DON'T Do This When Buying a New Mac...

DON'T Do This When Buying a New Mac...

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@zapruder01963 - 12.01.2024 19:43

why u use chrome?

@CheerupA1 - 12.01.2024 13:18

You can browse the Internet on a Chromebook

@Tech-geeky - 10.01.2024 05:05

Don't confuse uses by saying "most"
Its depends on the user, not the reviewer. After all who's actually gonna be using it? Its ok for "helping hand" i buy would never fully go on board with whatever they say, even it was a complete newbie...

If your buying an Apple product, that's what their sales staff are there for. and arguably, much less invasive :P

BTW. i never thought Apple would do the same 'binning' as Intel chips were best known for, particularly we all see Apple as 'premium products' and they have to resort to this ? There is a reason why they are supposed to be a premium cost... but i guess, there is a drawback to that as well... Buying a chip has never been more confusing 😆

@gaiustacitus4242 - 04.01.2024 22:25

There was a time when typical web pages were designed to a maximum of 50k because of bandwidth and the graphics capability of users' computers. As web pages grew to multiple megabytes in size it became necessary to upgrade to newer computers in order to render the pages. These days even a decade old computer can browse any well designed website with ease. The only sites a user may have problems with are the single page websites (which can be massive).

Any modern computer that is well designed and constructed and used for common tasks should last a user for at least a decade if it is not abused. The only people who really need to upgrade every year or two are performing very demanding tasks.

@geoffstrickler - 04.01.2024 16:45

Going with 16GB RAM and 512GB SSD are good future proofing steps. External storage is much less expensive than upgrading the internal SSD, so unless you’re going to be working mobile most of the time and know you’re likely to need more than 512GB of storage, upgrading beyond that is of questionable value. Going to the 512GB SSD improves expected life span and increases performance.

RAM is a big deal. While virtual memory swapping can work well for switching between multiple programs, it doesn’t work as well if you have one program that uses a lot of RAM. Extra RAM is definitely likely to be helpful in the future too as programs and OS’s are always getting larger. Plus, more RAM means less virtual memory swapping, which means longer SSD life.

Extra CPU/GPU cores. Not very useful to most users. There are specific tasks that benefit from more cores, but most mainstream applications will see little/no benefit from more than ~6 CPU cores. Intense games and a few specific compute tasks may benefit from more GPU cores. Mainstream users won’t even notice.

@Yowzoe - 03.01.2024 00:34

❓Rookie question:
Is there a way to suspend tabs on Safari on a Mac as there is on Chrome on a Chromebook (an extension or Chrome itself)?

I bought an 8/256 M2 MacBook. I'll be a light user for sure, but now I wish I got 16/256, because I'm worried that having several programs open plus many many tabs will cause hiccups and slowdowns.

Any knowledgeable advice would be appreciated.

@slydog55 - 29.12.2023 13:43

Excellent video! I bought a base 13" Macbook air M1 last year, was afraid the base config would not be enough for me (a casual user) but it turned out fine. I saw the little spinning wheel only 3 times in a year due to loads of Google pages loaded but that's it. So this year I am getting a base 15" Macbook air M2 and I'm no longer worried of the specs. I came from a Windows gaming PC with crazy RAM and HD. But I no longer need these specs for casual browsing and app gaming. I have been "future proofing" my laptops all my life. But I still never kept a PC for more than 3 years. So the video is true.

@jeffreynichols803 - 22.12.2023 22:42

My two bobs worth…., I purchased a MacBook Pro early 2014, with 500 gb. Im a low level user, and figured that would be ample storage. 8 years later, the computer is full, thanks to photos, music and documents. So I’ve been through all my albums, deleted heaps of pics, but still have very little disk space to update to the latest operating system. I should have bought a 1 tb, but cannot remember if it was even an option. Now I find I can upgrade my storage, so I’ve ordered 2 tb to install. Hopefully that will get me another 5 years. Cheers.

@ewitte12 - 16.12.2023 20:33

I run 64GB on windows. Based on my16GB Mac mini m2 pro tests if i were to go 100% Mac I would be fine with 32GB. There isnt an existing Mac that would meet all my demands though if there was it would probably be like $20k lol. I didnt really need the pro for what i use it for but hdmi on the standard m2 wasnt sufficient for my display. 60hz annoyed the crap out of me the 3 days i had the base model.

@vladimir0rus - 16.12.2023 16:20

So for now 8GB of RAM is enough for office/browsing same as 4GB was 10 years ago. Which means that in next 5-10 years your 8GB macbook became as useless as 4GB old model now.

@weelebaseknowles4410 - 08.12.2023 18:51

I have a windows desktop for high end stuff

@CanadianTips - 01.12.2023 15:27

This is the first true and honest video i have ever seen

@shaunalan7542 - 01.12.2023 02:51

These are all questions and decisions that don't matter because you already lost when you decided to buy a Mac.

@valdir7426 - 30.11.2023 23:33

it's crazy how people are all about "future proofing" and then will switch their computer after three years.

@valdir7426 - 30.11.2023 23:32

I usually upgrade when there's a significant performance change; and usually not for a few years. Bewteen 2011 and 2018-ish there was a big stall in performance so if you hadn't the fastest mac of your generation you were better off going for the top of the line but used than a new entry level. This changed for the M1. Also unless you absolutely need it never take upgrades and/or go for used offers. The resale market will make your upgrades really lose a lot of value.

@redforcelist - 30.11.2023 01:15

Would 16/256 be enough for schooling and some gaming (sims 4 and Stardew Valley) ?

@abgminhartanah - 29.11.2023 09:03

You saved my money a lot dude

@Blakehx - 22.11.2023 21:23

Apple makes good products but they’re “upgrades” are a freakin scam… an extra $2k for a larger SSD that costs like $400 is a total gouge!

@shanker302 - 19.11.2023 08:37

I have an Early 2011 15” MacBook Pro and this year have noticed my bank website and a few others no longer work due to my Mac no longer up to date.

@GrooveYouVerse - 19.11.2023 08:10

The reason I max RAM: After Effects. If you know, you’ll know.

Plus 3d animation and photoshop. But mainly AE

@BattleshipAgincourt - 14.11.2023 04:02

One thing you get with higher specs is peace of mind. I don’t need 16 GB ram, but knowing I have that reserve ability is always present. 200 extra on already expensive computer gives you the sense of security all the time, whereas always watching how much storage you have left or if you’ve maxed the RAM… not favorable.

@Mrdealornodeal618 - 06.11.2023 18:10

Very thorough! Good content.

@nexx410 - 03.11.2023 21:50

No future proofing they push new updates to slow down old computers because they need you to buy new ones.

@openbabel - 31.10.2023 12:51

There is a question which the consumer wants to know but will never get an answer to

Will a 3 nano architecture be too fragile brittle to last long in use ? will the manufacturers ever tell you of such an impending disaster or will it be covered up ?

@impedent3 - 30.10.2023 08:56

2 or 3 years, Yeah right! More like 5 or more at least.

@KarlKnutson0615 - 28.10.2023 19:39

Ram is worth going to 16 if you do anything insense. I am a DJ and 8gb glitches.

@hardchoice19 - 22.10.2023 01:41

I like how you deliver your perspective and insights. Informative watch!

@favap1 - 21.10.2023 00:15

What's more important, RAM or SSD size? I have issues with all my documents on Dropbox and that uses all my storage. I have kept my Mac products for at least 6 years or more. Currently have a iMac 2020, MacBook Pro 2014, with 16G RAM and 1TB SSD drive. Really use my laptop for presentations and traveling (emails, reports, spreadsheets, work related tasks). Leaning towards the MacBookAir 15" over the MBP. Any suggestions?

@JeromeVIP - 19.10.2023 23:27

The lovely sponsor block for safari and chrome removed the useless sponsor messages in this video

@player234145 - 19.10.2023 16:11

This is the worst worst thing about apple. You pay huge amount of money for peanut upgrades. But it is criminal to sell 2012 standard (256 ssd and 8 gig RAM) in 2022 for huge money. this is brutal capitalism

@dproulx222 - 18.10.2023 10:08

2011 iMac here... Still works perfectly well with the SSD upgrade which was done 5 years back. Great computer...

@rogermichto6359 - 17.10.2023 22:49

pretty much everything made by apple trash is scam

@sub.owen.create - 17.10.2023 09:09

Very helpful video. I am one of those future proofing guys but your logic of buying what you need, use for 4 or 5 years, resell the unit and repeat is the winner.
Genuinely helped me out. Thank you…

@Mu7u298 - 05.10.2023 17:06

I bought my first Mac at 2016 highest specs ( 16 GB Ram at that time was the highest + 1 TB SSD) , its been 7 years with zero decrease in speed . the only thing that it decreased is the battery life of course . Everything else is super smooth . I read its better to have 16 GB Ram M1 than M2 8GB Ram. Laptops are not like phones you buy it says with you for min of 5 years + MacBooks have a very long life span especially if you take care of it .

@valhala73 - 05.10.2023 15:37

Nice point of view!!! BUT ,IN YOUR OPINION, wich set up would you choose If you are going to edit photos with programs like Capture One and want to keep your computer at list 10 years ahead?
Take care!

@mikeycj - 05.10.2023 04:52

My MacBook Pro is currently 11yrs but I’m finally making jump to upgrade!

@ahgasestayonce3070 - 30.09.2023 19:25

I really like your video, it's always so practical and make me realize where I should spend my money on

@hugsandthanks1460 - 18.09.2023 19:05

Very helpful advice. But one thing to note, as long as Apple allows older machines to upgrade to their latest operating system, older macs should work just fine, at least to an extent. Real problems will occur only if they stop providing OS upgrades to older macs.

@gmoddude12 - 17.09.2023 17:02

okay i am gonna be honest and reveal what is probably a very stupid reasoning for wanting an m2 macbook air......i simply prefer the design
Sure the wedge design of m1 is nice and iconic but man do i love the midnight color m2 design sooooo much more XD

@suprola7961 - 13.09.2023 07:18

I’ll only buy base models now. Especially since they are no longer user repairable.

@scottbrady4472 - 08.09.2023 11:10

I was one of the Intel suckers...
