan - 06.12.2020 09:20

What a nightmare. I’d never allow my baby boy to go on a plane. Even the cabin idea sounds uncomfortable due to bath room issues.

@amandaarebel - 06.12.2020 08:40

I kinda wanna have that conversation with my pet 😂🥰

@anitapeterson9724 - 06.12.2020 06:47

I'm moving my cat from Jamaica to the USA. from an outdoor to an indoor cat. she's 6, will she adapt, what is the first thing I should I do when I get there, she is petrified of new people.

@oddcontent5152 - 06.12.2020 06:35

This is super helpful! I'm curious about tips for traveling by car with cats for 10+ hours. Sedation would definitely be preferable for my cats, because they like to meow for nearly the entire duration of car rides. Also thinking of getting carriers that have some form of a litter box in them so they're comfortable. But I do want to move sometime in the future, so I'd love as many tips as I can get!

@juk2023 - 06.12.2020 05:47

Interested to see how you feel about giving cbd oil to pets

@livvlivingintokyo - 06.12.2020 05:03

Thank you so much for answering this question!!

@MelindadelosSantos - 06.12.2020 04:41

I just recently moved, myself, and my decision is based on whether or not pets were allowed.

(I’m glad people ask you about traveling with your pet.👍🏼)

@MelindadelosSantos - 06.12.2020 04:36

Hi, Sir Lancelot!🤗
BTW, looks like you survived the move! 😄

@AmirahN - 06.12.2020 04:19

Is it okay if we leave them at a cat hotel ?

@ligmaballs7430 - 06.12.2020 04:06

squish that cat

@lunasky5635 - 06.12.2020 01:26

I flew across the Atlantic with a Siamese cat under my seat. She was sedated. Howled and caterwalled the whole way. I tried to pretend the noise was not coming from my seat. The other passengers were not pleased. Three years later on the return trip she was not sedated. No meowing at all. I had to keep checking that she was still alive! BTW, i will never fly united again after they forced me to put her in the pet compartment. This was on checkin. I couldn’t afford to invalidate my ticket and i had to show up for a new job. Worse flight of my life. For six hours i was crazed. I needed sedation. Great tip on adding blankets and something with my scent. Thanks!

@anonymouse7290 - 06.12.2020 00:15

I have to make a correction there as an airline loader, pets are NEVER loaded in the same cabin as the rest of the luggage and the cabin in which they are loaded is not cold at all, it's a heated cabin in which the average temperature in flight is 25 to 26 degrees Celsius.
it is however noisier than the passenger cabin.

@monokuma2554 - 05.12.2020 23:28

Thanks a lot! I actually really needed help with this. My cat hates travelling and gets so stressed. :( I love sir Lancelot.

@silliaek - 05.12.2020 23:11

Beware of giving gabepentin to cats with kidney disease. My cat had been taking it for vet visits without incident, but now she has stage 4 CKD and the last time I gave her gabapentin it took her a week to shake it off. I thought she was dying. The kidneys can't clear it from the system. I would think twice about other types of sedatives for CKD cats as well.

@murewolf292 - 05.12.2020 22:32

please tell how to handle aggressive cats, fix them, carry them. it will be VERY useful.

@dxriyagaming - 05.12.2020 21:36

I have two cats who are siblings, and one of them is going to be put to sleep soon. I worry my other cat will get lonely and depressed. Can you give any advice on grieving pets, what to expect, or how to help them cope?

@singhss2820 - 05.12.2020 19:56

I used to go on lot of flights with my cat due to official trips. But now due to pandemic, the company has a "work from home" policy and no official travels, so my cat works from home now.

@burritocatt01 - 05.12.2020 19:44


@rachelb4398 - 05.12.2020 17:39

It should be a crime to say you're going to treat us with some footage of Mr. Pirate, then only show two seconds of him. (Still enjoyed the video, though!)

@caitlincollins5401 - 05.12.2020 16:55

This video has come at the perfect time! I’m moving from japan to Seattle in 2 weeks and flying with my cat with me in the cabin— and I’m SO nervous! 🤯

@bricem2116 - 05.12.2020 16:24

I don't even have a cat, but nice video anyway !

@georgeorwell3177 - 05.12.2020 16:24

Please DO NOT TAKE PETS IN THE CABIN. About 1/5th of people are allergic to either cats or dogs. Your pet's comfort should not come before some who is very allergic's right to fly.

@allthingsgoodand - 05.12.2020 16:08

If I have to fly trans-atlantic with two very scaredy cats (brother and sister), is it a good idea to put them in the same carrier? When I take them to the vet after pre-sedation, they are somewhat hostile towards each other once home again, but I imagine that they might comfort each other if they have to endure the stress of a flight and approximately 9-hour travel door-to-door. Or is it better to keep them in separate carriers?

@mariancrow5402 - 05.12.2020 14:41

i love your videos and need more. can you do a video about possibly-feral cats? (what does that mean?) we've had a visitor at my rural home for a couple of years, first as a skinny male adolescent he made friends with our easy-going neutered male, and now he's a husky bruiser whose face is all beat up and maybe infected. he's never let me near him, but recently he seemed sick or wounded and very slow at "running". i put out food for him and wanted to do more but was kind of scared of him. he's running faster now, but i still worry about him. is there anything else i can or should do for him? i continue to put out food for him and build a shelter where it won't get wet.

@sipos0 - 05.12.2020 14:23

I'm not planning a move with a cat, but I watched this anyway because I wanted to watch Lancelot chilling and being petted and listening to Dr Yuri is relaxing, since he clearly loves cats and so is a good person.

@sarinac.8152 - 05.12.2020 14:05

And any tips on how to get cats used to travelling by car? 💕🙏

@Look_look_at_my_cats - 05.12.2020 13:44

My husband and I had to fly from Hawaii to Texas (via layover in L.A. because there was no direct flight) with our cat when husband got out of the Navy. Our cat was a native Hawaiian that we had gotten while we were there. It was such a headache too. There were restrictions on what the temperature of our destination could be because of course Hawaii was always warm but the mainland is not... he had to be in the cargo hold for half a damn day or something (it's 3 hours from Hawaii to California, another 2 or whatever to Dallas, another 45 minutes to the much smaller town we were headed to... all the layovers... I was a nervous wreck about it but he made it okay. I would much rather have carried him inside the cabin but I don't think they even gave us the option. I mean, this was almost 11 years ago so I'm fuzzy on what airline it even was. But with all the travel time and layovers, maybe it wasn't possible. Kitteh is almost 13 now, hard to believe. I remember getting him as a wee 8 week old kitten from some lady in Honolulu for free based off a Craigslist ad. lol. He's the cat on the left in my picture <---

@rogerbradbury9713 - 05.12.2020 13:07

A cat I had years ago hated car travel (like my present cat) but seemed to enjoy motorcycle travel, in the cat box on the back of the bike. I glanced back once to see him looking past me in the direction we were travelling, fascinated by the view.
this makes me wonder; is it possible that cats are okay with vehicle travel if they can see where they are going?

@carolearbuckle5636 - 05.12.2020 12:31

Cat: Are we there yet ? 😻

@hugheskailey - 05.12.2020 11:08

wow i had no idea about the increased rates of mortality from sedation if they’re under the plane :(

@superSamioo - 05.12.2020 10:24

Squish det cet guy

@thechopmonster23 - 05.12.2020 10:00

I love these videos, they make me so happy! Thank you for making them. Lancelot is such a handsome baby <3

@nahlanat.kreshnan3131 - 05.12.2020 09:30

Your cats are sooo cute and squeezable!

@aimeem - 05.12.2020 09:06

This is such a great channel -- so heartwarming, even if you don't have pets.
