What If Darth Vader UPGRADED his Suit

What If Darth Vader UPGRADED his Suit

Star Wars Jaylon

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Star Wars Jaylon
Star Wars Jaylon - 13.07.2022 16:07

Disclaimer* Yes, I adkowledge that his suit gave him rage boost. But, without it wouldnt make him a weaker sith.

I think that would be like saying if he didnt get cut by Obi Wan, he’d be a Jedi again. With a new suit. He would be like Maul, he’d still hate the Jedi, himself and his master.

But he’d be able to sleep, meditate better, and he would be able to think further ahead. Meaning the force would become more tune with him. He would also 100% be a better duelist.

Braeden Twumasi
Braeden Twumasi - 20.05.2023 03:27

Exactly if Vader upgraded his suit he would have become more powerful than he already is it stated that Vader is 80 or 85 of the emperors power vader but with the new suit he can become probably 95%.

Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker - 30.12.2022 05:14

Aka, he would be frikin unstoppable

AdamApex - 13.12.2022 23:37

Vader: “upgrades his suit”
Palpatine: wait that’s hacking

STEVEJELLY2000 - 02.12.2022 00:47

what’s that music called?

Deity’s devil
Deity’s devil - 19.11.2022 09:24

Vader to starkiller: ever heard the tragedy of Darth sideous the fallen?

TheAntiTrope - 02.11.2022 20:34

Can you imagine a Darth Vader taken over by the Mnggal-Mnggal?

Kontur - 19.10.2022 00:07

just by this you can realize how strong anakin would be if he joined son on mortis

Buxton Fisherman
Buxton Fisherman - 16.10.2022 05:01

My answer to his question at the beginning:
Well, we be fucked

Low quality TV
Low quality TV - 04.10.2022 23:36

What is the Darth Vader got a new suit he would become a Jedi

MG - 29.09.2022 07:49

Vader wanted That He thinks Force is a better weapon then Ligthsaber Thats why he keeped the suit

2D Metroid Fandom
2D Metroid Fandom - 28.09.2022 04:58

But the main reason why Darth Vader rejected this was because of the fact that he loses his stronger connection to the path of the force that he's has been walking on the rage the anger the lost the power gave him the advantage over Skywalker and keeps Anakin Skywalker dead and confined in prison why increased and concentrate that pain into power that fueled who he is and the being that Vader has became. without the suit that he had previously it would make him weaker and less connection to the dark side of the force it may be true that he might get stronger and there's that possibility however it is very low though but the possibilities and the risk are too high for Anakin Skywalker to return and to come back to the light side of the force was too far great. There was too many consequences to just simply switch to a more advanced and comfortable suit because it weakened Darth Vader's connection to the dark side of the force and gives more strength to the light side of the force that would inevitably have Anakin Skywalker's return.

Brooke Stone
Brooke Stone - 27.09.2022 01:05

This is why the dark side is Worse

Carter Rice
Carter Rice - 11.09.2022 19:42

Yes but if he got a new suit he would die cause he needs that suit to live

fancysuit 97
fancysuit 97 - 08.09.2022 05:20

did i just see darth vaders cheeks.?

SpaceLight X
SpaceLight X - 05.09.2022 19:52

He could actually be stronger but the problem is that with no help dearth Vader could by trying changing suit that’s why he is still in the same

Connor Valdez
Connor Valdez - 28.08.2022 01:05

I think that if vader chose to upgrade his suit he wouldve stayed on the darkside instead of letting luke win because he wouldnt be forced into being there by his pain. It wouldve been his choice.

SLMJIM - 27.08.2022 16:17

I'm pretty sure he would of died without the suit because there's a theory that Vader was using the dark side to keep him alive because he seemingly died for no reason when he turned to the light side with luke

Peter Elliott
Peter Elliott - 27.08.2022 06:45

All Vader needed was rubber boots... Force lightning would have no effect. Yay science

ERDEM Kenobi
ERDEM Kenobi - 26.08.2022 21:02

Vader must use some Beskar, he will be immortal

Bruce - 26.08.2022 13:18

Well the emperor offered him one before, I don’t know if it’s canon or not, but Vader turned it down cause there was like a decent chance he’d die when being transferred into the suit and cause he likes the rage

ΩGrεεkGamingΩ - 23.08.2022 17:54

Tbh thou how would he? He only has what palp does hes his master im betting he'd know hes striving to get an upgrade so i mean i think he wouldn't be able to by himself

Mai Thy Doan
Mai Thy Doan - 23.08.2022 17:28

Vader have force lightning

Shep South
Shep South - 23.08.2022 08:30

There's a possibility that order 66 is what really made him into a Sith, as we dont see Sith eyes until after the order is given.

RedRobins - 21.08.2022 14:58

Let’s not give the Sith Lord ideas cool?

songoheezy - 21.08.2022 08:09

I meant upgrade

songoheezy - 21.08.2022 08:09

I wish he did uograde

NightInShame 306
NightInShame 306 - 21.08.2022 05:20

Thanks so much for your personal opinion and literally no facts

Jonah Cowans
Jonah Cowans - 20.08.2022 07:36

Vader needs nothing. For him hatred was enough

llittle Drummer boy
llittle Drummer boy - 19.08.2022 17:07

NuMbEr 15....

Caden Ball
Caden Ball - 19.08.2022 15:11

We should get a star wars what if. So we can see stuff like
1. What if qui gon never died
2. What if anakin didn't join the sith
3. What if obi wan joined anakin
4. What if vader upgraded his suit
You know stuff like that

Zar - 19.08.2022 11:08

Vader suit updates
- 70→90+ potential
- Enchaced Focus
'Nerfed heroes & skills'
-nerfed sidius
-nerfed 'force lightning skill' 90 Damage → 70 damage

GORILLA PIMP - 18.08.2022 06:20

Fc palpatines orders, vader should a disobeyed an upgraded his suit anyways

HeyItsHellfire - 16.08.2022 23:16

When your body feels something like an absurd amount of power, it only ever learns to adapt to it, like when goku learned super saiyan god for the first time, his timer went out but his body learned from his experience and got a huge power boost

This would be similar with Vader as yes his armour gives him a. Rage boost, his body and mind would have already learned what that felt like, so even if he got new armour, not only would that make him more deadly, he could essentially learn how to harness that rage boost and make it permanent, making him the most deadly being in Star Wars, and imagine just how much more deadly he can get by training his dark side even more!

The Proclaimed
The Proclaimed - 16.08.2022 02:49

Hey vader… you could make the cool new suit and just add a few needles and citrus fruit and salt shakers instead of keeping the old one

somebody - 14.08.2022 13:30

What if... he reached Fp st the same time too?

Sensei - 14.08.2022 08:31

Why Vader didn't upgrade his suit........ Because Writer don't want

justamatter v
justamatter v - 13.08.2022 19:48

I reckon obi wan would still best him

Random Guy
Random Guy - 13.08.2022 03:15

Hard choice

Wendigo 🏳️‍🌈⃠
Wendigo 🏳️‍🌈⃠ - 12.08.2022 20:36

Man tortured by his own suit that he can't think straight, yet still have a big role in the series. dat palpatine ballsacks looking like dude ain't shit

Niklas Köhn
Niklas Köhn - 12.08.2022 11:07

pretty sure the fact he was put in a torture suit would suffice as an anger source

HubaUPC - 12.08.2022 07:52

wasn't his choice

Catherine Keena
Catherine Keena - 12.08.2022 07:25

He has a super suit in the SW expanded universe/ SW legends. However, he choses to not use it though I forget the reason why. I know the upgraded suit also limited his abilities and was uncomfortable/ painful as the Emperor didn’t want him to be able to reach his full potential.

The Divine
The Divine - 12.08.2022 02:28

Do you think he’d get a dick upgrade as well?

Payton 0210
Payton 0210 - 12.08.2022 01:29

Anakin/vader is the most powerful we all know this

Amandeep Gill
Amandeep Gill - 10.08.2022 23:53

Og Vader: anger
Upgraded Vader: I do not wish to be angry anymore, only at peace

DarkiGG - 10.08.2022 10:52

I hope you remember Anakin has no arms amd legs

AverageKu_Grinder - 10.08.2022 05:41

Vader was 80% not 70 this was confirmed by George Lucas himself

Idspispopd - 10.08.2022 03:59

Man I didnt like George Lucas handing over star wars to Disney because in the Disney star wars luke was drinking blue walrus nipple juice wtf

Kristopher Ryan
Kristopher Ryan - 10.08.2022 01:31

