The need for convergence and harmonization of ESG frameworks and metrics across industries and regions has become critical in today’s market landscape. Investors and asset managers need quality data that they can compare across companies, industries, and indexes. The critical need for convergence and harmonization of ESG frameworks and metrics globally is the topic of today’s program. Laura Callaghan, Associate Director of ESG Services at Novata, is going to take us behind the scenes into the Service team’s important role in moving Novata beyond the sustainable investment industry perception that this is just a technology platform. We will explore the ESG convergence initiatives and frameworks that are key for market transparency, and what barriers exist in achieving this convergence.
*Novata Sustainable Intelligence*
Understanding Financed Emissions with Steve Cain
00:00 - Introduction
00:16 - Guest Intro: Laura Callaghan
00:57 - Welcoming Laura from London
01:13 - What is ESG convergence or interoperability?
01:55 - Need for ESG metric convergence and obstacles to achieving it
03:32 - Time to achieve ESG convergence
05:33 - Role of regulators and industry associations
09:07 - How Novada supports investors' portfolio companies in ESG reporting
11:13 - Managing ESG reporting and regulations for entrepreneurial platforms
13:40 - Implications of standardized ESG reporting for corporate disclosure and investor engagement
16:11 - Impact of political changes on ESG reporting
18:50 - Regional Implications and Adjustments for Novada's New APAC Office
21:21 - Closing remarks and where to find more information about Novada
#ESGframeworks #convergence #harmonization #markettransparency
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