MMORPG Tier List 2022

MMORPG Tier List 2022


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TheLazyPeon - 20.12.2021 20:58

Prediction for next year: New World moves up to A Tier - Lost Ark moves into the top 4 (That game has some crazy new content coming) and We'll see CorePunk release hopefully ending up somewhere in high B to low A tier, can't think of any other big MMO releases coming next year of the top of my head, hopefully something new surprises us, In the future I'll do tier lists in a less linear way to keep the vid more interesting

James - 25.05.2023 16:18

Black desert, and wow being A tier shows how dead MMO‘s really are.

Kurho Oni
Kurho Oni - 03.05.2023 11:04

i cant put wow and ff14 at the same rank, because imo ff14 lak of actual real pve end game content..
If your goal is to play your class in group, and face challenges, then there is rly little to do in ff14 the game is great, but imo its a casual gposer game now a day
Not to mention that the pvp is a joke

Gnarly Repodz
Gnarly Repodz - 14.04.2023 12:14

tibia is never on these tops man :(

Gabezilla - 02.04.2023 07:52

Lol your list does not have Tibia. it's the MMO KING I play wow every now and then but I play Tibia non-stop since 2013, plus Tibia has consistently held spot on twitch outpacing Runescape several times in view count

Samanth Gail
Samanth Gail - 29.03.2023 03:22

what about FFXI online 20 years an still going

Kody King
Kody King - 23.03.2023 19:01

Makes MMORPG list, Doesnt include some of the oldest most legendary MMORPGS.

Tree of Savior


Wìnd - 10.03.2023 12:32

Where maplestory at??? Also Raider Z was way ahead of its time. I wish they could bring it back.

Kill Well
Kill Well - 02.02.2023 06:03

the lineage 2 dion ost got me chocked up

baka - 01.02.2023 13:46

No one talks about Drakensang online.🥲

Marcos Martin
Marcos Martin - 30.01.2023 22:17

Funny how you just overlooked Eve, a game based purely on social interactions, the actual mechanics of the game are just an addon to the core mechanic that is, social game play, purely PvP. Got no friends on Eve? You're not playing it right

Marcos Martin
Marcos Martin - 30.01.2023 22:06

You didnt count Tibia there

Billy_Cross - 28.01.2023 06:27

Forge too, but you just basically describe sky forge perfectly I mean from the bat loads of different kinds of currency, which makes it really annoying to the fact that it’s boring. Just the same repetitive combat over and over again and the Conrad is Miranda I’m in the combat is OK but it’s nothing spectacular. But game is boring and it’s very fade away and I’m really extremely pay to win

Billy_Cross - 28.01.2023 06:24

Yeah, there’s DC universe online on Consol as well and much like never winter I think because our lives we have a much more limited choice. It’s still pretty relevant on Consol that seems like I watched you do a one of your first impression videos not too long ago where are you? Were amazed at how many people use all running around in the world DC universe online is still fairly well populated. It’s just old and all the graphics are old I mean it’s all it really is they talked about modernize and then bring it on down religion for and I don’t know if that’s ever gonna happen. I went back a couple times and played it for a while, but it just doesn’t hold my interest because most of the story Contant that’s fun and relevant you expand that you know the leveling process in a couple of days, but it is actually pretty good, it’s just a hard he played it I mean how many times can I play DC universe online Neverwinter an elder scrolls those are the choices for me Final Fantasy too much fucking clicking in too many dialog boxes. We also have planet side two but there’s no RPG element. There’s no Storino questing it’s Jess, PVP, and when the server population declines and times are or even just at a given time of the day, there’s nothing to do.

Billy_Cross - 28.01.2023 06:21

I’m playing the shit out of Neverwinter for the last two weeks and no it’s not. I mean I’m on Consol so the instances are only 20 people big and there’s still people everywhere. There’s never a screen where you aren’t standing with people on it I mean unless you’re inside of a oh yeah, one of the caves on a mission or something but if you’re in the area that’s open to multiple players is always people And the other day I looked on Consol there were 47 instances of the enclave 47×20 I mean it’s maybe not that populated on PC and I don’t know how they do the instances there but it’s still fairly popular on Consol because you know bless unleashed is gone Tara sucks. Oh I’ll be there just aren’t any options for us unless you want to buy NI honestly, I like elder scrolls Five the controller scheme on Consol with the with the toolbar set up an ass it’s just got issues for me and black desert on Consol is shit. It looks bad it’s this eccentric user interface is terrible to work with on a consul. We just don’t have that many options legitimately all we really have for free to play is Neverwinter Anterra that are that are even remotely worth playing with good combat.

dragon luffy
dragon luffy - 27.01.2023 20:45

Time for 2023 version :)

Steve Osborn
Steve Osborn - 26.01.2023 02:59

I still play swtor and Secret world weekly 😂 well, just started back a month ago so it has been a few years. I played both when they first dropped and finally bought a gaming pc again, got back into them for nostalgia sake. Secret world legends had so much potential, the quests, lore and story are amazing.

Checking this video out because I’m considering giving Wow a go.

ZigTsig - 25.01.2023 05:55

aion is the best

Trenton McCoy
Trenton McCoy - 24.01.2023 21:34

LazyPeon: S Tier mmo? Lmfao none.

Green-Pill Neo
Green-Pill Neo - 22.01.2023 17:13

It's a bit strange to have black desert be the top ranked mmo when the best thing you could say about it is "i have fun for a couple days" and "its coming for your wallet pretty hard"

pappa lars
pappa lars - 21.01.2023 00:02

Putring wow on a tier is just not true anymore

Marco - 20.01.2023 16:57

S tier: Haven & Hearth

Trevor Bennett
Trevor Bennett - 20.01.2023 13:49

Realm of the mad god?

Ge’Cori Fonseca
Ge’Cori Fonseca - 19.01.2023 21:02

The game he described in the biggining of the video is BDO

Squidward - 17.01.2023 22:52

How about dofus

MARKIZ - 17.01.2023 11:07

L2 are old and Runescape are not old. Big brain :<

Alin N.
Alin N. - 17.01.2023 00:22

Its funny that you place Albion on A tier and you don't know where EvE should be when Albion is just a fantasy clone of EvE :D. WIth some minor adjustments to make it more casual.

ПАЗВЛЕЧЕНИЯ & ПЕСНИ - 15.01.2023 07:04



Bobert B wild
Bobert B wild - 14.01.2023 02:56

250 ping is un playable… uhhh… what about 700?

Cross Vinburn
Cross Vinburn - 13.01.2023 14:56

How to be saved and be right with God for eternal life!
1-Admit you’re a sinner and be willing to turn from your own self righteousness to God.
2-Believe onto Jesus Christ,who being the begotten Son of God, died on the cross, was buried and resurrected for the full forgiveness of our sins as a free gift.
3-Confess onto God,asking to be saved accepting this free gift of salvation,
to start a new life being born again after being saved from your sins.

Scripture links below from the King James Bible.

The romans road to salvation.
1.Romans 3:10, “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:"
2.Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”
3.Romans 5:8, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
4.Romans 5:12, “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for all that have sinned:"
5.Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
6.Romans 10:9, “That is thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
7.Romans 10:13, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

More scripture.
John 3:16-17
16."For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
17.”For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”

Romans 5:8-9
8."But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
9."Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him."

1 Corinthians 15:1-4,
1."Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2."By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.”
3."For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;”
4."And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”

More Scripture for how people will act before/in the last days.

1 Timothy 4:1-5
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;"
2."Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;”
3."Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth..”
4."For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving”
5."For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.”

2 Timothy 3:1-7
1."This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come."
2."For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,"
3."Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,"
4."Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;"
5."Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."
6."For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,"
7."Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."

Jon Colando
Jon Colando - 07.01.2023 20:02

An S tier mmo to me is the oasis from ready player one and I don’t see that happening for a very very long time.

Aldatrustra Monarkas
Aldatrustra Monarkas - 07.01.2023 01:39

I think the only mmorpg gonna go to the S tier is riot mmo, we gonna see dat.

K. M
K. M - 06.01.2023 14:53

Ah, the Dion theme. It brings nostalgia.

Matthew Logan
Matthew Logan - 06.01.2023 07:07

If you need a caption maker lmk and I'll make them for you

Sappy Naps
Sappy Naps - 06.01.2023 02:42

As someone with 4k hrs on Albion. This guy has no idea about what Albion Online is lmao. The fact that he picked one of the least important feature of the game "Enchanted mobs when not killed for a while" as one of the main points of discussion shows how uneducated he is about the game.

Sinroyal - 04.01.2023 00:32

Putting EVE online on E tier actually disgusting lol.

BHORBAK - 03.01.2023 21:53

I agree with this empty s rank tier...

Timo Epis
Timo Epis - 03.01.2023 18:58

eve E while tera got a c and just died lol

Lux Vita
Lux Vita - 01.01.2023 17:32

you had a few really old games ... why not maplestory on the list?

uncle chalmers
uncle chalmers - 30.12.2022 16:57

Are both DAOC and Everquest not on your list whatsoever?

sf - 29.12.2022 04:12

stopped watching after he put an X in S tier lol wtf.

Felipe - 29.12.2022 01:10

Ragnarok S-tier xd

Vlad CH
Vlad CH - 28.12.2022 21:56

He will have fun playing BDO for day or two, then gets bored grinding same mob over and over, and goes potting BDO to tire A 🤣🤣🤣

macreinegamer - 26.12.2022 15:20

S class is tibia online 1997 mmorpg really for me the best mmorpg

Hašekfan - 25.12.2022 07:38

No Sherwood Dungeon? Clearly the best game

Bastt - 24.12.2022 16:48

where is Tibia in this list??

Leonard Ceres
Leonard Ceres - 22.12.2022 05:44

Okay let’s be real here. Wow, FfXIV, GW2, Eso. Everything else is a Niche game. Albion? lol 😂 OSRS gimme a break! 😅

Cass Mera
Cass Mera - 20.12.2022 21:56

How can you not put EverQuest on the list best mmorpg ever

Skywalk FPV
Skywalk FPV - 20.12.2022 01:09

Swords of Legends should be in front of New World and or A tier, the only downside is that it did not have the exposure it deserves and therefore lacks player base and GW2 and ESO before BDO..
